
Todd was working at his gas station(加油站) at night when he heard over the radio that a 1 in

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解决时间 2021-04-06 05:48

Todd was working at his gas station(加油站) at night when he heard over the radio that a 1 in Long Island had been 2 by an armed man who had killed the night guard and got away with $150,000. “One hundred and fifty thousand,” Todd whistled. Here’s a fellow who just 3 into a bank and helps himself 4 so much money. Todd thought of the 5 with which he managed to get the amount of money he 6 to start his gas station. So many papers to 7 . So much money to pay back.
The news 8 twenty minutes later. The gunman had 9 a car for a ride, and then 10 out the driver. He was possibly 11 the Southern State Parkway in a white Ford. License plate(车牌) number LJR 1939. The 12 of the announcer continued: “ 13 out for white cars. Don’t pick up 14 , and all you folks in gas stations better not do 15 to a white Ford car.”
Todd stood up and 16 to see out into the cold night. It was dark but Todd 17 the Southern State Parkway was out there. Just 18 , Todd saw the headlights coming at him and a car pulled in for 19 . There it was, a white Ford. He saw the 20 , LJR 1939.
“What should I do?” Todd had to make a quick 21 .
“Yes, sir?” Todd 22 while making up his mind for sure.
“ 23 her up,” the man said sounding like any other 24 .
When the tank(油箱) was full, Todd quickly turned round and pointed a gun at the man.
“Hands up 25 get out.”
1. A. store B. bank C. station D. house
2. A. searched for B. held up C. taken over D. broken into
3. A. walks B. looks C. marches D. drives
4. A. for B. by C. to D. of
5. A. satisfaction B. difficulty C. disappointment D. spirit
6. A. saved B. made C. offered D. needed
7. A. collect B. prove C. sign D. write
8. A. continued B. lasted C. spread D. arrived
9. A. bought B. borrowed C. stolen D. stopped
10. A. sent B. found C. left D. pushed
11. A. calling from B. fleeing from C. heading for D. looking for
12. A. news B. warning C. advice D. voice
13. A. Look B. Run C. Call D. Set
14. A. guests B. strangers C. prisoners D. passengers
15. A. harm B. favor C. service D. business
16. A. tried B. decided C. hoped D. happened
17. A. considered B. knew C. recognized D. learnt
18. A. then B. there C. right D. now
19. A. directions B. repairs C. gas D. parking
20. A. mark B. number C. sign D. name
21. A. decision B. call C. movement D. remark
22. A. wondered B. stopped C. waited D. asked
23. A. Cover B. Fill C. Check D. Tie
24. A. visitor B. robber C. driver D. rider
25. A. or B. and C. but D. to1---25 BDACB DCADD CDABC ABACB ADBCB
(答案→)1---25 BDACB DCADD CDABC ABACB ADBCB 解析:本文主要讲述一位加油站的伙计从收音机上得知某银行遭抢劫后,根据收音机上报道的有关劫犯所乘汽车的颜色、型号、车号以及逃跑方向等信息,智擒劫犯的故事。1. B。根据下文的 Here’s a fellow who just walks into a bank and…中的 bank 可知答案。2. D。比较四个选项,只有 break into(闯入,破门而入)的意思在此最合语境。3. A。just walk into a bank and… 指抢劫犯得钱之容易,与接下来说的 Todd 自己为开一家加油站筹钱之艰辛形成对照。其余几个选项 looks(看),marches(行军),drives(开车)在些均不合语境。4. C。help oneself to sth 有两个主要用法:一是表示自助吃东西(尤其用作请人吃东西时的客套话),二是表示擅自取用某物或偷某物。5. B。与上文讲到的劫犯来钱之容易相对比,Todd 为了筹钱办这个加油站遇到了不少困难(difficulty)。6. D。he needed 是定语从句,修饰 the amount of money。指为办加油站所需资金。7. C。根据常识,借钱肯定要自己提出申请,然后经有关部门审批。所以这里说 so many papaers to sing。8. A。由于句子主语是 news(收音机所报道的消息),比较四个选项,只有 A(continued)、B(lasted)两项与句子主语较吻合,但 lasted与其后的 twenty minutes later 搭配显然语境不通。9. D。根据故事情节,凶手杀人抢钱后不可能去 bought 或borrowed 一辆汽车来逃走,至于选项 C (stolen)则与下文提到的 and then pushed out the driver 不符。10. D。凶手拦车的目的是要乘车逃跑,所以他把司机“推”(pushed)出车外。11. C。head for 为动词短语,其意为“前往”、“赶往”、“逃往”(使用时通常用进行时态)。12. D。注意空格后作定语的介词短语 of the announcer,由于 Todd 是在听收音机,也就是在职听 the voice of the announcer。13. A。look out for 为固定短语,意为“留心”、“留意”。14. B。比较四个选项再结合一般常识可知答案。15. C。do service to 的意思是“为…做服务”,这里指给汽车加油。16. A。根据常识可知,这是 Todd 的一种本能反应,即听到收音机上报道的消息后,本能在站起来往外看。17. B。从下文看,凶手最终还是来到了他的加油站,这说明前面报道的凶手逃走的the Southern State Parkway 就在 Todd 加油站的附近一带,所以尽管天很黑,他仍然 knew the Southern State Parkway was out there。18. A。just then 意为“就在此时”,即就在 Todd 往外看着“发呆”的时候。19. C。从下文看,这辆车是前来加油(gas)。20. B。根据上文的 License plate number LJR 1939 以及本后面的LJR 1939,可知此处应填 number。21. A。make a decision 意为“作决定”,与前面的 What should I do 为同一方面的意思。22. D。根据前面的问句 “Yes, sir?” 可知,此处应填 asked。23. B。fill up 是固定短语,意为“装满”、“填满”。句中的 her 指 the car。24. C。凶手强作镇静,讲话的声音装得与其他司机(driver)讲话的声音没有两样。25. B。根据 hands up(举起手来)和 get out(出来)这两个短语的含义,可知此处只有填 and 最合句意。
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