A has been putting in a few extra hours at the gym recently. Besides keeping himself in decent shape, he goes ahead and works on the acne, combs his hair at frequent intervals and brushes his teeth after every meal. He is also obsessed over his dress, and has a double take of himself in the mirror every time before he sets off.
A’s friend B is genuinely curious about A’s drastic change and over the conversation with A he finds out that A has met a girl of his dreams, and has been trying to improve his overall appearance to make a good impression.
B says men always think that women admire their muscles and full head of hair. That is a myth. Women in fact are drawn not to muscular bodies but charisma. And charisma will only ever show when men take pride in themselves of who they are.
B suggests that A should not let fear of rejection hinder his progress. The best that looks can do is to unlock the door. It takes conversational skills and a decent personality to open that door and walk through.