答案:1 悬赏:0 手机版
解决时间 2021-03-27 14:58
- 提问者网友:浮克旳回音
- 2021-03-27 02:22
- 五星知识达人网友:持酒劝斜阳
- 2021-03-27 03:03
要知道 Google为了等待Jon McAlister (jonmac)足足用了两年多的时间,其间还有MS和GlodMan的挖角,最终Jon McAlister选择了Google。可笑的是中国的IT媒体在翻译时竟然称Google让Jon McAlister等了一段时间,整个把事情搞反了,这也难怪毕竟这些搞媒体的不了解TopCoder的意义。现在jonmac的等级分是2354,排名50,而WishingBone(中国)的等级分是2533,排名29,我们大家是不是该为现在的年轻一代感到骄傲呢!知道了这些朋友们是不是想参加TopCoder的比赛呢?下面介绍一下参加步骤:必要准备要参加比赛,需要一些准备工作要做。
首先,需要注册成为TopCoder成员,这没什么好介绍的,大家填写相关内容就得了,注册网址Registration 其次,下载安装必要的软件-TopCoder Arena(竞技场,古罗马的斗兽场也是这个词),TopCoder Arena是一个纯Java应用程序,它既是Applet也是应用程序,所以需要安装Java运行环境。相关软件的网址ContestAppletProd.jnlp(Java Web Start 方式安装)
再次,启动TopCoder Arena>登录进入,就可以开始参加比赛了。
比赛概况每年TopCoder都会有几个编程竞赛和锦标赛,参赛者被分成很多小组,进行一个或多个回合有时间限制的比赛。在每个回合,参赛者必须编写代码来解决三个不同难度的问题。你可以在TopCoder Arena里进行编辑,编译和测试。一个典型的问题包含一个必要的方法说明,几段用于描述问题的文字和一个说明性的实例子。在TopCoder Arena里,你可以看到过去真实的问题。下面是一个中等难度的问题:
Problem Statement
We want to display a two-color pattern on a rectangular array of pixels, with k of the pixels in the foreground color. We want to choose the pattern so that it minimizes the boundary between the foreground and the background.
The length of the boundary is the number of vertical and horizontal pixel edges that separate a foreground pixel from a background pixel. For example, this picture shows a rectangular array with three rows and six columns that has 5 foreground pixels (indicated by 'X'). The boundary in this case has length equal to 6: the upper left X is adjacent to 1 background pixel, the upper middle X is adjacent to 1, the rightmost X is adjacent to 3, the lower left X is adjacent to 0, and the lower right X is adjacent to 1.
0202- - - - - -
0202X X X - - -
0202X X - - - -
Create a class Coherence that contains the method minBndry that takes three int inputs, numRows (the height of the array), numCols (the width of the array), and k (the number of foreground pixels), and returns the length of the minimum possible boundary.
int, int, intReturns:intMethod signature:
int minBndry(int numRows, int numCols, int k)
(be sure your method is public)
Constraints-numRows is between 1 and 30 inclusive-numCols is between 1 and 30 inclusive-k is between 0 and numRows*numCols inclusiveExamples0)020202665Returns: 502X X X - - -
02X X - - - -
02- - - - - -
02- - - - - -
02- - - - - -
02- - - - - -
The upper right foreground pixel has 2 boundary edges, the bottom right one has 2 boundary edges, and the bottom left one has 1 boundary edge.1)0202024616Returns: 402X X X X - -
02X X X X - -
02X X X X - -
02X X X X - -2)020202950Returns: 0---------------------------------------------------------------------
首先,需要注册成为TopCoder成员,这没什么好介绍的,大家填写相关内容就得了,注册网址Registration 其次,下载安装必要的软件-TopCoder Arena(竞技场,古罗马的斗兽场也是这个词),TopCoder Arena是一个纯Java应用程序,它既是Applet也是应用程序,所以需要安装Java运行环境。相关软件的网址ContestAppletProd.jnlp(Java Web Start 方式安装)
再次,启动TopCoder Arena>登录进入,就可以开始参加比赛了。
比赛概况每年TopCoder都会有几个编程竞赛和锦标赛,参赛者被分成很多小组,进行一个或多个回合有时间限制的比赛。在每个回合,参赛者必须编写代码来解决三个不同难度的问题。你可以在TopCoder Arena里进行编辑,编译和测试。一个典型的问题包含一个必要的方法说明,几段用于描述问题的文字和一个说明性的实例子。在TopCoder Arena里,你可以看到过去真实的问题。下面是一个中等难度的问题:
Problem Statement
We want to display a two-color pattern on a rectangular array of pixels, with k of the pixels in the foreground color. We want to choose the pattern so that it minimizes the boundary between the foreground and the background.
The length of the boundary is the number of vertical and horizontal pixel edges that separate a foreground pixel from a background pixel. For example, this picture shows a rectangular array with three rows and six columns that has 5 foreground pixels (indicated by 'X'). The boundary in this case has length equal to 6: the upper left X is adjacent to 1 background pixel, the upper middle X is adjacent to 1, the rightmost X is adjacent to 3, the lower left X is adjacent to 0, and the lower right X is adjacent to 1.
0202- - - - - -
0202X X X - - -
0202X X - - - -
Create a class Coherence that contains the method minBndry that takes three int inputs, numRows (the height of the array), numCols (the width of the array), and k (the number of foreground pixels), and returns the length of the minimum possible boundary.
int, int, intReturns:intMethod signature:
int minBndry(int numRows, int numCols, int k)
(be sure your method is public)
Constraints-numRows is between 1 and 30 inclusive-numCols is between 1 and 30 inclusive-k is between 0 and numRows*numCols inclusiveExamples0)020202665Returns: 502X X X - - -
02X X - - - -
02- - - - - -
02- - - - - -
02- - - - - -
02- - - - - -
The upper right foreground pixel has 2 boundary edges, the bottom right one has 2 boundary edges, and the bottom left one has 1 boundary edge.1)0202024616Returns: 402X X X X - -
02X X X X - -
02X X X X - -
02X X X X - -2)020202950Returns: 0---------------------------------------------------------------------