

答案:4  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-07-30 02:08

Hello ,

Good day and how are you today Dear.I hope all is well with you overthere I thank you for your reponse to my message and I am praying that almighty God will give us the strenght and understanding to work with each other.

The proposal I sent to you is for your **istance in fund transfer and investment establishment in your base for long time mutual relationship in lucratives areas.

I wish to futher explain to you on the way we have to go about this transaction, I want to transfer the fund out of this country on your care, after which I shall travel out of this country immediately to meet with you in your base so that I can continue my education as I want to study medicine, then you will **ist me to invest the money in a lucrative businesses because as a student I don't know anything in business field and that was why I have contacted you for my **istance.

Why I contacted you as a foreigner in this transaction was that my late father before his death, he warned me not to disclose anything about this deposit to any person here including his relatives, he said that they will like to kill me to have access to the fund.

He strongly advised me that incase of death that I have to look for a foreign partner / guardian who will **ist me to move the fund out of this country for my investement purposes and to enable me relocate to further my studies, that was why I came accross your contact details after a very careful search at world investors/ bussiness directory and through prayers I was convienced and decided to contact you fo my **itance believing that you wil not diapoint me in any way.

The legal deposit document and the WILL CERTIFICATE which my late father used to made the deposit in the bank are intact with me.

I also want to inform you that every needed arrangement for the smooth release and transfer of the fund has been made, I had a meeting with the general manager of the bank where the fund was deposited, I had a meeting with him on how this fund will be transferred out of this coun try for my investement purposes,He promised that everything will be handle and concluded legaly and satisfactorily as soon as I have concluded with my foreign partner.

You must be informed that the money is a legaly acquired fund and must be invested in a legitmate ventures,
Now only what I needed from you is to be good and honest partner who will **ist me to receive this fund over there for establishment while I come over to continue my education.

To enable us start working towards this transaction without further delay, I want you to confirm to me the following information.

1. If you will remain sincere to me throughout and after this transaction?

2. If the 20% which I have decided to offer you for your **istance is acceptable by you so to avoid any arguement when the fund arrived to your account,

3.Introduction of yourself

4. Your full name and address

5.Your private telephone number

6.If you will mantain the confidentiality of this transaction?

As soon as I hear from you with the reconfirmation of the above information I will forward to you all the details about the bank where the fund was deposited and also my personal details for proper identifications and to anable you contact the bank for the immediate transfer processing.

Note i attarched my picture and identity copy below and l will like to recieve yours too.

May God Bless you for your understanding.

Remain Blessed.

yours Prince Diby.




The proposal I sent to you is for your **istance in fund transfer and investment establishment in your base for long time mutual relationship in lucratives areas.这项建议我给你的是你的地区,在**艾斯坦斯转账和你长时间在lucratives投资的相互关系建立基础。
I wish to futher explain to you on the way we have to go about this transaction, I want to transfer the fund out of this country on your care, after which I shall travel out of this country immediately to meet with you in your base so that I can continue my education as I want to study medicine, then you will **ist me to invest the money in a lucrative businesses because as a student I don't know anything in business field and that was why I have contacted you for my **istance.我想进一步解释的方式,我们要继续对这项交易给你,我想这个国家转移,而基金在您的关心,我会以后进出这个国家立即满足您的基地,以便与您我可以继续我的教育,我想学医,那么你就会**北京时间我投资有利可图的业务,因为作为一名学生,我不知道在商业领域的东西,这就是为什么我所接触的你的钱我**艾斯坦斯。

Why I contacted you as a foreigner in this transaction was that my late father before his death, he warned me not to disclose anything about this deposit to any person here including his relatives, he said that they will like to kill me to have access to the fund.为什么我接触作为这一交易的外国人你是我在他已故的父亲去世,他警告我不要透露有关这一方面的任何人,包括他的亲戚在这里存款什么,他说,他们将要杀死我有机会获得该基金。

He strongly advised me that incase of death that I have to look for a foreign partner / guardian who will **ist me to move the fund out of this country for my investement purposes and to enable me relocate to further my studies, that was why I came accross your contact details after a very careful search at world investors/ bussiness directory and through prayers I was convienced and decided to contact you fo my **itance believing that you wil not diapoint me in any way.他强烈建议我说,死亡的柜面,我不得不寻找外国合作伙伴/监护人谁将**北京时间我提出这个国家的基金为我investement目的和搬迁,使我进一步我的学业,这就是为什么我看到您的联系方式,在世界后,投资者/商务目录,并通过我convienced,并决定为我的联络** itance相信你港岛线不以任何方式diapoint你祈祷,我非常小心搜索。

The legal deposit document and the WILL CERTIFICATE which my late father used to made the deposit in the bank are intact with me.法定存款文件和证书将先父来所取得的存款在银行与我完好无损。

