
求翻译 翻译成英语 急用!!最好的服务:去年假期开学,从上海乘厦门航空飞机回学校,飞行途中耳朵非常难

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解决时间 2021-02-20 07:32
求翻译 翻译成英语 急用!!最好的服务:去年假期开学,从上海乘厦门航空飞机回学校,飞行途中耳朵非常难
The best service:
Last year when the summer holiday was over, I took the Xiamen Airline plane to get back to school. During the flight my ears hurt terribly. When it was too much for me to bear, I called for the airline steward telling her about my pain. She brought me several candies and asked me to chew it. It relieved me of the pain a lot. Since it was my first time to take a plane, I didn't know I would suffer from tinnitus, so I didn't prepare any chewing gum. I was very thankful to the pretty steward.

The worst service:
Last year on my way home for the Spring Festival holiday, I took the plane of Shaihang Airline to Nanjing. The plane was late for 2 hours and while we were waiting to board the plane, the boarding gate was changed from one to another. No one was there to explain the reasons for the delay or apologize to the passengers. I almost missed my train. I've always had a high expectation of the airlines. This time, I was really very disappointed. To make it worse, the train was late too that day. So what happened on this journey made me very disappointed.
Best service: Last year school holidays, take the Xiamen Airlines flight from Shanghai back to school, the ear is very uncomfortable flight, I insist that for a while, but the pain, then call the stewardess and told her my situation, I used for the flight attendants I chew a few pieces of candy, a lot of pain relief. As for the first time an airplane, not knowing they would tinnitus, no chewing gum prepared in advance, very grateful for a beautiful flight attendants.
The worst service: Last year the Spring Festival holiday home to Nanjing by Shanghai Airlines flight, the aircraft actually delayed 2 hours, during replacement of the gate and kept no official explained the reasons behind schedule, there is no apology to passengers, almost to I missed the train. I have always had high expectations of airlines, this time I was very disappointed, even worse, the train surprisingly late, so what happened on this trip is I am very disappointed.
the best service,
when the semester was about to start last year, i flew back from ShangHai via Xiamen Airline, i felt uncomfortable with my ears during the flight, i beared for a while, but it was quite a hard time, so i called the stewardess for help and told her about it, she brought me a few sweets to chew on to reduce the pain. however, i was not aware of the situation as that was my first time being on a airplane, so i did not bring anything in case of it, so many thanks to the beautiful stewardess.
The worst service,
I was on my way home after the last winter break started, flew back to Nanking via Shanghai airline, and it first turned out that flight was delayed for 2hours, and the boarding gate kept on changing during the time, and no further explaination nor apology was given regarding to the delay, so that was a close call for me catching up the train after it. I always had such high expectation for airline companies, and i was truely disappointed this time. also, what made the experience even worse? the trian delayed as well, so this could be the worst travel experience of mine.
小弟在英国11年,17岁就拿雅思7.5. 主修英国文学,经济。hope the answer helps, and best regards.
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