
语料库Corpus of Contemporary American怎么用?

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解决时间 2021-05-16 06:55

1. 例举Collins 和 COCA的若干查询句法(query syntax)? 一. Collins 1.make+Nmistake N=1时,出现 make a mistake; make the mistake; make no mistake等 N=2时,出现make a mistake;Make the same mistake等 2.make@+1mistake 出现make a mistake;make the mistake;made a mistake;making a mistake等 3. make*+1mistake 出现make a mistake;make no mistake;makes the mistake等 4.take+ NOUN 出现take place;take advantage of;take steps to等 5. VERB+1game@ 出现improve their game;hang any game;playing games;spent games;scoring games等 6. do+1NN 出现do the Doodlebug;do the balance;do all day;do the work等 7.make+NNS 出现make suggestions;make products;make points等 8.JJ+mistake 出现common mistake;terrible mistake;the big mistake ;obvious `mistake'等 9. RB+make@ 出现not made; then made; ever made; even make; only make等 二.COCA 1.big* 出现BIG 170465次; BIGGEST 28396次; BIGGER 18899次等 2.[=big] trees 出现LARGE TREES 18次;MATURE TREES 15次;TALL TREES 14次等 3. [V*] mistake 出现MIGHT MISTAKE 3次;MAY MISTAKE 3次等 4. * place* 出现IN PLACE 2997次;A PLACE 2418次;TOOK PLACE 2228次等 5. un*ly 出现 UNFORTUNATELY 3885次; UNLIKELY 3348次; UNDOUBTEDLY 1662次等 6. [vvg] 出现 USING 34034次; MAKING 18385次;WORKING 13409次等 7. [v?g] 出现BEING 47303次;USING 34034次; HAVINg 19440次等 8. [[=publish]] the 出现ANNOUNCED THE 308次;PUBLISHED THE 290次; DISTRIBUTE THE 128等 9. [davies:clothes] 出现 BELT 1153次; TIE 858次; HAT 710次; SHIRT 373次等 10. dis*.[vvd] 出现 DISCOVERED 2500次; DISCUSSED 1870次; DISPLAYED 832次等 11. [put] on * 出现PUT ON THE 194次; PUT ON A 110次;PUT ON HOLD 29次;PUTTING ON A 20次等 2. 通过语料库, 弄清楚 Hope 和 wish 两词的意思和使用方面的差异,举例说明。 3. Dedicate一词,在科技英语/学术英语中常有哪些主要意思?举出例句。 4. 如何利用语料库来解决英语运用方面的困难和疑问,举例说明? ★2-4题合并练习如下: •(1) 帮助解决记忆单词难问题 对于英语学习者来说,要克服单词障碍似乎除了死记硬背没有什么更好的办法,语料库的出现将彻底改变我们在这个认识上的误区。学习一个生词不仅仅是记住它的发音、拼写和意思,还要熟悉它所出现的语境和句子,这样才能真正把握住单词的用法,牢固地记住单词。语料库能提供大量的实例,使我们聚焦某个单词的各种用法,注意到单词所出现的语言环境和句子,这样使得我们更容易在真实语境中记忆单词,效果更佳。 例如:形容词delicate有多种意思,可以翻译为:精巧的、精致的、病弱的、脆弱的、微妙的、棘手的、灵敏的、精密的。但在什么情况下可理解为"精巧的",在什么情况理解为"微妙的"或者"脆弱的"则需要实际例子才能讲得清楚,通过语料库检索够可以得到有关delicate大量的句子实例等。检索结果:我们可以从语料库里查找到delicate的各种用法。利用语料库学习或讲解单词可以扩展我们的视野,加深对单词的理解,增强用词造句的能力。 "receive this recycled stationary pack with a delicate jungle etching on a lavender background. It helps define the eyes without dragging the delicate skin around them. For a softer line, blend Silver Earrings £ 37.50 ea21587 [p] [h] Delicate Raindrops of Pure Quartz [/h] The simple brown in colour, with large pores and a delicate crust. [/h] [h] Pretzels and savoury village hotel High Pyrenees family welcome, delicate cuisine, half-board included the most attract and hold the dust. Ideal for use on delicate objects, ornaments, furniture and polished range of programmes for lightly soiled and delicate clothes; no-spin drip-dry programmes; stage-RAMEKINS [/h] Courgette souffle is a delicate and delicious mixture, made creamy with a DOES IT [/h] FREE OFFER [p] [c] PHOTO [/c] Delicate dishes need to be washed up with care. " •(2) 辨析同义词 同义词的辨析是英语学习中的一大障碍。