【摘要】目的:对佛山市某企业一起流感样病例暴发疫情流行特征及影响因素进行分析,为防控策略的制定提供科学依据。方法:对该公司8月10日~8月27日发生的254例流感样病例暴发疫情进行流行病学调查。结果:8月(10~27)日禅城区疾病预防控制中心一共接到佛山市某企业报告的流感样病例254例,罹患率为1.50%;病例波及全公司12栋楼房40个车间,其中发病较集中的楼房为3C楼的车间,病例数为98例,罹患率为3.34%;疫情主要发生在8月(12~18)日,累计发生204例,占总发病例数的80.3%;254例流感样病例中,男性员工71例,女性员工183例,男女发病性别比为1:2.58,罹患率分别为1.40%(71/5085)和1.54%(183/11863),男、女员工罹患率差异无统计学意义( X2=0.52,P>0.05);主要发病的年龄在20~29岁组。结论:经过现场流行病学调查,采样送检,证实为一起聚集性流感暴发疫情。
【摘要】目的:对佛山市某企业一起流感样病例暴发疫情流行特征及影响因素进行分析,为防控策略的制定提供科学依据。方法:对该公司8月10日~8月27日发生的254例流感样病例暴发疫情进行流行病学调查。结果:8月(10~27)日禅城区疾病预防控制中心一共接到佛山市某企业报告的流感样病例254例,罹患率为1.50%;病例波及全公司12栋楼房40个车间,其中发病较集中的楼房为3C楼的车间,病例数为98例,罹患率为3.34%;疫情主要发生在8月(12~18)日,累计发生204例,占总发病例数的80.3%;254例流感样病例中,男性员工71例,女性员工183例,男女发病性别比为1:2.58,罹患率分别为1.40%(71/5085)和1.54%(183/11863),男、女员工罹患率差异无统计学意义( X2=0.52,P>0.05);主要发病的年龄在20~29岁组。结论:经过现场流行病学调查,采样送检,证实为一起聚集性流感暴发疫情。
Title: the Analysis on the Epidemic Situation of an Outbreak of Influenza in an Enterprise in Foshan Municipality
Purpose: Through the analysis on the prevalent features and influencing factors of the epidemic situation of an outbreak of influenza-style cases in an enterprise in Foshan Municipality, the scientific foundation is provided for the formulation of the preventing and controlling tactics.
Method: Epidemiological survey has been carried out on the epidemic situation of an outbreak of 254 influenza-style cases taking place from August 10th to August 27th in this enterprise.
Result: In August (from 10th to 27th) the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Chancheng District received altogether 254 influenza-style cases reported by an enterprise in Foshan Municipality, and the attack rate was 1.50%; the cases had spread through 12 buildings and 40 workshops all over the company, while the building where the cases concentrated turned out to be the workshop in Building 3C, which had 98 cases, and the attack rate was 3.34%; the epidemic situation mainly took place in August (from 12th to 18th), and the cases amounted to 204, which accounted for 80.3% of the total number of the cases; among the 254 influenza-style cases, there were 71 cases of male staffs and 183 cases of female staffs, and the sex ratio of contracting the disease between men and women was 1:2.58, and the attack rate was 1.40%(71/5085)and 1.54%(183/11863)respectively, and the difference of the attack rate between male and female staffs had no statistical significance( X2=0.52,P>0.05); the main age group that contracted the disease was between 20 and 29.
Conclusion: Through the epidemiological survey on the spot and the sampling afterwards, it has been confirmed as an aggregate epidemic situation of an outbreak of influenza.