

答案:1  悬赏:40  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-26 09:49

  (  ) 1. - Where is your pen pal from?

  - _________

  A. She's from Cuba.    B. It's from Canada.

  C. They're from Canada.    D. We're from the U.S.A.

  (  ) 2. - Is this your book, Jane?

  - Yes, it is _________ book.

  A. his    B. her   C. hers   D. my

  (  ) 3. - May I speak to Jim, please?

  - Sorry, _________ now.

  A. I'm not Jim  B. this is me  C. this isn't me D. he isn't here

  (  ) 4. - _________ does your friend Jianjian look like?

  - He is tall and has black hair.

  A. How   B. What   C. Which   D. Why

  (  ) 5. - What does your father do?

  - _________

  A. He's old.    B. He's tall.

  C. He likes me.    D. He's a cook.

  (  ) 6. - _________ is this pair of pants?

  - It's 80 yuan.

  A. How many  B. How long  C. How much  D. How often

  (  ) 7. - What about going for a picnic with us?

  - I'm sorry I can't. My mother isn't _________. I have to cook.

  A. out    B. in    C. at    D. for

  (  ) 8. - _________ do you like this blue sweater?

  - Not bad.

  A. What   B. How about  C. How   D. What about

  (  ) 9. - Would you like to have lunch with me?

  - _________

  A. Yes, I'd love to.    B. No, you can go.

  C. Yes, I have something to do.   D. You're wrong.

  (  ) 10. - These clothes are very nice. Could I _________?

  - Sure.

  A. try it on  B. try them on  C. try on it  D. try on them

  (  ) 11. - Don't forget _________ your school bag home.

  - All right, see you then.

  A. take   B. to take   C. bring   D. to bring

  (  ) 12. - Do you have any time this afternoon?

  - Yes. _________

  A. What are you?    B. What's going?

  C. What's up?    D. What's the matter?

  (  ) 13. - _________

  - His favorite color is white.

  A. What's your favorite pet?   B. What's his favorite pet?

  C. What do you like?    D. What's your uncle's favorite color?

  (  ) 14. - What can I do for you, madam?

  - Well, I'm __________ looking. Thanks.

  A. just   B. good    C. so    D. only

  (  ) 15. - Can I help you?

  - _________

  A. That's good.    B. OK, I'll take it.

  C. Yes, I'd like a coat.    D. No, you can't.



  Lucy: Hello!

  Jack: Hello! Is that Lily?

  Lucy:    16    Who is this?

  Jack: This is Jack, Lily's classmate.

  Lucy: This is Lucy, Lily's sister. Can I take a message?

  Jack: Thanks.    17

  Lucy: Sure. Does she know your phone number?

  Jack:    18

  Lucy: What's your phone number?

  Jack:    19

  Lucy: (1321)2588-7678. OK,    20

  Jack: Thank you.

  Lucy: That's OK. Bye.

  Jack: Bye-bye.

  A. Do you know her?

  B. I'll tell her about it.

  C. No, she doesn't.

  D. I'm Jack.

  E. My phone number is (1321)2588-7678.

  F. Sorry, she isn't in now.

  G. Could you ask her to call me back tomorrow morning?

  16. _________ 17. _________ 18. _________ 19. _________ 20. _________


  On Sunday morning, it's fine. My friends Li Dong, Wang Lei, Robert and I would like to

     21    to the West Hill. We plan to have a    22   . Li Dong wants to buy a bag of salt and

     23    vegetables. Wang Lei wants to buy four    24    milk and some hamburgers. I have no many cups. I want to buy some    25    in the shop. What about Robert? He's new here. He   26   from Canada. He has a big nose and two big blue eyes. His hair is light brown. He likes to go   27    on Saturday(星期六) with his mother. Now he isn't at home. So I call Robert with my cell phone, "   28    forget to take the guitar." Of course, he doesn't forget    29    his white dog. He likes the pet. We like    30    kites on the hill. I think it's fun.

  (   ) 21.A. go    B. going    C. to go

  (   ) 22.A. party    B. picnic    C. meeting

  (   ) 23.A. any    B. some    C. a little

  (   ) 24.A. bottle    B. bottles    C. bottles of

  (   ) 25.A. knives    B. cakes    C. cups

  (   ) 26.A. come    B. comes    C. are

  (   ) 27.A. shop    B. shopping   C. swim

  (   ) 28.A. Doesn't    B. Don't    C. Isn't

  (   ) 29.A. takes    B. take    C. to take

  (   ) 30.A. flies    B. flying    C. playing



  Kangkang is a Chinese boy. He is a student. He is 14. Kangkang likes to make friends(交朋友). Now he receives(收到) a letter from Sam, his pen pal in England. The letter is in English. Sam is a student, too. He speaks English. He likes China. He wants to visit the Great Wall.

  (  ) 31. Kangkang is a _________.

  A. teacher   B. student   C. doctor

  (  ) 32. The letter is in _________.

  A. Chinese   B. Japanese   C. English

  (  ) 33. Sam lives in _________.

