

答案:2  悬赏:80  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-14 14:50

提示:为了搞好环境卫生,使我们拥有一个洁净的校园,请你以“Keep Our School Clean and Tidy”为主题用英语作国旗下的讲话。事先根据以下要点准备一份简短的英文发言稿。

⒈ 保护校园环境是我们应尽的职责;⒉ 不要乱扔垃圾;⒊ 严禁随地吐痰;⒋ 不得践踏草坪;⒌ 坚持每天两次卫生扫除。

要求:⒈ 语句通顺,观点明确;⒉ 内容可适当展开;⒊ 词数80左右。


Hello, my dear teachers and my dear schoolmates!

Listen to me carefully, please. I have something important to tell you. We are studying in this school. It’s our duty to keep our school clean and tidy. We mustn’t throw litter about. It’s not good to spit in public places, such as in the classrooms, in the library, in the garden, on the playground, on the square and so on. We mustn’t walk on the lawn. We should do the cleaning twice a day. If everyone tries his best to do something useful for our school, I’m sure our school will be more and more beautiful.

That’s all. Thank you.



As a human, we are all living under the same clouds and walk on the same earth. There is only one earth and there isn't much to take. If one takes too much, then there will be one who has to take less. If everyone takes too much, then all of us will have nothing left to take. As the shadow of a leafless tree fills my wall at night, my heart feels so dark and cold but nothing can keep it warm and bright. This only tree in five miles will be cutted down sooner by others then there is nothing left to make a fire. Water was used by factors and the sky is covered by smoke. Everything is too late to be corrected and no one cared before. God gave us a beautiful world to live and to share, and there is nothing else we could ask for. We all have the responsibilities to take care it. Not saying how much you love it, but do something by actions. I know the things I said still didn't happen and hopefull it won't happen. However it might happen if everyone is careless and selfish, if everyone only cares about their own business but not the other, if everyone thinks there are a lot to take which there aren't. Thinking about our offsprings, and we all hope the birds will sing every morning, the fish can swim in te sea, and the branches can dance in the wind, don't we? In conclusion, I want to say if everyone gives out a little bit of love, we will be all living in a warm and nice environment together. Remember to build a house we start from a brick, to create a nice environment we need everyone of us.


This is a period of time, do a lot of heated discussions SARS, prevention and treatment of "atypical pneumonia" and the world has become a national priority. I saw on TV, on-line news reported that the Huanggang we have a case of "atypical pneumonia", there are two cases of "suspected SARS", I also heard that a case of "atypical pneumonia" in patients with one of our schools (8) class students The father, you do not terrible terrible? At first we were afraid. In view of this situation, teachers give each of us made a few good leaflets, wrote the above: as long as washing hands frequently, say health, maintain good personal habits, sneezing, coughing or cleaning the nose to wash their hands after; Do not share towels; to keep Ventilation to promote the flow of air, ground handling clean sanitation, clothing drying ground; less to poor ventilation, the densely populated public places to reduce public meetings and regular disinfection, so as to prevent the "atypical pneumonia", but also to eat some of the The prevention of "atypical pneumonia" in medicine. Now our school has taken strict disinfection measures, that one (8) classes of students have also been isolated. We know that not only the prevention measures, but also awareness of the "atypical" symptoms, as long as the early detection, "atypical pneumonia" is treatable, we are not afraid of a little heart. I saw on television a number of medical personnel regardless of their own lives at risk, in the absence of smoke to come forward on the battlefield, in the front line of fighting with the disease, since they set up a special treatment of "atypical pneumonia" after wards, it has never gone back to , Has been in the hospital quarters, their death from the hands of a stolen life, is the danger that they actively apply medical treatment, they have not had time to take off his mask, let us see them, and they have toward the battlefield To the struggle! I do not love himself, said: "Medical staff are really great! I salute you all the


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