
The world is filled with smart, talented, educated and gifted people. We meet them every

答案:2  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2022-01-01 04:50

The world is filled with smart, talented, educated and gifted people. We meet them every day. A few days ago, my car was not running well. I pulled it into a garage and the young mechanic had it fixed in just a few minutes. He knew what was wrong by simply listening to the engine. I was amazed. The sad truth is, great talent is not enough.
I am constantly shocked at how little talented people earn. I heard the other day that less than 5 percent of Americans earn more than $100, 000 a year. A business consultant who specializes in the medical trade was telling me how many doctors and dentists struggle financially. It was this business consultant who gave me the phrase, “They are one skill away from great wealth.”
There is an old saying that goes, “Job means‘ just over broke (破产)' ”. And unfortunately, I would say that the saying applies to millions of people. Because school does not think financial intelligence is intelligence, most workers“ live within their means”. They work and they pay the bills. Instead I recommend to young people to seek work for what they will learn, more than what they will earn.
When I ask the classes I teach, “How many of you can cook a better hamburger than McDonald's?” almost all the students raise their hands. I then ask, “So if most of you can cook a better hamburger, how come McDonald's makes more money than you?” The answer is obvious: McDonald's is excellent at business systems. The reason so many talented people are poor is because they focus on bui1ding a better hamburger and know little or nothing about business systems. The world is filled with talented poor people. They focus on perfecting their skills at building a better hamburger rather than the skills of selling and delivering the hamburger.
【小题1】The author mentions the mechanic in the first paragraph to show that .A.he is just one of the talented peopleB.he is ready to help othersC.he has a sharp sense of hearingD.he knows little about car repairing【小题2】The underlined part in the third paragraph can be best replaced by .A.spend more than they can affordB.do in their own wayC.live in their own circleD.live within what they earn【小题3】Why do talented people earn so little according to the author?A.They don't work hard enough.B.They lack financial intelligence.C.They don't make full use of their talents.D.They have no specialized skills.【小题4】The success of McDonald's lies in its .A.skills at making hamburgers.B.good business systemsC.talented workersD.excellent service【小题5】The main purpose of the author is to tell us .A.how young people can find a satisfactory jobB.what schools should teach studentsC.why so many talented people are poorD.how McDonald's makes much moneyA
(答案→)A 解析:文章讲解的是作者通过一次修车的经历,联想到有天赋的人在实际生活中的经济收入其实是很低的,并分析了原因。【小题1】推理判断题。 根据第一段可知,作者认为修车的人很厉害,就是一个天才,有天赋的人【小题2】猜测词义题。根据第三段Instead I recommend to young people to seek work for what they will learn, more than what they will earn可知【小题3】推理判断题。根据第四段The reason so many talented people are poor is because they focus on bui1ding a better hamburger and know little or nothing about business systems.可知【小题4】事实细节题。 根据第四段 McDonald's is excellent at business systems可知。【小题5】主旨大意题。文章主要想告诉我们有天赋的人收入却很低。
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