  A. China   B. the U.S.A.   C. England

  (  ) 34. _________ wants to visit the Great Wall.

  A. Sam   B. Kangkang   C. Kangkang's brother

  (  )35. Sam is Kangkang's _________.

  A. classmate  B. pen pal   C. teacher


  Mrs. White doesn't like fish at all, but Mr. White likes fish very much. He buys some fish and takes it home. Mrs. White sees the fish and she thinks, "Good! I'll ask my friends to have lunch and we can have the fish. They like fish very much."

  Mr. White comes home in the evening. He can't find his fish. Mrs. White says, "Oh, your cat eats it."And she gives Mr. White some bread for supper. Mr. White is not happy at all. He takes the cat and Mrs. White goes to a shop. He says to her, "Now you see, my cat is one kilo and the fish is one kilo, too. The cat is here. But where is my fish?"

  (  ) 36. What does Mr. White like very much?

  A. Bread.   B. Chicken.   C. Fish.   D. His cat.

  (  ) 37. Does Mrs. White like fish very much?

  A. Yes, she does.    B. No, she doesn't.

  C. Yes, she likes.    D. No, she not likes.

  (  ) 38. Who does Mrs. White ask to have the fish?

  A. Mr. White.  B. The cat.   C. Her friends.  D. Her mother.

  (  ) 39. Does the cat eat the fish?

  A. Yes, it does.    B. Yes, he does.

  C. No, the cat doesn't.    D. No, it doesn't.

  (  ) 40. What does Mr. White have for supper?

  A. Some bread.  B. Some fish.   C. Some jiaozi. D. Some eggs.


  On Sunday, Kangkang goes out for a picnic with his friends. Maria's pet dog goes, too. They take some food there. Jane likes singing very much. She wants Kangkang to sing a song with her, but he has no time. Kangkang has to cook. Wang Ping and Michael would like to help him. Steve carries water for them. And Maria flies a kite with her pet dog. They are all very happy!

  (  ) 41. Who does Kangkang goes out for a picnic with?

  A. His classmates.  B. His friends.  C. His sister.

  (  ) 42. What does Jane want Kangkang to do?

  A. Cook food.   B. Fly a kite.  C. Sing a song.

  (  ) 43. Wang Ping and Michael would like to _________.

  A. cook    B. carry water  C. sing a song

  (  ) 44. _________ fly a kite.

  A. Maria    B. The pet dog  C. A and B

  (  ) 45. They _________ on Sunday.

  A. go fishing   B. go for a picnic C. go shopping



  46. - _________ _________(多少钱) are the apples?

  - They are 20 yuan.

  47. - _________ you _________(有空的) tomorrow morning?

  - Yes, what's up?

  48. I _________ _________(害怕) I can't get home in time.

  49. - Hello!

  - Hello! May I _________ _________(和……说话) Tom?

  50. I _________ _________(不得不) look after my grandmother at home.


  51. Don't forget _________(bring) your kite when you go for a picnic.

  52. - Why not _________(take) it? It looks very nice.

  - All right.

  53. - Would you like _________(go) to the zoo?

  - Yes, I want to see animals.

  54. - What about    (fly) kites this afternoon, Kangkang?

  - Good idea.

  55. I'll tell _________(he) about it.




  Look at my    56    tree, please. I am Mike. I'm from the U.S.A. I have a big happy family. My wife(妻子)  57    is a nurse. We have    58   kids.    59   is our son and Joy is our   60  . They study at No.1 High School. My father's name is Bill and my    61   name is Hellen. My    62   are old. John is my    63   . He is a doctor. Kate is my wife's    64   . She is a worker. My wife's    65 name is Emma. My wife's father's name is Peter. They're old, too. They stay at home.

  56. ___________ 57. ___________ 58. ___________ 59. ___________ 60. ___________

  61. ___________ 62. ___________ 63. ___________ 64. ___________ 65. ___________



  姓名:Billy  年龄:12岁  国籍:美国  父亲:医生  母亲:教师

  爱好:养宠物狗  最喜欢的食物:汉堡包



  班级    姓名    得分Ⅰ.单项选择。(15分)

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


  11 12 13 14 15



  16 17 18 19 20



  21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30



  31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


  41 42 43 44 45



  46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55



  56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65




  Ⅰ. 1-5  A D D B D

  6-10  C B C A B

  11-15 B C D A C

  Ⅱ. 16-20 F G C E B

  Ⅲ. 21-25 A B B C C

  26-30 B B B C B

  Ⅳ. 31-35 B C C A B

  36-40 C B C D A

  41-45 B C A C B

  Ⅴ. (A)46. How much 47. Are; free  48. am afraid

  49. speak to  50. have to

     (B) 51. to bring    52. take   53. to go   54. flying   55. him

  Ⅵ.    56. family   57. Jean   58. two

  59. Tom   60. Daughter    61. mother's

  62. parents  63. brother  64. sister

  65. mother's

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人和人 怎么就不能好好 相处呢
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