Walking in the Sun in around and around ]?)G暂侙!
I can believe love is in around 2\2\4? eh?
Walking in the Sun in around and around and around ?睚+>眵⑿
Walking in the Sun in around Sun in around and around 1?{刑zJf
And the lander or chorer check to want a stair яoD?
How too fun the better place 姝硲懄??
Every boys and girls are looking for a chance 穛? 姜\7?
And the music starts to play \2騱讛赴\3嚭
wow.Get to be this way V5!?堽M?
wow.You are one for me `原Q?菃
Walking in the Sun in around and around ?wg/?
I can believe love at is around 山摁戂?%?
Walking in the Sun in around and around and around D?蚏粺!e?
Look at try for me ]??
Walking in the Sun in around and around 谲舶僴F澟?
Walking in the Sun in around and around ;OB\5?洫
Walking in the Sun in around Sun in around and around... 瀔}贼'S?
With two changes together body in the s-e-x 瓕?寞v焱(
bady you need tell know me 1桾嬢sH\3?
Every boys and girls are looking for a manner s綶郮\1彤j
To remember everyday :鄬#濒剁
wow.Get to be this way c逯敝峡翷
wow.You are one for me 苟贸2 行?
Walking in the Sun in around and around Zl跖Bp?纫
I can believe love at is around ;}琋?喍侎
Walking in the Sun in around and around and around n? -?
Look at try for me 姗?(馹囱]
Walking in the Sun in around and around 嫡莫萆$^|
I can believe love at is around u峀胱}危
Walking in the Sun in around and around and around ?%?T
Look at try for me {?ZAe:骆?
Walking in the Sun in around and around 孾J锘 X◥?
Walking in the Sun in around and around (1\4磶&?
Walking in the Sun in around and around 暊銙椬焫?
Walking in the Sun in around Sun in around and around