

答案:3  悬赏:60  手机版
解决时间 2021-07-18 07:38

然而我住在这里,有许多可喜的事,也有许多可悲的事。 在这以前,庭院南北相通成为一体。等到伯父叔父们分了家,室外设置了许多小门,墙壁到处都是。东家的狗对着西家叫,客人得越过厨房去吃饭,鸡在厅堂里栖息。庭院中开始是篱笆隔开,然后又砌成了墙,一共变了两次。家中有个老婆婆,曾经在这里居住过。这个老婆婆,是我死去的祖母的婢女,给两代人喂过奶,先母对她很好。房子的西边和内室相连,先母曾经来过一次。老婆婆常常对我说:“这个地方,你母亲曾经站在这儿。”老婆婆又说:“你姐姐在我怀中,呱呱地哭泣;你母亲用手指敲着房门说:‘孩子是冷呢?还是想吃东西呢?’我在门外一一回答。”话还没有说完,我就哭起来,老婆婆也流下了眼泪。我从十五岁起就在轩内读书,有一天,祖母来看我,说:“我的孩子,好久没有见到你的身影了,为什么整天默默地呆在这里,真像个女孩子呀?”等到离开时,用手关上门,自言自语地说:“我们家读书长久没有收到功效,这孩子长大,就可以有指望了呀!”不一会,拿着一个象笏过来,说:“这是我祖父太常公宣德年间拿着去朝见皇帝用的,以后你会用到它!”回忆起旧日这些事情,就好像发生在昨天一样,真让人忍不住放声大哭。







英语:The item of keel porch, is the original south small room.In the room an area only ten feet square, may allow one person to live.Because is one has hundred year historical old houses, the dust and the soil often leak down from the roof, when specially rains, the rain water downward straight fills; Each time moves the table, looked like looked has not been possible to place place.North also adds on the front door to face opens, cannot receive the sunlight directly the illumination, as soon as crossed the noon, the sun leaning, in room dark down.Above I give it to patch slightly, cause no longer to rain in, to fall the ash.In front of the room the newly opened four leaf of windows, the courtyard all around builds the fence, uses for sunlight which blocks the south side to shoot, after the sunlight reflection, in the room only then is bright.I planted the orchid, the cassia tree, the bamboo in front of the courtyard and so on, the former days parapet, also increased the new brilliance.Taking advantage of the books has piled up with the bookshelf, I live in here am carefree and content, sometimes cries loud and long or recites, sometimes very quiet alone sits, the nature sound all can hear clearly; In front of under the courtyard, the step exceptionally is actually silent, the bird often flies down the calligraphy stroke food, does not leave the human to it in front of.In lunar calendar each month the 15th night, the bright moonlight hangs high, according to on wall.Under moonlight, in courtyard cassia tree's shadow sparse sparse dense, the breeze blows, colored shade undulation, beautiful lovable. But I live in here, the joyful feeling are many, the filled with grief feeling very are also many.Before this, the courtyard north and south are interlinked, is a whole.After when uncle the father's younger brothers divide family property, the room inside and outside door have been many, the partition wall everywhere all is.Master's dog treats west the family to call, the visitor must cross the neighbor kitchen to eat meal, the chicken roosts in the main hall sleeps.In the courtyard starts with the fence to separate, afterwards used the wall isolation, altogether changed two times.

英语:The item of keel porch, is the original south small room.In the room an area only ten feet square, may allow one person to live.Because is during one has hundred year historical old houses, the dust and the soil often leak down from the roof, when specially rains, the rain water downward straight fills; Each time moves the table, looked like looked has not been possible to place place.North also adds on the front door to face opens, cannot receive the sunlight directly the illumination, as soon as crossed the noon, the sun leaning, in room dark down.Above I give it to patch slightly, cause no longer to rain in, to fall the ash.In front of the room the newly opened four leaf of windows, the courtyard all around builds the fence, uses for sunlight which blocks the south side to shoot, after the sunlight reflection, in the room only then is bright.I planted the orchid, the cassia tree, the bamboo in front of the courtyard and so on, the former days parapet, also increased the new brilliance.Taking advantage of the books has piled up with the bookshelf, I live in here am carefree and content, sometimes cries loud and long or recites, sometimes very quiet alone sits, the nature sound all can hear clearly; In front of under the courtyard, the step exceptionally is actually silent, the bird often flies down the calligraphy stroke food, does not leave the human to it in front of.In lunar calendar each month the 15th night, the bright moonlight hangs high, according to on wall.Under moonlight, in courtyard cassia tree's shadow sparse sparse dense, the breeze blows, colored shade undulation, beautiful lovable. But I live in here, the joyful feeling are many, the filled with grief feeling very are also many.Before this, the courtyard north and south are interlinked, is a whole.After when uncle the father's younger brothers divide family property, the room inside and outside door have been many, the partition wall everywhere all is.Master's dog treats west the family to call, the visitor must cross the neighbor kitchen to eat meal, the chicken roosts in the main hall sleeps.In the courtyard starts with the fence to separate, afterwards used the wall isolation, altogether changed two times.

