' 仿discuz论坛验证码
' version 1.0
' http://www.mysuc.com/
' Copyright (C) 2009 by hayden
' 明确变量申明
Option Explicit
' 此处设置置会话超时为3分钟
Session.Timeout = 3
' 随机运行,以确保一个随机号码检索
' 声明变量
Dim jpeg
Dim pixelsAcross,textColour,CodeTotal
Dim sessionnaem
Dim randomNumber : randomNumber = Int(Rnd * 7)+1
' 验证码全局变量名称设定
sessionnaem = "GetCode"
' 验证码个数
CodeTotal = 4
' 文字颜色
textColour = randomFomtcolor(randomNumber)
' 验证码缩进距离
pixelsAcross = Int(Rnd * 40)+3
' 创建一个jpeg对象
Set jpeg = Server.CreateObject("Persits.jpeg")
' 打开随机背景图片
drawBackGroud randomNumber,200,60
' 绘制字符
' 随机线
' 随机圆
' 随机矩形
' 返回的二进制,申明本页为一个JPEG图片类型
Set jpeg = Nothing
' 函数(drawBackGroud):打开背景图片
Function drawBackGroud(srandom,swidth,sheight)
Jpeg.Open Server.MapPath("background/background"&srandom&".jpg")
Jpeg.Width = swidth
Jpeg.Height = sheight
End Function
' 函数(drawLines):绘制随机线
Sub drawLines
jpeg.Canvas.Pen.Color = &HADCD3C
jpeg.Canvas.DrawLine 0, Int(Rnd * jpeg.Height), jpeg.Width, Int(Rnd * jpeg.Height)
End Sub
' 函数(drawBar):绘制随机矩形框
Sub drawBar
jpeg.Canvas.Brush.Solid = False '填充
jpeg.Canvas.Pen.Color = &H9CCF00
jpeg.Canvas.Bar Int(Rnd * jpeg.Width), Int(Rnd * jpeg.Height), Int(Rnd * 50)+20,Int(Rnd * 50)+20
End Sub
' 函数(drawCircle):绘制随机圆
Sub drawCircle
jpeg.Canvas.Brush.Solid = False '填充
jpeg.Canvas.Pen.Color = &H8080FF
jpeg.Canvas.Circle Int(Rnd * jpeg.Width), Int(Rnd * jpeg.Height), Int(Rnd * 10)+5
jpeg.Canvas.Pen.Color = &HEEEEEE
jpeg.Canvas.Circle Int(Rnd * jpeg.Width), Int(Rnd * jpeg.Height), Int(Rnd * 10)+10
End Sub
' 函数(doString):绘制验证码字符
Sub doString
Dim theString
Dim x
' 获取坠机字符串
theString = createRandomString()
' 循环通过字符串的每个字符
For x = 1 to len(theString)
' 在验证码图片当前位置打印字符
addLetter Mid(theString, x, 1)
End Sub
' 函数(addLetter)在验证码图片当前位置打印字符
Sub addLetter(theLetter)
' 字体的颜色
jpeg.Canvas.Font.Color = textColour
' 字体阴影
jpeg.Canvas.Font.ShadowColor = &HFFFFFF
' 是否为粗体 此处个人感觉加粗效果更好,故不做随机判断,而是直接设定加粗
'if doTextStyle then
jpeg.Canvas.Font.Bold = True
'End If
' 是否增加下划线 此处个人感觉很丑,注释掉!
'if doTextStyle then
' jpeg.Canvas.Font.Underlined = True
'End If
' 是否为斜体
if doTextStyle then
jpeg.Canvas.Font.Italic = True
End If
' 字体
jpeg.Canvas.Font.Family = "Arial Black"'randomFont()
' 字体大小
jpeg.Canvas.Font.Size = randomFontSize()
' 文字清晰度
jpeg.Canvas.Font.Quality = 4
' 背景色 当前使用了背景图,故此处注释掉
'jpeg.Canvas.Font.BkColor = backColour
' 字体背景模式(处理平滑)
jpeg.Canvas.Font.BkMode = "transparent"
' 绘制字符
jpeg.canvas.print pixelsAcross, Int(Rnd * 5), theLetter
' 字符宽度
pixelsAcross = pixelsAcross + Int(Rnd * 10)+30
End Sub
' 返回随机真假值各机率为50%
Function doTextStyle()
if Rnd() > 0.5 then
doTextStyle = true
doTextStyle = false
end if
End Function
' 返回验证码中各字符的随机大小
Function randomFontSize()
Dim theNumber
' 获取一个随机大小,范围(40-60)
theNumber = Int(Rnd * 20) + 40
randomFontSize = theNumber
End Function
' 返回随机验证码文字颜色
Function randomFomtcolor(srandomm)
Dim arrFomtcolor(8)
arrFomtcolor(1) = &HBDE3FF
arrFomtcolor(2) = &HD68618
arrFomtcolor(3) = &H086529
arrFomtcolor(4) = &H637594
arrFomtcolor(5) = &Hffffff
arrFomtcolor(6) = &HBDDBF7
arrFomtcolor(7) = &H08756B
arrFomtcolor(8) = &H295131
randomFomtcolor = arrFomtcolor(srandomm)
End Function
' 返回随机字体
Function randomFont()
Dim theNumber
Dim font
' 取得1-6区间内一随机字符
theNumber = Int(Rnd * 5) + 1
' 随机字体
if theNumber =1 then
font = "Arial Black"
elseif theNumber =2 then
font = "Courier New"
elseif theNumber =3 then
font = "Helvetica"
elseif theNumber =4 then
font = "Times New Roman"
elseif theNumber =5 then
font = "Verdana"
font = "Geneva"
end If
randomFont = font
End Function
' 返回随机验证证字符串
Function createRandomString
Dim outputString
Dim x
For x = 0 To CodeTotal-1
' 英文字符出现机率60%, 数字出现机率40%
if rnd() < 0.6 then
' 返回一个随机英文字符
outputString = outputString & Chr(Int((26 * rnd()) + 65))
' 返回一个随机数字
outputString = outputString & Chr(Int((10 * rnd()) + 48))
end if
Session(sessionnaem) = outputString
createRandomString = outputString
End Function