说明,忧伤与快乐英文版歌词也有几个版本,我这版本开头是this way just for my girl.the one would...how much i love her
说明,忧伤与快乐英文版歌词也有几个版本,我这版本开头是this way just for my girl.the one would...how much i love her
Just Seek Her 【Talk】 this rap is just for my girl, the one who never know how much I love her. We've met for a couple of years, it's time I told her SO I write down this rap, wishing she could hear me, but all I need is one thing God just bless me. 【I】 My life used to be filled with countless of darkness Until the day I saw you, I remembered it was s raining heavily When I wanted to take you to kill times with Sukiyaki But For sure, I am happy to be major in Fantasy Especially Everyday I saw your pretty smiling face Ya digg! How on earth I wish we were 2 peas that in the pod Motivated by love with the blessings of the God uh! Talking to you in your ear, conversation well equipped I used to see you smile,why I used to see you cry But what whipped me was you ain't mine, neither a pass-by. What it do, sweet encounter with you, plus trying to be cool Never being rule, You never knew, like I'm a fool Everyday I woke up with that regular mentality of despondency It's not your fault, 'cause I never succeeded. Including this time when I set off this words with a MITSUBISHI. 【Chore】 My life got brillant when I got you oh oh Girl I don't really want my soul to be killed Tell me how I carry on the bad thing me alone, gotta go When I loved you but you never knew 【II】 Day after day, we were still living the same bay But lots Giggles from others that just came into my brain, Cause I wanna take you to LA in the CA?F**k the giggles, With tears in my eyes from years of the sigh life. but what can I say, all I means nothing today
一个人站在熟悉的海边 微风吹过了我的脸勾起了我对你的思念Baby,你一个人在天国过的还好吗. 不知不觉你离开我已经快一年了.
整天傻傻的过着. 不知不觉想着. *
想着我们曾经在一起度过的每个时刻. )]m_ L$9 有欢笑,有难过,有快乐,有失落. Ty"=3AvRLV 你扔下我一个人去了里天国. \G &q[8F\ 那里没有悲伤和难过. B?<Z (d7 却只有幸福和快乐. =?- s azF& 每当想起你的时候. m3iB` 我抬头望着天空. l j*J|%~ 希望能看到你熟悉的脸孔. TGQDt|+Z 望着我听着我对你诉说. r=pb7=M#LN 当年我失去你以后的生活. t>>\U X 而我总是一个人难过,一个人失落. X~Vr} 那根本就是我自己懦弱. $5m_)]w4a 无法面对失去你的结果. /Q[M2DN@ 所以难过围绕着我. 6J%+pt[tu 寂寞陪伴着我. k@= LR 孤寂牵着我的手一起走. (Eoji7U (" >gLr 还记得小时候. RDu'N 经常在我家. ku}I; k | 我们一起玩过家家. {1ic* cZS 你在我耳边说你以后除了我谁都不嫁. = A !;`G 我一直没忘记这句话. B:\TvWbu 直到我们都长大还在一起玩耍. 7+I2" Hy 从来都不害怕. .1F^=C.w 没有温暖没有家. afMIqQ? 不想那么多. [af<FQ{ 只管现在能够相爱在说. SAEr$F^ 在多痛苦挫折也决不退缩. J dDP 一起加油一起努力的度过. 4JHFn [% fx QN 你说你喜欢听我唱歌. F=hf bCF5x 喜欢我在你面前饶舌. F%6`D 因为我的歌能够让你忘了难过. <L__;j1Wx 能够让你快乐. S`"M;%T 每当我们在一起的时候. <)]B$~ (a 你总是躺在我怀里. BcT|TX+ct 听着我唱起我的原创歌曲. G2kr~FG 一遍又一遍从来不觉得厌倦. ~}mX#, 总是拍手说我唱的好听. @Ns^?#u~ 鼓励我继续努力. Ox&g#,@h 以后当个大明星要找我签名. mhM=$AIq 现在你已经离开了我一个人去了天国. /s=TLPm 你离开了我的世界我的生活. .l*]W!L] 还叮嘱我一定要过的快乐. 7fl'nCo\" 宝贝不用担心不用难过. ;G~0 VM2| 好好的在那边和你妈妈一起生活. D|Z,eench 我对你的思念就像大海无边无际一眼望不到边. v^[Ny0cM 每当流星划过寂静的天边. }{Lf 4|8 都会为你许下祝福的心愿. slHlfWHq $RKd@5XP 每当夜深人静想起你的时候. ix]3t^ 眼泪总是忍不住的往下流. GA6Z{U{XS 我努力的举起你牵过的那双手. S_6`.@B} 擦干眼泪等待时光能倒流. gA!-F}x$ 雪花随风飘飘过了我的脸. ,vW.vq<{q3 我依旧对你那么思念. QhZ!A?':U 不管我们的爱已经离我有多么远. ss,t[`AV{ 我对你的爱永远不会改变. Fm,A<+l@u <W/-[ M cdP+X'Y4D 每当夜深人静想起你的时候. jfqWcX.X= 眼泪总忍不住的往下流. 4VaUa8 D 希望时光倒流回到我们的过去. MY9?957F 保护着你不再让你离我而去. t w tGk kC