要详细的 注;必须是热菜,不能很简单
Fish-flavored shredded practice:(鱼香肉丝的做法:)
Pig lean 200 grams,(猪瘦肉200克) water, water 50 grams (水发玉兰片50克)of yu lanpian agaric 25 grams (水发木耳25克), green lettuce above 25 grams(葱25克), garlic 15 grams(蒜15克(约3瓣) (3), ginger 10 grams(姜10克), chili 25 grams(泡红辣椒25克), salt, sugar, 1 gram 15 grams of 5 grams(盐1克,白糖15克,醋5克), soy sauce, vinegar, 1 gram(酱油1克), broth (or water) 50 grams(肉汤(或者水)50克), wet starch 25 grams(湿淀粉25克), edible 100 grams(食用油100克
1.With warm water bubble will agaric and shred, yu lanpian, pig lean shred onion, shredded green Onions, garlic cut cut garlic, ginger 5cm.long3com.wide3cm.thick(将木耳用温水泡发,切丝,玉兰片切丝,猪瘦肉切丝,葱切葱花,蒜切蒜末,姜切末)
2.With a little salt and will be shredded pork 10 grams of wet starch will with a little salt(将肉丝用少许盐和10克湿淀粉将肉丝稍腌)
3.Will bubble chili tap into the end(将泡红辣椒跺成末)
4.15 grams of wet starch, salt, sugar, soy sauce, vinegar, broth into juice confirmed(将15克湿淀粉、盐、白糖、醋、酱油、肉汤兑成汁)
5.Pot, heat oil, add pork Fried(锅烧热,下油,倒入肉丝炒散)
6.Add bubble, garlic, chili, JiangMo stir-fry(加泡红辣椒末、蒜末、姜末炒香)
7.Add black fungus silk and silk. Stir yulan(加木耳丝、玉兰丝翻炒几下)
8.Pour the sauce and stir-fry chopped green onion(倒入芡汁和葱花炒匀即可)
哇哈哈,真好吃。。。 作业量好像有点多,你看哪里可以截取就截取吧。。
Scallion pancakesMaterials: flour, salt, chopped green onion, salad oil, black pepper, 1/2 cup waterMethods:1, flour, first put basins with flour, salt water, then drench salad oil and water and rub evenly in slowly TangMian made up, put aside for 20 minutes.2, green wash, cut into small grains.3 and good surface into a number of copies, each with a layer of apricot oil, then spread chopped green onion, then roll into tubular again dish, with his hands.(the best method is to take a small bowl, add, add salt adequate salad, black pepper, green onion, mix in the face after roll) good4 and the strain DianBingCheng preheating, onion cakes oil will roll into circular wafers. Cover DianBingCheng into DianBingCheng lid. Add DianBingCheng baked bread in time according to the thickness, two Fried yellow.Note:1 onion, wash the water to the dry, dry.2, the green Onions, face up again, best Fried effect is better.