Dominic Sandoval " D-Trix":
Born on October 15, 1985 at Rancho Cordova, CA and is the one with the most ethnic descent.Are you ready? He is of…
68.3% Filipino & the rest is made of of Irish,German, Spanish, Chinese, Indonesian, Portuguese and Native American descent.
" D-Trix": 于1985年10月15日出生于加利福尼亚的Rancho Cordova,是一个多国混血后裔。他有68.3%的菲律宾和爱尔兰、德国、西班牙、中国、印度尼西亚、葡萄牙和美国原住民的血统。
Ryan Conferido "Ryanimay":
Ryan is born on June 13, 1983 at Downey, CA and of filipino descent.
Hokuto Konishi " Hok ":
Born on July 11, 1984 in Tokyo and raised in England, Hok is of japanese descent.
" Hok ": 于1984年7月11日出生于东京,在英国长大,日裔。
Ryan Feng "Feng ":
Born on September 20, 1982. Chinese descent.
"Feng ":出生于1982年9月20日,华裔。(台湾)
Brian Hirano:
Born on April 15, 1982 and is also the other tallest guy in Quest, Hirano is of japanese, korean, chinese, portuguese and filipino descent (also the second guy with the most ethnic descent)
Steve Terada aka Dope Turtle/Steve :
Born in March 14, 1984 and of Japanese descent, Steve was actually a professional martial arts tricker. Tricks like backflip, butterfly kicks etc are presented by him cos he’s trained in a way.
“Steve” :出生于1984年3月14日日裔。事实上他是一个专业的武术特技员,像后空翻、蝴蝶路踢都是他在训练中提出的。(这段我自己译的,不知道有错不。)
Victor Kim :
Born on June 27, 1986. Korean descent.
Victor: 出生于1986年6月27日。韩裔。
Other Members:
* Aris (Sfffeee) Paracuelles is of Filipino descent.
Aris (Sfffeee) 菲律宾裔。
* Lydia (Lyddz) Paek is of Korean descent.
Lydia (Lyddz)韩裔。
* Andy (Rocket Man) Luo is of Chinese descent.
Andy (Rocket Man)华裔。