
企业理念 英文

答案:2  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-31 18:24

R.S 典雅大度的风格将男性的刚毅与典雅发挥极致。主要消费人群为25-50岁左右的成熟男性,金、白领阶层,追求更高目标和完美表现的欲望,善于驾驭事业和享受生活的男士。

R.S 秉承古罗马战将与皇室的尊贵血脉,融合浪漫的欧洲风情,吸取东方文化的精华。
投射出超凡的魅力与神韵,完美体现了R.S 的尊贵,典雅与时尚的品味,使东方文化与古罗马文化交相辉映,放射出璀璨的光华。
Brand positioning
RS, generous and elegant style to men's masculinity and exert extreme elegance. Major consumer groups for the 25-50 year-old mature male, gold, white-collar class, the pursuit of higher goals and the desire of a perfect performance, and skillful in dealing with the cause of the men to enjoy life.

Brand philosophy
RS uphold the Roman war with the royal blood of the noble, romantic European-style integration, to learn the essence of Oriental culture.
Projection of extraordinary charm and charm, the perfect embodiment of the RS distinguished, elegant and fashion taste, so that the Oriental culture and ancient Roman culture of each other, Sinorama shine brighter.
our values and beliefs (values & belief) on the organization (form) through the establishment of a mission to guide the company to drive values of honesty, openness, self-motivation of the study team, for the stakeholders to create the most value. values: ★ we are actively shaping the first-class international business and a willingness to make unremitting efforts. ★ we must division of labor and cooperation, to implement the authorization and supervision of the organization of every corner. ★ we adhere to streamline the management and the communication channels open organization team. ★ our activities in all organizations and business operations uphold the integrity and benefit-sharing. ★ we insist with the fear into the management of change, the process of achieving efficient operation. belief: ★ adhere to the people-oriented, follow the objective laws and seeking truth from facts. ★ firmly believe that integrity and trust each other stakeholders to promote long-term cooperation. ★ firmly believe that "people are, for xueqin, for the spirit" to consolidate our development. ★ insist that all the stakeholders in the regular, open communication. ★ insist on what we have done all the work for continuous improvement. on the staff (employee) by encouraging a spirit of dedication, high efficiency, and have the expertise of the staff for the company to create wealth, we will be able to stakeholders to create the most value. values: ★ we in a position of the employees to the best understanding of the status of work. ★ all our staff of the companies have a high degree of loyalty and identity. ★ all our staff are in healthy competition at the same time dedicated to forge ahead. ★ we all employees in the company's development and continuous learning and progress. ★ brand and our business decisions of the value of the brand and the value of staff. belief: ★ firmly believe that every employee and personnel are dedicated to the most value for the company. ★ firmly believe that employees in the work of the open exchange of unity for the interests of companies and individuals. ★ firmly believe that the personal and professional staff development to expand the company's value creation. ★ adhere to the work of employees to share the results. ★ firmly believe that the participation of the staff can bring about innovation and job satisfaction, and to bring commercial value. on the client (client) values: we passed the integrity of cooperation with customers bring excellent value to our stakeholders to create the most value. ★ our customers and there chunwangchihan relationship. ★ our credibility is also to meet customer demand. ★ we recognize that we can not for all customers to solve all problems. ★ once we have the customer commitment, we must meet or exceed customer requirements. belief: ★ firmly believe that the details of the decision and innovation to our customers satisfaction. ★ firmly believe that the customer base and their understanding of the needs of everyone is very important. ★ firmly believe that with clients to establish a close working relationship that we provide the best way to optimize value. ★ firmly believe that through the industry leader to create the most value for customers. on the supplier (supplier) values: with suppliers through the establishment of partnerships to achieve the client's request, we will be able to stakeholders to create the most value. values: ★ our cooperation with suppliers is equal integrity, benefit-sharing. ★ our suppliers to actively carry out technical cooperation and support. ★ we strictly control the quality of products provider is also their active support. belief: ★ firmly believe that the supplier is an extension of our business. ★ firmly believe that with suppliers to achieve maximum mutual cooperation and benefit-sharing. ★ firmly believe that with suppliers to establish long-term relations of cooperation can offer our customers the most value.
新航路开辟的最根本原因是:A. 欧洲人狂热地
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