网络语料库提供的词语搭配在这方面发挥的作用是普通词典不能比拟的。因为传统词典的辨析由于缺乏大量语料的配合而无法产生同样效果。例如:wish和hope是一对常用近义词,而我们学习英语到现在都还经常误用或不能活用这两个词。通过语料库查询比较"wish"与"hope"的用法。 ●作及物动词时 wish和hope都与to do sth.搭配。但分析表明,wish to do sth. 意为"现在"想做某事,它表达的是眼下的要求或意愿(一般容易实现) ,其中"do"隐含的时间状语是"now"或"then"。而hope to do sth. 意为想在"将来"做成某事,它表达的是一个想要实现的目标(不一定能实现) ,其中"do"隐含的时间状语是"in some time to come"。语料库中摘引的例子如下: ◆A lady wished to see me urgently. ◆I wish now to give a more detailed description of the 1974 Remembrance Daymarch. ◆Their lawyer hop s to take the case to the European Council. ●wish带名词做宾语的分析 用作及物动词的wish可以带名词做宾语,两者的搭配方式为:wish sb sth.或wish sth. to /on sb. (表祝愿),wishsb. to do sth.或wish sth. done (表愿望)。 例如: ◆I wish them all the luck in the world. ◆I don't want to wish any bad luck on them. ◆Many wish Britain to have a major influence in world affairs again. ◆There is some sensitive material which the depositor does not wish divulged. 而在该语料库中没有发现hope后带名词作宾语的例子,这可以直观的说明以上两词的使用差异。 ●用作不及物动词的wish和hope之比较 用作不及物动词时,wish主要出现在if + sb. +wish、as+ sb. +wish、when + sb. +wish等组合中,表示"眼下"的愿望或要求,这些组合既可作状语,也可作插入语。而hope主要用在sb. + hope、it + be + hoped、what + sb. + hope +be等组合中,表示对一个理想情况的期盼,这些组合只作插入语。 例如从预料库中摘录的例子如下: ◆Mr. Scowcroft means that the UN is now operating as the US wishes. ◆When you print the briefing charts, you can also, if you wish, print the note files. ◆The result, he hoped, would be happy. ◆This, it is hoped, might provide an economic incentive for conservation. ◆I put the key into what I hoped was the right lock. 从实例中和真实语境中完全可以直观地分辨出两者的用法差异,给我们非英语专业学习者带来了巨大方便。 (3)不同语境中单词的准确运用 通过检索结果,可以注意到在不同文体中的不同措辞,从而有助于我们学会正确使用单词。 例如"so"与"therefore"都可以表示"因此",但是两词是否可以无条件互换,通过阅读以下检索结果可以发现。 "therefore"一词使用时,其所在的句子,没有一句以人称代词直接作为主语;而使用"so"的句子,4句中有3句使用人称代词作为主语。由此, 我们不难得出结论,"therefore"更多地是在较为正式的文体中使用。例如可以通过如下的检索可以很明显滴看出两词在文中的应用概况: "and will continue to provide. Yet we can't do so alone - we desperately need your help now. [p] the consumer to identify quality suppliers, so Betterware is proud to have become a corporate dealt with in the same way by the subconscious So what dictates the content of our dreams? Says long list for the Commonwealth Games last winter so I thought I'd go for it. [p] I did serious or lower middle class and they got into music so they wouldn't have to be workers. That was our said two hundred rebels had been killed so far while the have been arrested on suspicion she said at the end of my recital. `I've been so worried there would never be an adequate a system of exploitation of one area by another." "of women? [p] That Jesus was a man and that therefore only men can be priests. [p] That