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About Swift

   Health Jiangnai Swift (Jonathan Swift ,1667-1745), also translated as Jonah Dan Swift, Jonathan Swift.

   18th century British statesman and famous lampooner, was born in Dublin, Ireland, parents are British. Swift early life of the poor, as a result of premature deaths, the father and Yorii very early in his uncle's house. From an early age he loved to study the history of poetry, into the 14-year-old Dublin's Trinity College to study philosophy and theology, 1686,1692 and 1701 respectively, to obtain bachelor's degree from Trinity College Dublin, Oxford University and Trinity College, a master's degree in theology doctorate. In 1688, returned to Britain, in Jaipur, Sir swallow for the home secretary, and then came into contact with the political, to develop the skills to analyze things and an acute sense of observation capability. Here is also a former Church of England cleric, as well as a Country Priest and so on. 1710 to 1714 for the Toledo editor-in-chief of the party cabinet ministers, "inspection tour", Toledo party members lose power, he returned to Ireland, in Dublin for St Patenike vicar of the cathedral. Swift to a large number of political and satirical poems, and other landowners criticized the British colonial policy and Hao Shen, a warm welcome by readers. Ironically, while his novels are more deep impact, so he called Gorky in the world, "one of the creators of great literature."

   Swift were made in 1696 and 1697 two of the early works of satire, "the story of a barrel" "(The Tale of a Tub) and the" war book "" (The Battle of the Books) is the irony of their talent first Show. "The Story of a barrel of" speaking the surface of the three brothers of his late father abandoned the story of a will, in essence, is a religious debate to imitate the sharp, ironic that the self-proclaimed as the authentic Christian moral and expose their doctrine puts up a sham. The book has been by the British Enlightenment were used as a powerful weapon to attack the church. "Book of War" takes direct aim at that time will be poor academic, literary criticism and shallow social practices at the time of the pedantic and tedious research from the practical criticism of academic research, but also made art and science should be Serve the people.

   In the United Kingdom for several years when political commentators, the impact of Swift reached a peak. At this time, the people of Ireland in the British Government under the authoritarian rule of the life of the suffering of his sympathy. As a result, Swift stand in the position of the Irish people, violently attacked the British Government for the people of Ireland at an early date for voicing support for the independence and freedom, also won the "great Irish patriot".

   From the beginning in 1720, features a series of swift satirical articles and poetry, to attack the British colonial policies, support the people of Ireland to become patriots. "With regard to the widespread use of Irish textiles, appliances, products recommendations" (A Proposal for the Universal Use of Irish Manufacture, 1720) are false Taub's mouth to protest against Britain's King concession to a British businessman Wu special depreciation of the cast copper coins in Ireland, called on the National Consistent refusal, that the people of Ireland should enjoy the same freedoms and rights enjoyed by the British. "A modest proposal" (A Modest Proposal, 1729) Swift is the period of this booklet is also the most pungent of the most famous works. In the face of widespread poverty in Ireland, it was suggested that France be allowed to recruitment, it was suggested that immigration to Australia as a servant, Swift's anger at the "anti-language" suggested that fattened children as a rich man's delicacy, the human skin for Machinable Gloves, shoes, hair, bones are sold, the only law in order to save the poor of Ireland. The author has always been to the attitude of the proposal in all seriousness, is this the calm on the surface so that readers feel the cold cruel reality has aroused indignation in the hearts. Swift life to write a lot of poems, "to mourn the death of Dr. Swift" (Verses on the Death of Dr.Swift, 1739) poem, he has demonstrated for the freedom of Ireland and feel proud of the effort.

   Swift's best-known fable is a literary novel "Gulliver's Travels" (Travels into Several Remote Nations of The World by Lemuel Gulliver, 1726). The book's creation began in about 1720, published in 1726, including four parts, each part of the British doctors are Gulliver's Travel drift sailing record. The author asked by the captain of Gulliver I vividly describes the four in the navigation of strange experience, this fantasy travel alluding to the way the reality of doing satire wiles of the British monarchy, the judicial system, colonial Policy and society were exposed.

   As a typical lampooner, Swift's story has always referred to: the National Assembly as a result of bad heel high or low, Chidan out which side first and split the two parties evolved dispute; adult residents of the country despite the tall, But not as human as any militaristic; fly the rule of the island as its territory of Ireland, like England people gone over the line; In contrast, the Yin-hui was the country's horse is quite rational and the United States and Germany.
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