

答案:1  悬赏:70  手机版
解决时间 2021-05-08 06:46

学校要求我们写一个short story


最好能标明说哪里要改 而且说明原因


The silence in the house was interrupted only by the rattle of the large, clumsy wall clock in the room. It was a birthday gift from his parents many years ago, just before the horrifying disaster happened. So, he continued to display it, as the only connection that he had with his parents. But he had always despised the way that the clock had fragmented his thoughts as he is trying to concentrate on his work, even though it was the last “sound of time” that he could hear on earth. Now he sat, trying to make sense of his life and the “traces of memories” that defined it. Clunk. Clunk. He dusted himself as he stood and approached the clock. The sound stopped. He held the clock's battery in his hand. But then he had strange feeling. A feeling of how today is going to be more thrilling than usual, which made him feel even more nervous in this pure silence.

He was a thirty-seven year old man called James Clark, who apparently was the sole survivor of the genetic-mutation pandemic apocalypse that happened 29 years ago, which were the consequences of all the underground nuclear weapons testing that were going on in the nuclear nations years ago, and the symptoms of which resemble “instant dissolution” in those Hollywood movie. According to the news, almost all the humans were killed within 10 months, except for him—an eight-year-old little boy who was immune (James assumes this is because he had once inhaled a small piece of nuclear debris accidentally during his trip to Hiroshima with his parents). However, after more than 29 years of extreme lonely growth and utter quietness on the planet, his emotional struggle to cope with the loss of his humanity became part of James’ daily routine.

Well, he thought, still holding the clock’s battery. How come I am still unhappy even though I am the “King” of this tainted paradise? I can raid the grocery store and get all the things that I need at any time; I can head straight to the local Bugatti dealership and scored that Veyron I have always dreamed of without worrying about the constant-changing price of the gasoline; or even remake the world in my own image... Up to a few moments ago, he was still immersed in his fantasy world and had even forgotten the most important thing that he is struggling every single second of the day—the pains of losing families and friends and the sheer bewilderment. It had been almost ages since he had thought about all these. So once again, James’ mind fell into the grief and painful memory from the past.

It wasn’t more than a few minutes later that he heard a knock on the door. A loud, and heavy knock sound that interrupted his thoughts. That­­—and the fact that no one had ever knocked on his door in the past 29 years—causes him to wonder a little, and hopes fervently that he can still see tomorrow’s sunrise after opening this old, wooden framed door.

如果可以的话 再帮我想个比较吸引人的 题目 谢谢



The silence in the house was interrupted only by the rattle of the large, clumsy wall clock in the room. It was a birthday gift from his parents many years ago, just before the horrifying disaster happened. So, he continued to display it, the only connection that he had with his parents. But he despised the sound , the clock ticked, made his thoughts fragmented while he is trying to concentrate on his work, even though it was the "last sound of time" that he could hear on the earth. Now he sat, trying to make sense of his life and the “traces of memories” that he defined it. Clunk. Clunk. He dusted himself and then stood up and approached the clock. The sound stopped. He held the clock's battery in his hand. But then he had strange feelings. The feelings of how to make today more thrilling than usual made him feel even more nervous in this pure silence.

He was a thirty-seven year old man called James Clark, who was the sole survivor of the genetic-mutation pandemic apocalypse which happened 29 years ago. It was a series of consequences resulting from all the underground nuclear weapons tests which were conducted in the nuclear nations years ago that gave birth to the symptoms of which resemble “instant dissolution” in those Hollywood movies. According to the news, almost all the humans were killed within 10 months, except for him—an eight-year-old little boy who was immune to it (James assumes it is because he had once inhaled a small piece of nuclear debris accidentally during his trip to Hiroshima with his parents that he survived). However, after more than 29 years of extremely lonely growth and utter quietness on the planet, his emotional struggle to cope with the loss of his humanity became a part of James’ daily routines.

Well, he thought, still holding the clock’s battery, Why still the unhappiness comes while I am the “King” of this tainted paradise? I can break into the grocery store and get all the things that I need at any time; I can head straight to the local Bugatti dealership and scored that Veyron I have always dreamed of without worrying about the constant-changing price of the gasoline; or even remake the world in my own imagination... Up to a few moments ago, he still immersed in his fantasy world and even forgot the most important thing that he had been struggling every single second of the day in the pains of losing families and friends and the sheer bewilderment. It had been almost ages that he suffered the pains once he had thought of all these. So once again, James plunged himself into grief and painful memory from the past.

It was after a few minutes that he heard a knock at the door. A loud, and heavy knock sound interrupted his thoughts. That—the fact that no one had ever knocked on his door in the past 29 years—causeed him to wonder a lot, and hoped fervently that he could still see tomorrow’s sunrise after opening this old, wooden framed door.

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