2. 为幼儿自由交谈创造条件,让幼儿体验语言交流的乐趣
“语言能力是在运用的过程中发展起来的”。我们应为幼儿“创设一个自由、宽松的语言交往环境”,激发幼儿自发、自信地参与语言交流的愿望。在幼儿一日生活组织与实施中,《纲要》也提到“保证幼儿每天有适当的自由选择和自由活动时间”,当然也包括幼儿有选择自由交谈的时间。因此,我们每日为幼儿增设一个自由说话的时间,保证幼儿有与自己朋友交谈、与老师交往的自主性,也有随意安排谈话内容的自由度。这时候教师既是支持者也是交流者,可以从旁关注他们交流的内容,也可以同伴的身份加入谈话。在此过程中,幼儿是谈话的主体,教师应“支持、鼓励、吸引幼儿与教师、同伴或其他人交谈”,帮助幼儿体验语言交流的乐趣。自由、宽松的语言交往环境使幼儿在通过交互传递语言信息中体验交往情趣的同时,口语表达能力获得发展。 create conditions for children to talk freely,let the children experience the fun of language communication.
"the competence of language is deceloping in the process of applying". we should "create a free enviornment for the children",stimulate children to take part in the communication spontaneously and confidently. In the children's daily organizing and practing,the<<outline>>also refer to "to ensure children have appropriate time of choose freely and move freely every day.",certainly it include the time of talking freely. So,we set a time of speaking freely to guarantee they have the autonomy of talking with friends and teachers as well as the free degree of arrange the talking content. In this process,the talking subject is child. teacher should"support,encourge,attract children to talk with teachers,partners and others",helping they experience the fun of language communication. Free and relaxed environment make children experience the pleasure by expressing language messages, futhermore their competence of expressing is developing.
part [pɑ:t]
- n. 部分;角色;零件
- vt. 分离;分配;分开
- vi. 断裂;分手
- adv. 部分地
- adj. 部分的
2 children to create the conditions for free talk, let children experience of language exchange
"The language ability is in the process of application development". We should create a free, infants, "the language communication environment loosely, stimulates the baby to spontaneous, confident in language communication. In daily life, organization and implementation of the guidelines also mentioned that children have appropriate day "freedom of choice and free time", of course, also include the children to have freedom of choice. Therefore, our daily for a free talk of preschool additional time, ensure children with their friends are talking with the teacher, the autonomy of communication, casual conversations arrangement of freedom. This teacher is also, can communicate supporters from their communication by the content, also can be the companions joined conversation. In this process, the children are talking, teachers should support and encourage ", to attract children and teachers and fellow or talk to others ", help children experience the fun verbal communication. Freedom and relaxed language communication environment make cheeper in through the interaction of information transmission language communication interest while, oral English ability development.