; FontRouter LT Configuration File Example
; Comment line starts with ";".
; Enable/Disable main function of FontRouter.
; Default: 1
; Enable/Disable native font file (GDR) support.
; Default: 1
; Log levels: 1 - Fatal, 2 - Error, 3 - Warning, 4 - Info, 5 - Debug
; Please remember to create folder "C:\Logs\FontRouter" before logging will begin to work.
; Default: 4
; Force to enable anti-aliased bitmap type for TrueType font. (Only available on SymbianOS 7 or above)
; 0 - System default
; 1 - Prefer monochrome bitmap type
; 2 - Force to use monochrome bitmap type
; 3 - Prefer anti-aliased bitmap type
; 4 - Force to use anti-aliased bitmap type
; 5 - Prefer sub-pixel bitmap type
; 6 - Force to use sub-pixel bitmap type
; Default: 0
; Fix font metrics (especially necessary for East-Asian language fonts)
; 0 - No fix to apply
; 1 - Simulate the style of built-in Chinese font from Nokia.
; Default: 0
; Fix character metrics automatically (for characters not fit the font metrics)
; 0 - No fix to apply
; 1 - Fix character metrics automatically
; Default: 0
; Disable font file. (full path or just file name)
; Global zoom ratio (by percentage) and range of font size to apply zooming to.
; Global chroma adjust (by percentage). Only avaiable for anti-aliased font.
; Extra font files to be loaded.
;Customize font-map
; <RequestFont>=[SubstFont]
; When SubstFont absent, FontRouter will bypass RequestFont and leave it to native Symbian font system.
; RequestFont syntax:
; [FontName[@FontHeight]]
; SubstFont syntax:
; FontName[@FontHeight[:Parameters]]
; FontName syntax:
; [<TypefaceName> | <FileName> | *]
; "*" in RequestFont stands for all other fonts not listed in this configuration file.
; "*" in SubstFont stands for the first available font outside ROM.
; Parameters syntax:
; A Force anti-aliased
; a Force monochrome
; B Prefer bold
; b Prefer thin
; I Prefer italic
; i Prefer upright
; Y<n> Y adjust (n can be negative)
; W<n> Character gap adjust (n can be negative)
; L<n> (Experimental) Line gap adjust (n can be negative)
; Z<n> Zoom ratio by percentage (Default: 100)
; C<n> Chroma adjust by percentage (Default: 100)
; Examples:
; Sans MT 936_S60=*
; Sans MT 936_S60@11=Microsoft YaHei
; Sans MT 936_S60@12=Microsoft YaHei@15:Y-1
; Sans MT 936_S60@24=FZLiBian-S02:W1
; Sans MT 936_S60@30=