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斯坦福大学(Stanford University)始建于1885年。当时的加州铁路大王、曾担任加州州长的老利兰·斯坦福为纪念他在意大利游历时染病而死的儿子,决定捐钱在帕洛·阿尔托成立斯坦福大学,并把自己8180英亩用来培训优种赛马的农场拿出来作为学校的校园.相传斯坦福夫妇在这之前曾拜访过哈佛大学的校长提出为纪念他们的儿子的死在哈佛校园内建一座大楼,但遭到了拒绝,于是才建造了这座闻名于世的大学.他们的这一决定为以后的加州及美国带来了无尽的财富,尽管当时这里在美国人眼中还是荒凉闭塞的边远西部。直到现在,人们还称斯坦福为“农场”。因此,在斯坦福大学,自行车是学生们必备的交通工具。
  斯坦福的腾飞,是七十年代之后的事,恐怕我们还得归功于斯坦福的“大。八千多英亩的面积,学校想怎么样用也用不完,于是一九五九年工学院院长特门提出了一个构想——这便是斯坦福大学的转折点:将一千英亩以极低廉、只具象征性的地租,长期租给工商业界或毕业校友设立公司,再由他们与学校合作,提供各种研究项目和学生实习机会。斯坦福成为美国首家在校园内成立“工业园区的大学。得益于拿出土地换来的巨大收获这个建议,斯坦福使自己置身于在美国的前沿:“工业园区内企业一家接一家地开张,不久就超出斯坦福能提供的土地范围,向外发展扩张,形成美国加州科技尖端、精英云集的“硅谷(Silicon Valley,也译作“矽谷)。斯坦福大学被科技集团与企业重重包围,与高科技、与商界、更与实用主义和开拓精神这些典型的“美国精神建立密切的联系。随着美国西海岸“高科技带的兴起,各个电脑公司,包括“世纪宠儿微软公司纷纷在这一线安营扎寨,斯坦福大学的地位越来越举足轻重。 斯坦福大学的毕业生为人类文明、科学技术进步、世界政治经济、和现代商业发展做出了极其卓越的贡献。他们中有美国总统胡佛(Hoover),世界科技领袖,和诺贝尔奖金获得者。斯坦福大学奠基并创建了著名的美国硅谷,孕育了享誉世界的现代科技文化。斯坦福大学的毕业生们创造了世界众多一流企业,包括HP, Cisco, EBay, Electronic Art, Gap, Google, Nike, Sun, Yahoo,以及数以百计的美国知名上市公司,等等。



  这个讹传被翻译成各种文字,广为流传,以至于斯坦福大学不得不在自己的网站上辟谣。其实,这个故事里面的漏洞很多,首先,了解斯坦福历史的人都知道老斯坦福(Leland Stanford Sr.)是加州的铁路大王,曾经担任过加州州长、美国联邦参议员,属于精英阶层(Elite Class),绝不是什么乡巴佬;我们在后面还会介绍到他的夫人也是一位了不起的女性。第二,在十九世纪,一亿是一个天文数字,一百万美元也是一个非常大的财富。美国最大的银行花旗银行到一九三几年,存款才达到几千万美元。直到斯坦福大学创办的二十年前,美国有史以来最大的一笔捐赠不过七百万美元,它建立起了约翰霍普金斯大学和霍普金斯医学院。在老斯坦福的捐款中现金只有一千多万,这已经是当时美国最大的捐款了。老斯坦福的捐赠中最值钱的是八千多英亩的土地。当年加州属于“蛮夷之地”,土地值不了什么钱,但是现在斯坦福所处的帕洛阿图市是世界上土地最贵的地方,这些土地的地价涨了不止万倍。第三,哈佛大学和美国所有的大学对捐助者从来都是非常殷勤的。坦率地讲,比中国的大学要殷勤得多,不会怠慢任何慈善家。这是美国大学能得到巨额捐助的重要原因之一。

  关于斯坦福大学真实的故事是这样的。老里兰德•斯坦福夫妇把他们唯一的孩子小里兰德•斯坦福(Leland Stanford Jr.)送到欧洲旅行,孩子在欧洲不幸去世。斯坦福夫妇很伤心,后来决定用自己全部的财富(大约几千万美元,相当于今天的十亿美元。)为全加州的孩子(Children of California,而不是传说中的全美国的孩子或者全世界的孩子)建立一所大学,纪念他们自己的孩子。这所大学被命名为小里兰德.斯坦福大学(Leland Stanford Junior University),简称斯坦福大学。

  1885 年斯坦福大学注册成立,两年后举行了奠基仪式,1891 年正式招收学生。共有五百名左右的学生,只有十五名教授,其中一半来自康奈尔大学。在这首批学生中,产生了一位后来美国的总统胡佛。(就是那位被评为最差的、把美国带进 1929-1933 年大萧条的总统。但是斯坦福仍然很为他感到自豪,建立了著名的胡佛研究中心)虽然斯坦福是一所私立大学,但是它在早期的时候不收学费,直到二十世纪三十年代经济大萧条时期学校财政上难以维持为止。

