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解决时间 2021-07-29 06:45

We Can Change the World

I’ve been in many neighborhoods that were ugly and messy until one time in 1992 when we moved to Florence and Central. When I first saw this area, I felt scared and sad. I especially hated the black gate that made our street seem like a prison. The worst things were the bad neighborhoods, drugs, violence, and homeless people.

On the first day, I could smell the aroma of old garbage mixed with beer and spoiled food. Just one sniff of that disgusting dump made me vomit until I had nothing left to exit. All the streets were dumped with pieces of garbage such as used diapers, used sanitary napkins, and dead rats. The streets were cleaned every day, but at the end of the day they were dirty again. One day while walking down the street, I found a dead dog that was thrown away like trash. I felt sad since that animal once had life and was probably killed for the fun of it.

My new block was a disaster and I never saw any people around. The only people alive there were retired people. The retired people's houses were fortified with metal bars and high tech alarms. They wouldn't come out of their houses. They would just peek through their windows. It made me even more scared. I turned to my father, who had the bright idea to move here, and I begged him: "Dad, please don't move here." He turned around and said, "Honey we will bring sunshine to this place." After the third week of living there, I just hated the place. I saw two gangsters injecting drugs and sniffing a white substance. The next day, I saw about twenty used needles thrown in the alley. Then I turned around and saw two gangsters in back of me with bikes. They followed me, and I walked as fast as I could. My legs seemed like they were two old turtles. My heart was bumping like a D.J., and the blood was racing in my body. I felt like dying right on the spot. While I was in a rush, I saw a police car passing and the gangsters disappeared. I never saw them again. I also witnessed a young mother forcing her children to beg for money, so she could buy drugs. She injected herself while her children were crying for her. I'd never witnessed anything like that in my life.

The violence was also bad. Every day, I heard guns being shot and people being beaten and killed. For example, an African American couple were shot in their heads. How can these things happen in this lonesome place? I felt really scared, and I felt sorry for the two children left after their parents were taken away. I wondered what kind of future would be waiting for them. The weird part was no one saw or heard anything even though this incident happened around seven o'clock at night.

Just when I thought there was no hope left, the sunshine appeared. In 1999 the black gate was torn down. The alleys were cleared from gangsters, homeless people, and smelly trash. The block was being rebuilt and new neighbors were coming to buy the houses . Every day I saw different cars, kids, and pets moving in. Green plants, roses, and trees embellished the block. The dry lawns became fresh and alive. The block dramatically changed. All of a sudden, the streets were remade with new cement, and they were painted with pretty designs. The street became a child's favorite place. Florence and Central became a great place to open a business. For example, we now have KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, McDonald's, and small shops. We also have a post office, laundromat, library, and donut shops. The best shop that I love is the donut shop. The first things I smell when I leave in the morning are ground coffee and fresh donuts. The block has become home for many important events like the JAZZ Festival and the Hispanic Festival. God, who understands our needs, was gifting the block.

In conclusion, the block was not as dead as we thought it was. When I thought my block was never going to change, it sprung up like trees. What I remember most are my father's words: "we did bring the sunshine to this place." The minute we got there, it began to change without me knowing it. I was still caught up in the ugly neighborhood, and the change was under my big nose even though I didn't see it. The moral to this is to change what you see and don't like. Don't just sit there and think of how sad the place is. I will always remember my dad's words: make a change for the better.

《都是美男啊》 主角简介 特别是高美男
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