8年级下册英语书63页 的2b写作文
答案:2 悬赏:50 手机版
解决时间 2021-02-20 14:47
- 提问者网友:锁深秋
- 2021-02-20 02:24
8年级下册英语书63页 的2b写作文
- 五星知识达人网友:摆渡翁
- 2021-02-20 02:57
nowaday,the gap between cities and countryside is getting more and more larger.the factors for it is complex.i would like to disccuss the main reason for the phenomenon.
some place the blames on the few employment opportunity in countryside.today,men and women crowd into the big cities in order to in seach of employment ,a better life .especially young school leavers,including some graduates born from the countryside,are reluctant to seek a job in countryside.as a result.city gains more modersization while few attention can be given to the countryside.
some place the blames on the few employment opportunity in countryside.today,men and women crowd into the big cities in order to in seach of employment ,a better life .especially young school leavers,including some graduates born from the countryside,are reluctant to seek a job in countryside.as a result.city gains more modersization while few attention can be given to the countryside.
- 1楼网友:归鹤鸣
- 2021-02-20 03:41
泰勒一家是个典型的美国家庭。凯茜•泰勒的三个孩子的生活很忙 碌。凯茜说,“放学后,大部分的日子里我带两个儿子中的一个去练习篮球,带我的女儿去进行足球训练。然后,我要带另个一个儿子去上钢琴课。也许我能减少一些他们的活动,但我相信,这些活动对孩子们的未来是很重要的。我真的希望他们能够成功。”然而,疲惫不堪的孩子们直到晚上七点后才回家。他们很快吃完晚饭,然后就到做作业的时间了。
琳达•米勒是一位三个孩子的母亲,她了解这样的压力。“在一些家庭中,竞争从很小就开始了,一直持续到子们长大她说,“妈妈们把 孩子们送去上各种各样的课程。他们总是把他们和其他孩子比较。这太疯狂了。我认为这是不公平的。他们为什么不让孩子做回孩子呢?人们不应该对自己的孩子这么苛刻。”
医生说,太多的压力不利于孩子的发展。爱丽丝•格林医生说, 所有这些活动都会给孩子造成很大的压力。“孩子们也应该有时间放松和独立思考。虽然想让孩子成功是正常的,但是拥有快乐的孩子更重要。”