

答案:2  悬赏:50  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-21 21:09
阅读理解 The dirty, homeless man sat on the pavement, staring at the atones. He thought back more than twenty years to when he was a boy living in a small red brick house on this very street. He recalled the flower garden, the swing his dad made, and the bike he had saved up for months to buy.The man shrugged impatiently, for the brightness of those pictures hurt him, and his memory travelled on another ten years. He had a job by then, plenty of friends and started to come home less. He did not really want to remember those years, nor the day when, because o’ debts, he had gone home planning to ask for money. He felt embarrassed, but he knew exactly where his dad kept the money. When his parents stepped out of the room, he took what he wanted and left. That was the last time he had seen them. Ashamed, he went abroad, and his parents knew nothing about the years of wandering or time in prison. But locked in his cell he often thought of home. Once free, he would love to see his parents again, if they were still alive, and still wanted to see him. When his prison time was up, he found -a job, but couldn’t settle. Something was drawing him home. He did not want to arrive penniless, so he hitchhiked most of the long journey back. But less than a mile from his destination he started to feel sick with doubt. Could they ever accept this man who had so bitterly disappointed them? He spent most of that day sitting under a tree. That evening he posted a letter which, although short, had taken him hours to write. It ended with: I know it is unreasonable of me to suppose you want to see me ... so it’s up to you. I’ll come early Thursday morning. If you want me home, hang a white handkerchief in the window of my old bedroom. If it’s there, I’ll come in; if not, I’ll wave good-bye and go. And now it was Thursday morning and he was sitting on the pavement at the end of the street. Finally he got up and walked slowly toward the old house. He drew a long breath and looked. His parents were taking no risks. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The man threw his head back, gave a cry of relief and ran straight through the open front door.1.Why did the man shrug impatiently (paragraph 2) while he was thinking of his childhood?A.The thoughts made him angry.B.He felt he had wasted time.C.He was anxious to go home.D.The sweet memory caused him much pain.2.Why did it take him hours to write the letter?A.He doubted if his parents still lived in that house.B.He had much news to tell his parents.C.He felt ashamed to ask for forgiveness.D.He was longing to return home and felt excited.3.In what order did the following events take place? a. He took the money from his parents. b. He bought a bicycle with his savings. c. He was sentenced to prison. d. He wrote the letter home. e. He sat on the pavement. f. He hitchhiked back home.A.b, a, c, d, e, fB.b, a, c, f, d, eC.a, c, b, d, f, aD.a, d, b, c, e, f4.Which of the following best fits into paragraph 8 ?A.Every inch of the house was covered in white. Sheets, pillowcases and table clothes had been placed on every window and door, making it look like a snow house.B.The house before him was just as he remembered: the red bricks, the brown door and nothing else.C.A colourful blanket was over the front door. On it, in large letters, was written, Welcome home, sonD.A police car was parked in the drive way, and two officers stood at the front door.5.The best title of the passage is _______.A.Sweet MemoryB.White HandkerchiefC.Abandoned SonD.Leaving Home
DCBAB解析1.细节题:从第二段的内容:for the brightness of those pictures hurt him,表示他shrug impatiently的原因,因为甜蜜的回忆让他感到痛苦。选D。2.推理判断题:根据第四段的:But less than a mile from his destination he started to feel sick with doubt. Could they ever accept this man who had so bitterly disappointed them?说明他羞于请求原谅。选C项。3.排序题:分析选项可知,首先要判断a、b那个先发生,从前面两段的内容判断出b项发生在前面,只能在A、B项之间选择,有因f项发生在d项前面,所以选B。4.根据信中的内容,If you want me home, hang a white handkerchief in the window of my old bedroom. 和文章最后的The man threw his head back, gave a cry of relief and ran straight through the open front door.说明父母原谅了他,家里的房子都用白色的物品装饰。选A。5.主旨题,这道题的主旨应该是它的象征意义,文中白手帕象征父母的谅解,也是本文的精髓所在。选B。
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