题目:Comparison of a Quantitative Microtiter Method,a Qlantitative Automated Method, and the Plate-Count Method for Determining Microbial Complement Resistance
摘要内容:SUMMARYA. quantitativem icrotiterm ethod for determining the degree of complement resistance or sensitivity of microorganisms is described. The microtiter method is compared with a quantitative automated system and the standard plate-count technique. Data were accumulated from 30 avian Escherichia coli isolates incubated at 35 C with either chicken plasma or heat-inactivatedc hicken plasma.A nalysiso f datag eneratedb y the automateds ystem and plate-count techniques resulted in a classification of the microorganisms into three groups: those sensitive to the action of complement; those of intermediate sensitivity to the action of complement; and those resistant to the action of complement. Although the three methods studied did not agree absolutely, there were statistically significant correlations among them.谢谢帮助,非常感谢!