

答案:1  悬赏:50  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-14 14:23
The other two, slight air and purging fire, Are both with thee, wherever I abide; The first my thought, the other my desire, These present-absent with swift motion slide. For when these quicker elements are gone In tender embassy of love to thee, My life, being made of four, with two alone Sinks down to death, oppress'd with melancholy; Until life's composition be recured By those swift messengers return'd from thee, Who even but now come back again, assured Of thy fair health, recounting it to me: This told, I joy; but then no longer glad, I send them back again and straight grow sad. 其余两种,轻清的风,净化的火,一个是我的思想,一个是欲望,都是和你一起,无论我居何所;它们又在又不在,神速地来往。因为,当这两种较轻快的元素带着爱情的温柔使命去见你,我的生命,本赋有四大,只守住两个,就不胜其忧郁,奄奄待毙;直到生命的结合得完全恢复由于这两个敏捷使者的来归。它们现正从你那里回来,欣悉你起居康吉,在向我欣欣告慰。说完了,我乐,可是并不很长久,我打发它们回去,马上又发愁。

Mine eye and heart are at a mortal war How to divide the conquest of thy sight; Mine eye my heart thy picture's sight would bar, My heart mine eye the freedom of that right. My heart doth plead that thou in him dost lie-- A closet never pierced with crystal eyes-- But the defendant doth that plea deny And says in him thy fair appearance lies. To 'cide this title is impanneled A quest of thoughts, all tenants to the heart, And by their verdict is determined The clear eye's moiety and the dear heart's part: As thus; mine eye's due is thy outward part, And my heart's right thy inward love of heart. 我的眼和我的心在作殊死战,怎样去把你姣好的容貌分赃;眼儿要把心和你的形象隔断,心儿又不甘愿把这权利相让。心儿声称你在它的深处潜隐,从没有明眸闯得进它的宝箱;被告却把这申辩坚决地否认,说是你的倩影在它里面珍藏。为解决这悬案就不得不邀请我心里所有的住户--思想--协商;它们的共同的判词终于决定明眸和亲挚的心应得的分量如下:你的仪表属于我的眼睛,而我的心占有你心里的爱情。

Betwixt mine eye and heart a league is took, And each doth good turns now unto the other: When that mine eye is famish'd for a look, Or heart in love with sighs himself doth smother, With my love's picture then my eye doth feast And to the painted banquet bids my heart; Another time mine eye is my heart's guest And in his thoughts of love doth share a part: So, either by thy picture or my love, Thyself away art resent still with me; For thou not farther than my thoughts canst move, And I am still with them and they with thee; Or, if they sleep, thy picture in my sight Awakes my heart to heart's and eye's delight. 现在我的眼和心缔结了同盟,为的是互相帮忙和互相救济:当眼儿渴望要一见你的尊容,或痴情的心快要给叹气窒息,眼儿就把你的画像大摆筵桌,邀请心去参加这图画的盛宴;有时候眼睛又是心的座上客,去把它缱绻的情思平均分沾:这样,或靠你的像或我的依恋,你本人虽远离还是和我在一起;你不能比我的情思走得更远,我老跟着它们,它们又跟着你;或者,它们倘睡着,我眼中的像就把心唤醒,使心和眼都舒畅。

How careful was I, when I took my way, Each trifle under truest bars to thrust, That to my use it might unused stay From hands of falsehood, in sure wards of trust! But thou, to whom my jewels trifles are, Most worthy of comfort, now my greatest grief, Thou, best of dearest and mine only care, Art left the prey of every vulgar thief. Thee have I not lock'd up in any chest, Save where thou art not, though I feel thou art, Within the gentle closure of my breast, From whence at pleasure thou mayst come and part; And even thence thou wilt be stol'n, I fear, For truth proves thievish for a prize so dear. 我是多么小心,在未上路之前,为了留以备用,把琐碎的事物一一锁在箱子里,使得到保险,不致被一些奸诈的手所亵渎!但你,比起你来珠宝也成废品,你,我最亲最好和唯一的牵挂,无上的慰安(现在是最大的伤心)却留下来让每个扒手任意拿。我没有把你锁进任何保险箱,除了你不在的地方,而我觉得你在,那就是我的温暖的心房,从那里你可以随便进进出出;就是在那里我还怕你被偷走:看见这样珍宝,忠诚也变扒手。

Against that time, if ever that time come, When I shall see thee frown on my defects, When as thy love hath cast his utmost sum, Call'd to that audit by advised respects; Against that time when thou shalt strangely pass And scarcely greet me with that sun thine eye, When love, converted from the thing it was, Shall reasons find of settled gravity,-- Against that time do I ensconce me here Within the knowledge of mine own desert, And this my hand against myself uprear, To guard the lawful reasons on thy part: To leave poor me thou hast the strength of laws, Since why to love I can allege no cause. 为抵抗那一天,要是终有那一天,当我看见你对我的缺点蹙额,当你的爱已花完最后一文钱,被周详的顾虑催去清算账目;为抵抗那一天,当你像生客走过,不用那太阳--你眼睛--向我致候,当爱情,已改变了面目,要搜罗种种必须决绝的庄重的理由;为抵抗那一天我就躲在这里,在对自己的恰当评价内安身,并且高举我这只手当众宣誓,为你的种种合法的理由保证:抛弃可怜的我,你有法律保障,既然为什么爱,我无理由可讲。

How heavy do I journey on the way, When what I seek, my weary travel's end, Doth teach that ease and that repose to say 'Thus far the miles are measured from thy friend!' The beast that bears me, tired with my woe, Plods dully on, to bear that weight in me, As if by some instinct the wretch did know His rider loved not speed, being made from thee: The bloody spur cannot provoke him on That sometimes anger thrusts into his hide; Which heavily he answers with a groan, More sharp to me than spurring to his side; For that same groan doth put this in my mind; My grief lies onward and my joy behind. 多么沉重地我在旅途上跋涉,当我的目的地(我倦旅的终点)唆使安逸和休憩这样对我说: "你又离开了你的朋友那么远!" 那驮我的**,经不起我的忧厄,驮着我心里的重负慢慢地走,仿佛这**凭某种本能晓得它主人不爱快,因为离你远游:有时恼怒用那血淋淋的靴钉猛刺它的皮,也不能把它催促;它只是沉重地报以一声呻吟,对于我,比刺它的靴钉还要残酷,因为这呻吟使我省悟和熟筹:我的忧愁在前面,快乐在后头。

单选题It was at the school
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