荷兰语:Het punt van kielportiek, is de originele zuiden kleine ruimte.In de ruimte kan een gebied slechts tien voet regelt, één persoon toestaan om te leven.Omdat is heeft men honderd jaar historische oude huizen, het stof en het grond vaak lek neer van het dak, wanneer speciaal de regens, het regenwater naar beneden rechtstreeks vult; Beweegt elke keer de lijst, keek als gekeken niet is geweest mogelijk om plaats te plaatsen.Het noorden voegt ook op de voordeur toe aan gezicht opent, niet kan het zonlicht direct ontvangen de verlichting, zodra gekruist de middag, de zon die, in ruimtedark neer leunt.Hierboven ik het lichtjes aan flard, oorzaak niet meer geef binnen te regenen, om te vallen de as.Voor de ruimte is het onlangs geopende vier blad van vensters, de binnenplaats rondom bouwstijlen de omheining, gebruik voor zonlicht dat de zuidenkant om, na de zonlichtbezinning, in de ruimte blokkeert te ontspruiten slechts dan helder.Ik plantte de orchidee, de kassieboomboom, het bamboe etc. voor de binnenplaats, de vroegere dagenverschansing, verhoogde ook de nieuwe schittering.Het voordeel halen van de uit boeken heeft zich omhoog met het boekenrek opgestapeld, leef ik binnen hier onbezorgd en tevreden am, schreeuwt soms luid en lang of reciteert, soms zeer stille zit alleen, kan de correcte aard allen duidelijk horen; Voor onder de binnenplaats, is de stap uitzonderlijk eigenlijk stil, vliegt de vogel vaak onderaan het voedsel van de kalligrafieslag, verlaat niet de mens aan het voor.In maankalender elke maand de 15de nacht, hangt het heldere maanlicht hoogte, volgens op muur.Onder maanlicht, in de schaduw dunne dunne dicht van de boom van de binnenplaatskassieboom, de windslagen, gekleurde schaduwgolving, mooie lief. Maar ik leef binnen hier, is het blije gevoel velen, is gevuld met zorg het voelen zeer ook velen.Alvorens dit, het binnenplaatsnoorden en het zuiden onderling wordt verbonden, is een geheel.Na wanneer de oom de jongere broers van de vader familiebezit verdeelt, is de ruimte binnen en buiten deur velen geweest, is de verdelingsmuur overal allen.De hond van de meester behandelt het westen de te roepen familie, moet de bezoeker de buurkeuken kruisen om maaltijd, de kippenzitstokken in de belangrijkste zaalslaap te eten.In het binnenplaatsbegin met de te scheiden omheining, gebruikte daarna de veranderde muurisolatie, totaal twee keer.

项脊轩,就是原来的南阁子。室内面积仅一丈见方,可容一人居住。由于是一间有百年历史的老房子,灰尘与泥土常从屋顶上漏下来,特别是下雨时,雨水往下直灌;每次移动桌子,看来看去没有可安置的地方。又加上屋门朝北开,不能直接受到阳光的照射,一过中午,太阳偏了,屋里就暗了下来。我稍微给它加以修补,使上面不再漏雨、落灰。室前新开四扇窗户,院子四周砌上围墙,用来挡住南边射来的阳光,经日光反照,屋子里才明亮起来。在庭前我又种上兰花、桂树、竹子等,往日的栏杆,也就增加了新的光彩。借来的图书堆满了书架,我在这里生活悠然自得,有时长啸或吟唱,有时静悄悄地独自坐着,自然界的声响都能清晰地听到;庭前、阶下却异常寂静,小鸟不时飞下来啄食,人到它面前也不离开。在农历每月十五日的夜晚,明月高悬,照在墙上。月光下,庭中桂树的影子疏疏密密,微风吹来,花影摇动,美丽可爱。 可是我在这里居住,喜悦的感受多,悲怆的感受也很多。在这以前,院子南北相通,是一个整体。等到伯父叔父们分家以后,室内外小门多了,隔墙到处都是。东家的狗对着西家叫,客人得越过邻居厨房去吃饭,鸡在厅堂内栖宿。庭中开始用篱笆隔开,后来又用墙隔离,总共变动了两次。家里有一个老婆婆,曾经在这里居住过。这位老婆婆,是侍候我死去的祖母的仆人,在我家曾做过两代人的乳母,母亲在世时待她很好。轩的西边和内室相连,母亲曾经到轩中来。老婆婆时常对我说:“这地方,你母亲曾经站在这儿。”老婆婆还说:“你姐姐小时候,我抱在怀中,她孤弧地哭着;你母亲听见了就用手指轻敲着房门说:‘孩子冷吗?想吃东西了么?’我在门外—一向你母亲作回答。”老婆婆的话没有说完,我感动得哭了,老婆婆也流下激动的眼泪。我从十五岁起,就在轩中读书。一天,祖母来看我,她说:“我的孩子,好长时间没看到你的影子。为什么整天默默地在这里,真像个女孩子了?”临走时,她用手轻轻地掩上轩门,自言自语地说:“我家的人长期以来读书没有得到功名,这孩子取得成就,就可以等待了呀!”不一会儿,又拿了一个象笏到轩里来,说:“这是我祖父太常公在宣德年间拿着去朝见皇帝用的,日后你应当用到它!”回忆旧日的这些事,好像昨天刚发生,真叫人长声悲号不已啊!项脊轩的东边以前曾经做过厨房,人们到厨房去,必须从轩前经过。我关着窗子住在里面,时间长了,能根据外面人们走路的脚步声辨别是谁。项脊轩共遭过四次火灾,竟然没有焚毁,大概是有神保护的缘故吧… 我已经作了上面这篇志,过了五年,我的妻子嫁到我家来,她时常到轩中,向我问及一些历史故事,有时靠着桌子学写字。妻子回娘家去省亲,回来以后转述她的小妹妹们的话说:“听说姐姐家里有阁子,那么什么叫阁子呢?”以后过了六年,我的妻子去世,项脊轩逐渐破败,也不修理。此后又过了两年,我卧病在床,闲极无聊之际,才派人再次修缮南阁子。那形式和以前稍有不同。然而此后我长期羁留在外,不常回到轩中居住。庭前有一棵枇杷树,是我妻子去世的那一年亲手种下的,今天已经高高地矗立着,枝叶繁盛,像一把撑开着的巨伞一样了。
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