suggests or by sponsoring companies. The choice is therefore extensive for the individual student. [p] put in us to keep your details confidential. Therefore you will never receive unsolicited mail as how she will rebuild her shack. [p] DAG would therefore like to appeal to you for your help. [p] The sun is at its highest in the sky and therefore at its most powerful at midday GMT (1pm propane containers need to be stronger, and therefore bigger and heavier. The smaller your craft, guarding the Soviet Union's interests. It is therefore not interested in cultivating or proposing automatic link." (5)解决单词的搭配和使用 我们在学习英语时经常遇到单词搭配的难题,比如当一个词可以和多个词进行搭配时,对于英语功底不够深厚的学生往往很难把握,有了网络语料库以后,这些变得很容易。例如,大风,单词wind前面加什么修饰词好呢? 输入big wind,[=big] wind检索结果分别如下:BIG WIND 41; HIGH WIND 103;GOOD WIND 33;GREAT WIND 28;从中可以看出,大风的大字用HIGH单词修饰更好些,同时还可以学到不少别的用法,对学习很有帮助。 比如,完成工作,有完成意思的单词有finish,accomplish,achieve,complete,fulfill等 通过语料库可分别检索其使用频率,结果如下: ACCOMPLISH WORK 2; FINISH WORK 63;ACHIEVE no matching records;COMPLETE WORK 42;FULFILL WORK 2 从检索结果可以得出结论:通常情况下,完成工作用finish搭配work的使用频率最高,因此最合适,COMPLETE WORK 42次之,其它搭配形式较少使用。 (6)观察句法结构 在掌握单词和词语搭配的基础上,若想要造出完美的句子来,我们还必须熟悉外语的句法结构。在这方面,网络语料库同样为我们提供了探索的途径。例如,英语中,有的动词后面只接不定式做宾语,有的动词只接动名词做宾语,而有的动词既可接不定式又可接动名词做宾语,而使用不定式和动名词有时意义区别不大,有时意义完全不同,这样的句法结构常常困扰着我们,运用网络语料库我们可以轻而易举地解决这个问题。例如输入"forget + to +VB" 和"forget +VBG",我们可以得到大量的包含这一结构的样句: "by Banker's Order - it means you won't forget to pay your subscriptions. [p] Subscription weekend of family entertainment - don't forget to bring your camera! [p] SPECIAL PRICES with Mercury's basic call charges. So don't forget to press the Mercury button every time you with a note of the date you sent it. Don't forget to give your own name and address on the everyone will love. And when on tour don't forget to look up, back, around the corner " "adds a spice and excitement you will never forget. Watching an elephant herd upwind of you and with a bang. [p] Seven day/late night opening-Forget dashing out in your lunch hour, shop at MAKRO because of the forces vote and I will never forget listening to the results in the Labour Club. spray-on `bandage" [c] picture [/c] [p] Forget using plasters and bandages on grazes, cuts is still conducted on the river. How could I forget being taken out in a flat-bottomed boat by to let these feelings out if you are to forget. Having a contrite husband may have made it simple, and so thoughtless Little doll I can't forget/Smoking on a cigarette''-he's just getting child has some special educational need " 通过检索这些例句,我们可看出在forget之后用动名词表示先与forget表示的动作,而用不定式表示后于forget表示的动作。通过以上例子可以看出,借助语料库得到各种含有这种结构的例句,各个句都能释放出真实生动的语言信息,正是这样多种真实的语言信息加上反复出现的句型结构才起到强化学习效果的作用。 以上只是语料库可以帮助我们克服英语学习障碍的部分功能,从此可以看出,充分利用语料库的优势可以非常有效地帮助我们学习英语。

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