简爱 是根据十九世纪英国杰出女作家夏洛蒂 勃朗特的同名小说改变的电影.影片深刻地暴露了当时社会的现实,对普通人的命运寄予了深切同情,是一部反映当时被压迫妇女的生活处境和精神面貌的影片.
简爱 是根据十九世纪英国杰出女作家夏洛蒂 勃朗特的同名小说改变的电影.影片深刻地暴露了当时社会的现实,对普通人的命运寄予了深切同情,是一部反映当时被压迫妇女的生活处境和精神面貌的影片.
Jane is according to the 19th century British writer charlotte's outstanding rebelliousness novel of the same name of change of movies. The film profoundly exposed to social reality, the fate of the people had deep sympathy, is a reflection of the oppressed women at life situation and mental outlook of the film.
In this dialogue with tests like some more in the sitting room in the most wonderful dialogue. Like some more from poor families, there is no harm in social status, and the tests to caution, courteous. But POCHESTER like some more language and form bright contrast, his words appear somewhat arrogant and vulgar.