I also want to inform you that every needed arrangement for the smooth release and transfer of the fund has been made, I had a meeting with the general manager of the bank where the fund was deposited, I had a meeting with him on how this fund will be transferred out of this coun try for my investement purposes,He promised that everything will be handle and concluded legaly and satisfactorily as soon as I have concluded with my foreign partner.我也想告诉你,每一项需要的顺利发行安排及转账了进展,我与银行的总经理,该基金已交存会议上,我同他进行了会见如何就这一基金将被转移出这一05011459我investement尝试的目的,他表示,一切都会处理,并得出结论legaly好,只要我有我的外国合作伙伴的结论。

You must be informed that the money is a legaly acquired fund and must be invested in a legitmate ventures,你必须告知,钱是一个legaly收购基金,必须在legitmate企业投资,
Now only what I needed from you is to be good and honest partner who will **ist me to receive this fund over there for establishment while I come over to continue my education.现在只有我需要您是要善于和诚实的伙伴谁**北京时间我将获得这项基金的设立那边过来,而我继续我的教育。

To enable us start working towards this transaction without further delay, I want you to confirm to me the following information.为了使我们能够向这个交易毫不拖延地工作,我要你向我确认以下信息。

1. 1。 If you will remain sincere to me throughout and after this transaction?如果你对我的忠诚和整个这次交易后?

2. 2。 If the 20% which I have decided to offer you for your **istance is acceptable by you so to avoid any arguement when the fund arrived to your account,如果20%,这我已决定由你提供您为您**艾斯坦斯是为了避免接受任何参数时,基金到达您的帐户,

3.Introduction of yourself 3.Introduction你自己

4. 4。 Your full name and address您的全名和地址

5.Your private telephone number 5.Your私人电话号码

6.If you will mantain the confidentiality of this transaction? 6.If你会mantain此交易的保密?

As soon as I hear from you with the reconfirmation of the above information I will forward to you all the details about the bank where the fund was deposited and also my personal details for proper identifications and to anable you contact the bank for the immediate transfer processing.当我从你上述资料,我会向你再次确认所有有关的银行资料听取地方基金,并存入我的个人资料,正确识别和阿纳布尔您联系立即移交处理银行。

Note i attarched my picture and identity copy below and l will like to recieve yours too.附注i attarched我的照片和身份证,并升以下的副本将希望收到你的了。

May God Bless you for your understanding.愿上帝保佑你的理解。

Remain Blessed.依然祝福。

yours Prince Diby.你的王子Diby。



建议你不用去理会发信的这个Prince Diby,肯定是骗人的,是不是从非洲什么国家发出的?

你好,      好的,你今天亲爱的我希望你一切都好overthere我感谢您对我的信息反馈,我为你祈祷,全能的上帝会给我们力量和理解相互协作。      我寄给你的建议是为你的* *满足基金转移和投资设立的长时间在你的基地里lucratives地区相互关系进行了比较。      我希望进一步向你解释的方式,我们不得不去这笔交易,我想要转会离开这个国家的国际货币基金组织在您的关心,我要出去旅行后,这个国家立即会见你在你的基地里,这样我就可以继续教育为我想学医,然后你会帮助我用这些钱投资在一个有利可图的生意,因为作为一个学生,我什么都不知道在商业领域,这就是为什么我和你取得联系,为我* *协助。      为什么我连络你作为一个外国人在这笔交易是我父亲去世之前,他警告我不要透露任何有关该矿床任何在这里的人,包括他的亲戚,他说他们要杀我获得资金。      他极力劝我,因我有死亡的寻找外方/监护人谁会帮助我搬到这个国家基金的投资目的为我,使我搬迁到进一步深造,这就是为什么我来到横跨联系的细节,过了很小心的投资者/生意上搜索目录,透过祷告,我是convienced和决定与你联系成了我* * itance相信你不会diapoint以任何方式。      呈缴本文档,我父亲会证明用来使银行里的存款是完整和我在一起。      我也想通知你每天需要安排释放和转移的平稳基金已经实现,我遇到了总经理对银行的资金转入我会见了他对该基金将会被这个国家的投资的目的,我试着所应许的一切将被处理,得出legaly圆满,我会尽快与我的外国合作伙伴。      你必须被告知,金钱是一种legaly获得资金,必须在legitmate风险投资,   现在我所缺乏的,那从你仅是向善和诚实的伴侣会帮助我接受这个基金的设立常驻代表机构时我那边过来继续我的教育。      让我们开始工作,对这笔交易不得有进一步的延误,我希望你能满足我以下的信息。      1。如果你要保持真诚,我在这交易吗?      2。如果20%,我决定给你为你的* *援助是可以接受的,由你来避免任何争议时,您的帐号,抵达基金,      3。你的自我介绍      4。你的姓名和地址      5。你的私人电话号码      6。如果你要维持这一交易的保密吗?      我会尽快收到你的确认上述资料我将期待你所有的细节银行的资金存入我的个人资料,并适当的判断和你接触的anable银行直接传递加工。         注意:我attarched我的照片及证明文件副本,就像下面你接待。      愿上帝保佑你为你的理解。      保持得福。      忠实   你Diby王子。
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