

答案:3  悬赏:20  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-30 10:34

Ⅱ词汇 (15×1’=15’)
1、 Sunday is the f_____ day of the week
2 、He usually gets up e_____ on weekdays.
3、Han Mei likes l_____ to music a lot.
4、-Can you c the early bus ? -No,I can’t .
5、We are reading books in the I___________________
6、Shanghai is far from here ,but you can get there in two hours by p________.
7、He is very lazy(懒)He never f___________ his homework.
8、My aunt lives in Ningxia , She can r___________ a horse very well.
9、I take the subway h________ after school every day .
10、I don’t like shopping ,so I s_________ go to supermarkets .
1、There are many ships and__________ (小船)on the river.
2、The two____________ (美国人)are in China now .
3、He__________ (总是)goes to school on foot .
4、After class ,we usually have a __________ (课间休息).
5、The classes in the afternoon ___________(结束)at about 3.
Ⅲ.单项选择 ( 15×1’=15’)
1.The box is too heavy. Let _______ help you to carry it.
A. we B. us C. ours D. our
2. Li Lei never _______ English at the English corner.
A. speaking B. speak C. is speaking D. speaks
3. _______ do you like best in your house? – The study.
A. When B. What C. Which place D. How
4. I usually get up late . I _________ get up before (在……前)7:00.
A, usually B, often C, always D, seldom
5.The red bike looks very _______,I like it.
A, bad B, nice C, well D ,great
6.- How many _____ are there in the room? – Five.
A, apple B, dog C ,tree D , people
7. Li Lei often plays soccer _________.
A at Sunday B in the Sunday C on Sundays
8.They often play games or go swimming ________ free time .
A at B on the C in their
9.Most of the students walk to school. And very ________ students take a bus there.
A few B many C little
10.Let’s _________ to school with Mike ,
A be B listen C walk
11. They go to work ________ bus .
A in B in a C walk
12.- ________ do you meet your friends . –Very often .
A. What time B. How about C. How often
13.—Does she ________ go to school today ?
---No, she doesn’t .It’s Sunday today.
14. – How is your school life? - ________
A . Nice B . Early C . Clean
15.-_______? – At eight thirty.
A. What’s the time ? B . What time do classes begin? C. How do you go home?
Ⅳ.完型真空 ( 10×1’=10’)
Wang Lin is six years 1____ . He is a lovely boy. He plays 2_____ other children in the small park every day. The park is near the building.
His mother buys new clothes for 3_______ . The clothes are nice and they make Wang Lin very happy. ”Mom, can I go out and play with my friends? I want to 4______ my new clothes “ ask Wang Lin . “Yes, please keep your clothes 5____” , says his mother . “I want to so some cooking. We can 6________ supper after your father comes back .” 7________ about six his father comes back from work . Wang Lin goes home for supper . “ Why do you have much dirt (泥土) on your clothes ? You should keep your clothes clean “ 8_______ his mother.
“I’m sorry ,Mom” says Wang Lin ,”But I have 9____ time to take off my clothes 10_______ I fall down (跌倒)“
1. A old B long C tall D short
2. A for B on C about D with
3. A her B his C him D he
4. A have a look B have a look at C have a see D look after
5. A nice B clean C dirty D old
6. A have B has C to have D there is
7. A On B With C At D In
8. A tells B talks C says D speaks
9. A much B no C lots D not
10. A and B after C behind D when
1_________ 2____________ 3_________ 4_____________ 5___________
A: You can take your father’s car B: Do you usually come to school by bus?
C: He usually comes back home after 6:00 p.m. D: He’s very tired .
E: You can go school with your father. F: My home is not far(远) from the school.
G: How does your mother go to work ?
A: Hello , Maria ! 1_________________
B: Sometimes . 2___________ so I ride a bike or walk to school sometimes .
A: 3 _________
B: No , he is busy and always goes to work very early .
A: Does he come back home very late ?
B: Yes, 4_________.
A: 5________________.
B: By bike . She is a teacher in our school .
A: Really ? That’s good . Then you and your mother can go to school together.
Rose usually wakes up early in the morning . She always has breakfast at half past six . She leaves(离开) home at around seven o’clock . She is never late for school .
She has four classes in the morning . At about a quarter past twelve ,she comes back for lunch . In the afternoon , she isn’t very busy . After school, she does her homework and plays with other girls .
In the evening, her parents come back . They have supper together . After that , they usually read newspaper or listen to the radio . Sometimes , they watch TV . Rose goes to bed at half past nine .But her father sometimes works late at night .
Rose 的一天忙碌充实。读完文章,一起来回答下面的问题吧!(5×2’=10’)
1 . Rose often goes to school at about _______
A seven o’clock B half past seven C seven fifteen D six thirty
2 . How many classes does Rose have in the morning ?
A Four B Five C Six D Seven
3 . Rose’s father sometimes _________ late .
A comes home B has supper C goes to bed D goes to work
4. Rose likes doing her homework __________ .
A after supper B after school C after nine thirty D in the morning
5 . What does Rose do after supper ?
A Listen to the radio B Read newspaper C Watch TV D A 、B and C
Time is seven years old . He is a good boy . But he can not get up early . He always gets up at eight o’clock in the morning .he is often late for school .
Tim’s mother doesn’t want him to be late for school . So she gives him an alarm clock .she says :” Tim ,you must get up when you hear① the clock’s ringing .” “Yes ,Mom “ answers Tim . After that he gets up at 6:30 when he hears the ringing .
One day , the clock doesn’t work . It’s time for breakfast , but Tim is still② in bed . Mother goes to see him . Tim stays in bed and looks at his mother .
“ Why don’t you get up ?” Mother is very angry , “It’s six forty .”
“ The clock doesn’t ring . I’m waiting for it . I can’t get up .”
Notes : 1,hear V. 听见,听到 2.still adj. 仍旧,仍然
Read the passage and mark (T) for True or (F) for false to each statement .(5×1’=5’)
1. Tim isn’t a good boy because he can not get up early .
2. One day Tim gets up late because he is waiting for the ringing .
3. Tim’s mother gives him a clock to wake him up in the morning .
4. Mother is angry when Tim is still in bed .
5. It’s Tim’s fault that he doesn’t get up on time .
Bruce and Dick are friends . They are in Class 3 , Grade 7 . Bruce is twelve and Dick is eleven . Bruce comes from England , and Dick comes from America . They live in the same building in Beijing .
“ I live on the first floor .” Dick says , Their friends ask them ,” Do you live on the same floor ?”
Bruce answers ,”No, Dick lives on the ground floor”
Dick answers , “No ,Bruce lives on the second floor”
Do you know why ?
Because in England the first floor is the same as the second floor in America .
A.判断正误(T or F)(5×1’=5’)
1 . Bruce and Dick are students .
2. Bruce and Dick come from England .
3 . Bruce is 11 and Dick is 12 .
4 . Dick and Bruce live in Beijing .
5 . Dick and Bruce live on different floors .
6 . They are in the same class .
B.根据内容填空 (5×2’=10’)
7 . Bruce and Dick are f __________ .
8 . They live on the __________ ___________ in Beijing .
9 . Bruce is an E________ boy .
10. Bruce is one year o__________ than Dick .
以“ Hellen’s Day ”为题, 写一篇60词左右的短文,介绍一下 Hellen 的school life .
提示:get up , at half past six , have breakfast , go to school, in the morning , have lunch , in the afternoon , get home , in the evening , watch TV , do my homework , go to bed.


小时代三台词,心术 吴秀波跟海清的床戏在第几
阴历怎么看 ?