

答案:6  悬赏:60  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-31 01:42
1、多数同学认为未来的交通更加便利,人们可以在家,工作和学习,机器人将会被广泛应用于各个领域,而且很多当前无法治愈的疾病到了将来都会得到解决。 2、也有其他同学认为,随着世界经济的发展,人们的生命水平将逐渐,提高,但是地球的的环境问题也越来越严重。比如污染,气候变暖等。在他们看来,人们必须找到一个适合人类居住的星球才能继续生存。 写作内容:根据以上内容写一篇英语短文,介绍讨论的情况,包括以下内容:1、多数同学的观点 2、其他同学的观点。 写作要求:必须使用五个句子介绍全部内容。 求高人帮忙解决啊!!!!最好配上中文翻译给我,可以追加分数!!!

I am looking forward to my future life for several reasons.

Frist I believe that my life will be more simple. I am going to save money every month, therefore, I will not in difficult in my finance. My hometown is a quiet and beautiful small village. I would like to live back there .I can picture that every day there will be enough time for me to do anything what I want to do. I will be very glad that I can sleep to wake up in nature. I will not need to in a hurry to go to work but take my time to enjoy my morning tea. After that, I will go for a walk along the river with my favorite books.
I will sit by the river, enjoy the view of nature, and read some book. I will write a letter to my friends and family with my greetings at regulate. My house will have a big yard. It will be planted full of flowers. Every day I will spend some time taking care of them. When flowers are in bloom, I will pick some of them and bring them to my friend’s or my children’s door, if the weather is fine. Now I can image that when they open the door and find the flowers, how happy whey will be. I will be happy too, as I will still be useful and bring joy to others.

In addition, I will not need to worry about my health. I am used to having good habits. I ate healthy food. I did not smoke or drink. If I had time, I would take a walk. I will keep these habits forever. Besides, the social groups will get better and better, if I am too old to take care of myself, I think the social group will think about me. My children will take care of me also.

In conclusion, as I will have a more simple life, I will not need to worry about my health; I believe that I will have a comfortable and quiet time when I am older.
On weekend, the students are having a good school trip. They are going to visit the seascape and going to have some activity. In the morning, the student are taking the bus go there. They are getting off the bus after. Many students are running for the sea and taking photos. They are many boys and girls wearing swim suit after go swimming on the sea. Then, thestudents are having a picnic and playing volleyball on the beach. They are very happy! Final, they are taking the bus back to school.
1:most of the students think the future traffic more convenient, people can do at home, work and study, the robot will be widely applied in various fields, and many currently incurable disease in the future will be resolved.:2:there are also other students think, as the development of world economy, people's life level will gradually improve, but the earth, the more and more serious environmental problems. Such as pollution, climate warming. In their opinion, we must find a habitable planet in order to survive.
未来的地球 一天晚上,我刚洗完脸刷完牙 ,准备上床睡觉时。突然出现一束光,让我睁不开眼睛。过了一会,在光里出现一个人,他对我说;“走吧,21世纪的人类,去2700年,就是28世纪,去看看未来的样子吧。”我刚想问他是谁,来自哪里,为什么说了这么多莫名其妙的话时,只觉得一束光把我带走了。。。。。。
是第2个 再看看别人怎么说的。
On weekend, the students are having a good school trip. They are going to visit the seascape and going to have some activity. In the morning, the student are taking the bus go there. They are getting off the bus after. Many students are running for the sea and taking photos. They are many boys and girls wearing swim suit after go swimming on the sea. Then, thestudents are having a picnic and playing volleyball on the beach. They are very happy! Final, they are taking the bus back to school. 【翻译】 周末里,学生们将有一个愉快的学校郊游.他们打算去参观海景并举行一些活动. . 早上,学生们正在坐公共汽车到达海边.他们下车后,许多学生拿者照相机去海边照相.有许多男孩和女孩穿上泳衣后到大海里游泳.到了中午,学生们在海滩上举行了野餐,还有的在海滩上打排球.他们开心极了!最后,他们又乘公共汽车返回了学校.
ATP的结构式可以简写成A. A—P~P~PB. A—P
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