
January l: It has happened. I got a call today saying a little girl in Russia is now my li

答案:2  悬赏:20  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-04 10:16
January l: It has happened. I got a call today saying a little girl in Russia is now my little girl. There are a lot of papers to prepare, and we have to travel to Russia to bring her home,
but now it is certain. I think I'll tell some close friends. Jason is so excited. I haven't told Steven yet. How can I tell a seven-year-old that he has a sister who is already five years old?
January 10: Today I received a picture of Katerina. The picture is small and not very clear, but I look at it over and over again. I don't know anything else about her. She has lived in a home for children without parents for most of her life. I wonder how I will talk to her. I don't speak Russian, and she doesn't speak English.
February l: Today I showed Katerina’s picture to Steven* He is very happy and wants to tell all his friends about his new sister. I want to buy some new clothes for Katerina, but I don't know her size. I haven' t received any information from the adoption organization, and I'm feeling a little worried.
February 16: Finally! Today we received good news! All the papers are ready and tomorrow we will go to Russia to bring Katerina home with us.
February 18: Today I met my daughter for the first time.She is very small, very thin, and very shy. On the way home in the airplane, she slept most of the time.When she woke up, she cried. I am very worried and hope that I can be a good mother to Katerina.
February 19: Steven met his sister this morning. Although Katerina was quiet at first, soon she and Steven began to talk in a mix of Russian, English, and hand movements. Steven and his sister get along well together. In fact, he is able to help her talk with Jason and me. I am worried about how Katerina will be in school. Next week she will start school. How will she understand her teacher?
March 21: Katerina looks much better now. She is heavier, her hair looks good, and her skin is clear. She loves to watch television with her brother, and she has learned to roller-skate. She is doing well in school, and her English gets better every day. Although she sometimes looks sad, and sometimes cries, most of the time she is happy. I think she is slowly my life without her.
【小题1】Who is Katerina?A.Steven's elder sister.B.An adopted girl.C.Jason's close friend.D.The writer's niece.【小题2】When back at home, what is the writer most worried about?A.How Steven can get along well with Katerina.B.How Katerina can communicate with Jason and her.C.Whether Katerina will adapt herself to the school life.D.Whether she can be a good mother to Katerina.【小题3】From the passage we know that in her new family Katerina .A.gets very fatB.becomes depressedC.remains frightenedD.is well treated【小题4】Where is the passage most probably from?A.A diary.B.An advertisementC.An essay.D.A speechB
(答案→)B 解析:文章大意:文章以日记的形式记录作者俄罗斯收养一个孩子的事情,有之前的准备工作,和接到孩子的情境,也讲述Katerina在新家和新学校的生活和学习情况。【小题1】推理题:从第一段的内容:I got a call today saying a little girl in Russia is now my little girl. There are a lot of papers to prepare, and we have to travel to Russia to bring her home,可知作者要从俄罗斯收养一个孩子,第二段提到:I received a picture of Katerina. The picture is small and not very clear, but I look at it over and over again. I don't know anything else about her. She has lived in a home for children without parents for most of her life. 可知Katerina之前一直住在孤儿所,说明她是被收养的孩子,选B【小题2】细节题:从倒数第二段的句子:I am worried about how Katerina will be in school. Next week she will start school. How will she understand her teacher?可知作者担心Katerina能否适应学校的生活,选C【小题3】推理题:从最后两段的内容:Steven and his sister get along well together. In fact, he is able to help her talk with Jason and me.和She is heavier, her hair looks good, and her skin is clear. She loves to watch television with her brother, and she has learned to roller-skate.可知Katerina在新的家庭被很好的对待,选D【小题4】写作题材题:从文章每段的开头日期,和每段记录的事情,可以看出这是以日记的形式写的。选A
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