荆桃叶尽,春禽散,朔风萧瑟枝头。放晓晴庭院,奈败荷残柳,霜前雁后。钟鼓琴琶、犹未绝,难记轻梦独自怜。念去日华锦,同登高处,何今旧堤无痕。 黄花笑人寂,空惆怅,数幽期难准。向沧海、欲见回肠,不敢遥寻,痛绝去、无关风月。醉时亦难眠,最愁苦,但留长空。怀此恨、溅清泪、不觅前事,握蛇骑虎饮杯。待浊酒已无归。
答案:1 悬赏:20 手机版
解决时间 2021-04-23 17:35
- 提问者网友:遮云壑
- 2021-04-23 12:07
- 五星知识达人网友:舊物识亽
- 2021-04-23 12:29
荆桃叶尽,春禽散,朔风萧瑟枝头。放晓晴庭院,奈败荷残柳,霜前雁后。钟鼓琴琶、犹未绝,难记轻梦独自怜。念去日华锦,同登高处,何今旧堤无痕。 黄花笑人寂,空惆怅,数幽期难准。向沧海、欲见回肠,不敢遥寻,痛绝去、无关风月。醉时亦难眠,最愁苦,但留长空。怀此恨、溅清泪、不觅前事,握蛇骑虎饮杯。待浊酒已无归。
JingTao leaf spring, poultry, north branch bleak. Let xiao fine courtyard, with jose, before the residual frost. ZhongGu harp, and not very honoured to remember light dreams. Alone. Read on to RiHua jin, reach, this old dike. Flower people laugh, empty disconsolate, several YouQi difficult. To the sea, to see the ileum, dare not go away, and despiseth not pain, yue. Also, when drunk the most sorrow, but leave the sky. Bosom hate, splashing the clear tears, don't seek, snake before rides a tiger is to drink cup. Stay ZhuoJiu has everything.
JingTao leaf spring, poultry, north branch bleak. Let xiao fine courtyard, with jose, before the residual frost. ZhongGu harp, and not very honoured to remember light dreams. Alone. Read on to RiHua jin, reach, this old dike. Flower people laugh, empty disconsolate, several YouQi difficult. To the sea, to see the ileum, dare not go away, and despiseth not pain, yue. Also, when drunk the most sorrow, but leave the sky. Bosom hate, splashing the clear tears, don't seek, snake before rides a tiger is to drink cup. Stay ZhuoJiu has everything.