A new film is coming out soon, You can see it form 13 April. The main stars are Jake T Austin and Emma Roberts----------they play brotherznd sister Bruce and Andi, Bruce and Andi have had foster parents, but none of then have known the had a secret pet dog, called Friday. The two decide to give the dog up because they can't look after hin anymore. One night Friday runs off and finds a couple of stray dogs living in an old hotel. Bruce and Andi follow him,and with the heil of some friends, they begin decorating the hotei and then get all the stray dogs together so that they can live in the hotel for dogs.But can they keep it secret form their foster parents?
Bruce is an excellent inventor----------he makes lots of things for the hotel. hese include a toilet for dogs and a machine full of old shoes for then to chew on!These is also a little love story between a dirty dog called Romeo and a house dog called Juliet.
Who's the best charactor ,you may ask me.Ah!It's hard to pick a favorite form all of the doga that stay in the hotel. They all are different and you re going to have a favorite of your own.