
英语题目~ 帮忙~谢谢~

答案:2  悬赏:20  手机版
解决时间 2021-05-08 19:27
1. — I’m afraid I must be off now.
A. See you later, then.
B. I’m very sorry.
C. No, don’t go now. D. That’s OK.
2. —Hello, Bob, haven’t seen you for ages, you look fine.
A. Thank you, you look well, too.
B. Hello, where have you been?
C. I’m not fine these days. D. I met you just last week.
3. —Would you be able to make a phone call for me?
A. I’m glad to.
B. No problem.
C. That’ll be fine. D. Yes, I would be
4. —Thanks for the present. It’s really nice.
A. Yes, I think so.
B. Never Mind.
C. I’d love to. D. I’m glad you.
5. — Let’s go for a flower show. What do you say?
A. No, I wouldn’t.
B. I didn’t say anything.
C. Yes, I would. D. All right. Let’s go.
6. —Happy New Year!
A. Happy New Year!
B. Oh, no, thanks.
C. Wish you, too. D. It’s the same to you.
7. —I got a D in the math test.
A. That’s too bad.
B. It is not bad.
C. Good for you. D. You shouldn’t have.
8. —Can you turn down the radio, please?
A. Oh, I know.
B. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize it was that loud.
C. I’ll keep it down next time. D. Please forgive me.
9. — Hi, is Mary there, please?
A. Hold on. I’ll get her.
B. No, she isn’t here.
C.Yes, she lives here. D. Yes, what do you want?
10. — Doctor, I don’t feel well.
A. You are fine.
B. It doesn’t matter.
C.What’s the matter? D. Don’t take it seriously.
11. — Let me help you with your luggage.
A. Yes, please.
B. I know you’ll help me.
C.I can manage. Thank you all the same. D. Yes, of course.
12. — ______________
—I want to buy two 50fenstamps.
A. Is there anything I can do for you?
B. What do you want to buy?
C.Do you want to buy stamps or envelopes? D. What are you looking for?
13. —Can you win the match?
— ______________
A. I’m sure you will.
B. I’m afraid not.
C.No one knows. D. I don’t hope so.
14. — I’m sorry I can’t follow you. Would you mind saying that slowly?
— ______________
A. No, of course not.
B. No, I wouldn’t.
C.I’ve no idea. D. No, I would.
15. — ______________
— I’ve just asked where you are from.
A. Pardon?
B. Repeat.
C.Excuse me! D. What’s wrong?
1. I _____ you were here. When did you come back from Australia?
A. don’t know
B. not know
C.didn’t know D. wasn’t know
2. —Have you moved into the new flat?
—Not yet. It _____.
A. is being painted
B. is painted
C.is painting D. is being painting
3. As mother was ill, I _____ stay at home to look after her.
A. have to
B. must
C.will D. had to
4. Byron is _____ to travel all over the world, but he often says he has no money to do so.
A. too rich
B. so rich
C. rich enough D. enough rich
5. The high-rises you are living in is _____ the one I’m living in.
A. twice as high as
B. twice as higher as
C. as twice high as D. as high as twice
6. I’d like to buy _____ wood to make a round table.
A. a little
B. a few
C. a piece of D. several pieces of
7. We couldn’t eat in a restaurant because _____ of us had _____ money on us.
A. all… no
B. any…so
C. none…any D. no one…any
8. Is it necessary for students to learn _____ foreign language besides English?
A. a second
B. second
C. two D. the second
9. _____ of the teachers in this school are in _____.
A. Two-thirds; twenties
B. Two-threes; twenty
C. Two-thirds; their twenties D. Fourth-three; the twenties
10. —I’d really like some lunch but I have so much work to do.
—_____ what you want and I can get it for you.
A. Tell me
B. If you would say to me
C. You will tell me D. If you tell me
11. It’s the third time that John has been late, _____?
A. hasn’t he
B. isn’t he
C. isn’t it D. hasn’t it
12. You can work out the problem ____ this way.
A. about
B. at
C. in D. with
13. Rebecca is a very careful girl _____ her brother is very careless.
A. while
B. and
C. so D. when
14. The reason for my delay is _____ I forgot my keys.
A. that
B. why
C. what D. which
15. This is our teaching building _____windows face south.
A. whose
B. its
C. of which D. of whose
16. If we work with a strong will, we can overcome any difficulty, _____ great it is.
A. that
B. how
C. however D. whatever
17. The old professor _______ something serious. Don’t bother him now.
A. seems to think of
B. seems to have thought about
C. seems to be thinking of D. seemed thinking about
18. I don’t know why she avoids ______ her opinion on the subject.
A. to give
B. to be given
C. giving D. being giving
19. ______ such a good chance, he planned to learn more.
A. Giving
B. Having given
C. Having been given D. To be given
20. Science has made ________ possible for machines to take the place of human labour.
A. that
B. it
C. this D. it is
21. _______ no need _______ the radio as I’m used to studying with it on.
A. It’s; to turn down
B. It’s; turning up
C. There’s; to turn off D. There’s; turning off
22. —My goodness! I just missed the train.
—That’s too bad. I am sure you ______ it if you had hurried.
A. would catch
B. would have caught
C. could catch D. had caught
23. Neither of the twins _________ clever, I’m afraid.
A. aren’t
B. are
C. isn’t D. is
24. It was on Sunday morning _______I met Tom in the street.
A. when
B. that
C. how D. who
25. Only when the war was over __________to his hometown.
A. did the young soldier return
the young soldier returned
C. returned the young soldier D. the young soldier did return


1-5 AABDD 6-10 DABAC 11-15 CABAA


1-5 CDDCA 6-10 DCACA 11-15 CCAAD 16-20 DCCBB 21-25 DBDAA


交际用语测试1-5 AABBD 6-10 DDBAC 11-15 CACBA

语法知识测试1-5 CADDA 6-10 CCACA 11-15 CCAAA 16-20 CCCCB 21-25 CBCBA

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