

答案:2  悬赏:20  手机版
解决时间 2021-05-06 20:52

A snake bites

After the snake bites are generally in local leave tooth marks, pain and swelling, still visible hemorrhage and lymph nodes, the systemic symptom because the venom of different nature. Emergency principle is to prevent toxin spread and absorption as possible, reducing partial damage. The venom in 3-5 minutes is absorbed, first aid the sooner, the better.

1 and binding in bite wounds limb, body side, about 5-10 centimeters with a tourniquet or rubber belt, etc, to prevent blood and binding, promote lymph circulation and squash with the hand around the wound or mouth sucked (oral mucosal burst, the poison will avoid suck eduction body outside.

2 and wound, first with soap and water and clean water surrounding skin, reoccupy physiological saline, or water is rinsed repeatedly 0.1% potassium permanganate wound.

3, the local cooling, first will hurt limb dip in 4-7 degrees Celsius in the cold water, 3-4 hours, then switch to ice, can reduce the absorption rate, reduce toxin toxins in the enzyme activity. 4 and detoxification, bite in within 24 hours, tooth marks as the center "+" cut wounds or + + "form, make venoms outflow, usable also suck the poison advice or cupping therapy.

Incision shoulds not be too deep, lest damage blood vessels. If a snake teeth. Appropriate residual immediately, Cut or early on, otherwise sucking effect is not obvious. 5, drug therapy, common detoxification anti-viral drugs have Shanghai snake medicine, nantong snake medicine etc, also can progress, white snake tongue 60 grams 60 grams, grass, a 9 DeDing m. 60 grams water frying internal and external treatment. Still can use hormone, diuretics and support of therapy, adjutant therapy. To strengthen the protection and field operations, don't try to master viper bare feet, legs when necessary puss-in-boots, snake can avoid injury. Are all running after the snake bites, appropriate on-site bandage, suck, flush wound quickly to the hospital after treatment.

Second, the dog bites

Generally fall into the dog bites and general bitten by the dog bites, hydrophobic 6-8 months. Immediately flush after bite wounds, first with 20% suds rinse with water or wound, also can use repeatedly, and necessary to wash vinegar, then use the debridement one thousandth of new clean and wash out. With strong nitric acid or thick carbon acid, iodine burning wound. If the suspected to be bitten by injury early hospital treatment. Also visible injected antibiotics or tetanus antitoxin illness.

Third, bee stings around

Usually only local irritation pain, no systemic symptom, hours after automatically. If you are presented, can appear sting buzzers such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, serious can appear shock, coma or death, sometimes can occur, hemoglobinuria acute renal failure. Allergy patients will appear urticaria, edema, asthma or anaphylactic shock.

Usable weakly alkaline solution as ammonia, soap water 3% to apply, acidic poisoning, usable also safflower, wind, toilet water iso-effect cha locally. Wasp sting injury usable weakly acidic solution (such as vinegar; and, with small needle pulling or gauze is wiped, remove bee sting. JiaoChongZhe local symptoms, also with cupping jar poison and partial closed therapy, and for painkillers. Systemic symptom JiaoChongZhe appropriate speed to the hospital diagnosis. The sting injury or have festering wound signs in the appropriate antibiotics.

Four, centipede bites

Local have acute inflammation and pain, headache, some visible, fever, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, even ZhanYu and convulsions, and systemic symptom. Should immediately use alkalescent solution (such as fluid of limewater, soap and water washing and cooling, etc.) with XiongHuang, or at the end of the research on "tea or wine is well-mixed, usable also houttuynia cordata, wound dandelion pound topical, have systemic symptom person appropriate speed to the hospital for treatment.

Five, the cat mouse bites

Localized redness and swelling pain, appear more serious when, lymph node involvement lymphatic caused phlogistic lymphatic, lymph nodes or cellulitis. Bite the limbs, and it can temporarily, use saline or rinse with water, and ShiTanSuan 5% wound or local corrosion, symptoms of nitric JiaoChongZhe appropriate to the hospital for treatment.

6 and other animals

In daily life, scorpion and poisonous spider bite is common. Scorpio sting injury local visible large red, pain, fever, chills can appear, nausea, vomiting, tongue and muscle rigidity, salivate, headache, lethargy, night sweating, increase the pulse and breath quickly, children are thin after sting injury severity for breathing, circulation failure and death. Poisonous spider bite injured local pale reddish or urticaria, the person can occur local tissue or systemic symptom. Treatment principle and snake bites. All the symptoms should find doctors.





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