  斯坦福大学的创办过程非常不顺利。斯坦福开课的两年后,老斯坦福与世长辞了,整个经营和管理大学的任务就落到了他的遗孀简•斯坦福的身上。当时整个美国经济情况不好,斯坦福夫妇的财产被冻结了。(我估计要么当时美国财产法关于信托财产方面不健全,要么斯坦福夫妇没有把他们的财产转到自己信托 Living Trust 下面。这种情况现在在美国不会发生)校长乔丹(Jordan)和学校其他顾问建议简•斯坦福关掉斯坦福大学,至少等危机过去再说。这时,简•斯坦福才想到她丈夫身前买了一笔人寿保险,她可以从中每年获得一万美元的年金。这一万美元大抵相当于她以前贵族式生活的开销。简•斯坦福立即开始省吃俭用,将她家里原来的十七个管家和仆人减少到三个,每年的开销减少到三百五十美元,相当于一个普通大学教授一家的生活费。她将剩余的近万元全部交给了校长乔丹用于维持学校的运转。从斯坦福夫人身上我们看到一位真正慈善家的美德。慈善不是在富有以后拿出自己的闲钱来沽名钓誉,更不是以此来为自己做软广告,慈善是在自己哪怕也很困难的时候都在帮助社会的一种善行。



The Birth of the University

In 1876, former California Governor Leland Stanford purchased 650 acres of Rancho San Francisquito for a country home and began the development of his famous Palo Alto Stock Farm. He later bought adjoining properties totaling more than 8,000 acres. The little town that was beginning to emerge near the land took the name Palo Alto (tall tree) after a giant California redwood on the bank of San Francisquito Creek. The tree itself is still there and would later become the university's symbol and centerpiece of its official seal.

The Stanford Family

Leland Stanford, who grew up and studied law in New York, moved West after the gold rush and, like many of his wealthy contemporaries, made his fortune in the railroads. He was a leader of the Republican Party, governor of California and later a U.S. senator. He and Jane had one son, who died of typhoid fever in 1884 when the family was traveling in Italy. Leland Jr. was just 15. Legend has it that the grieving couple said to one another after their son's death, "the children of California shall be our children," and they quickly set about to find a lasting way to memorialize their beloved son.

The Stanfords visited several great universities of the East to gather ideas. An urban legend, widely circulated on the Internet but untrue, describes the couple as poorly-dressed country bumpkins who decided to found their own university only after being rebuffed in their offer to endow a building at Harvard. They did visit Harvard's president but were well-received and given advice on starting a new university in California. From the outset they made some untraditional choices: the university would be coeducational, in a time when most were all-male; non-denominational, when most were associated with a religious organization; and avowedly practical, producing "cultured and useful citizens" when most were concerned only with the former.

The prediction of a New York newspaper that Stanford professors would "lecture in marble halls to empty benches" was quickly disproved. The first student body consisted of 559 men and women, and the original faculty of 15 was expanded to 49 for the second year. The university’s first president was David Starr Jordan, a graduate of Cornell, who left his post as president of Indiana University to join the adventure out West.

The Stanfords engaged Frederick Law Olmsted, the famed landscape architect who created New York’s Central Park, to design the physical plan for the university. The collaboration was contentious, but finally resulted in an organization of quadrangles on an east-west axis. Today, as Stanford continues to expand, the university’s architects attempt to respect those original university plans.

The Birth of the University

In 1876, former California Governor Leland Stanford purchased 650 acres of Rancho San Francisquito for a country home and began the development of his famous Palo Alto Stock Farm. He later bought adjoining properties totaling more than 8,000 acres. The little town that was beginning to emerge near the land took the name Palo Alto (tall tree) after a giant California redwood on the bank of San Francisquito Creek. The tree itself is still there and would later become the university's symbol and centerpiece of its official seal.

The Stanford Family

Leland Stanford, who grew up and studied law in New York, moved West after the gold rush and, like many of his wealthy contemporaries, made his fortune in the railroads. He was a leader of the Republican Party, governor of California and later a U.S. senator. He and Jane had one son, who died of typhoid fever in 1884 when the family was traveling in Italy. Leland Jr. was just 15. Legend has it that the grieving couple said to one another after their son's death, "the children of California shall be our children," and they quickly set about to find a lasting way to memorialize their beloved son.

The Stanfords visited several great universities of the East to gather ideas. An urban legend, widely circulated on the Internet but untrue, describes the couple as poorly-dressed country bumpkins who decided to found their own university only after being rebuffed in their offer to endow a building at Harvard. They did visit Harvard's president but were well-received and given advice on starting a new university in California. From the outset they made some untraditional choices: the university would be coeducational, in a time when most were all-male; non-denominational, when most were associated with a religious organization; and avowedly practical, producing "cultured and useful citizens" when most were concerned only with the former.

The prediction of a New York newspaper that Stanford professors would "lecture in marble halls to empty benches" was quickly disproved. The first student body consisted of 559 men and women, and the original faculty of 15 was expanded to 49 for the second year. The university’s first president was David Starr Jordan, a graduate of Cornell, who left his post as president of Indiana University to join the adventure out West.

The Stanfords engaged Frederick Law Olmsted, the famed landscape architect who created New York’s Central Park, to design the physical plan for the university. The collaboration was contentious, but finally resulted in an organization of quadrangles on an east-west axis. Today, as Stanford continues to expand, the university’s architects attempt to respect those original university plans.

1885 年斯坦福大学注册成立,两年后举行了奠基仪式,1891 年正式招收学生。共有五百名左右的学生,只有十五名教授,其中一半来自康奈尔大学。在这首批学生中,产生了一位后来美国的总统胡佛。(就是那位被评为最差的、把美国带进 1929-1933 年大萧条的总统。但是斯坦福仍然很为他感到自豪,建立了著名的胡佛研究中心)虽然斯坦福是一所私立大学,但是它在早期的时候不收学费,直到二十世纪三十年代经济大萧条时期学校财政上难以维持为止。
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