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1 伍献文.浙江瑞安所产蛇类初志。厦门大学季刊,1925,1(1):1—8.
2 Wu Hsien-Wen.A new nematode from the stomach of a scylloid shark.Contr Biol Lab Soc China,1927,3(2):1—3.
3 Wu Hsien-Wen.four birds from Fukien.China Jour Sci Arts,1928,9:198—200.
4 Wu Hsien-Wen,Hoeppli R.Free-living nematodes from Fookien andChekiang.Arohivf Schif.und Trop Hyg Patho und Ther ExotKran k,1929,33(1):35—43.
5 Wu Hsien-Wen.Study of the fishes of amoy,part.1.Contr Biol Lab Sci Soc China,1929,5(4):1—99.
6 Wu Hsien-Wen.Description de Poissons nouveux de Cnine.Bull Mus Nat Hist Paris,ser2,1932,2(3):255—259.
7 Wu Hsien-Wen.On some fishes collected from the upper Yangtse valley.Sinensia,1930,1(6):65—86.
8 Wu Hsien-Wen.Notes on the fishes from the coast of Foochow region and Ming River.Contr Biol Lab Sci Soc China,1931,7(1):1—64.
9 Wu Hsien-Wen.Contributiona l’Etude morphologique,biologique etsystematique des poissons heterosomes(pisces heterosomata)de laChine.Theses Univ Paris,SerA,1932(244):1—179.
10 Wu Hsien-Wen,Tang S.F.Notes on the Nematomorpha of china.Sinensia,1933,3(7):173—178.
11 Wu Hsien-wen.Notes on the parasitic nematodes from an Indian elephant.Sinensia,1934,5(5—6):512—533.
12 Wu Hsien-Wen.Enumeration of the river-crabs(potamonidae)of China,with descriptions of thee new species.Sinensia,1934,4(11):338—352.
13 Wu Hsien-Wen.A review of the scorpions and whip-scorpions of China.Sinensia,1936,7(2):113—127.
14 Wu Hsien-Wen,TangS.F.Report on the oceanographical and biologicalsurvey in the gulfof Poh-Hai and along the coast of Shantung Peninsu-la,Pt,111,Chemical conditions of sea water.Sinensia,1937,8(1):51—62.
15 Wu Hsien-Wen.On the fishes of Li-Kiang.Sinensia,1939,10(1—6):92—142.
16 Wu Hsien-Wen,Kung C.C.On the accessory respirat oryorgan ofMonopterus.Sinensia,1940,11(1—2):59—67.
17 Wu Hsien-Wen,LiuC.K.On the structure of the “adhesiveapparatus”of Glyptosternum.Sinensia,1940,11(1—2):69—75.
18 Wu Hsien-Wen.Liu C.K.The bucoo-pharyngeal ephhelium as the principal respiratory organ in Monopterus javanensis.Sinensia,1940,11(3—4):221—239.
19 Wu Hsien-Wen.Chang H.W.On the structures of the intestine in the Chinese pond loach with special reference to its adaptationtoaerial respiration.Sinensia,1945,16(1—6):1—8.
20 伍献文.记殷墟出土之鱼骨.中国考古学报(田野考古报告),1948(4):139—143.
21 Wu Hsien-Wen.Some rilics of fish bonesfrom the Shang Dynasty.Sinensia,1948,19(1—6):1—5.
22 E.B.波鲁茨基,王乾麟,伍献文等.长江三峡水库库区水生生物调查和渔业利用的规划意见.水生生物学集刊,1959(1):1—32.
23 E.B.波鲁茨基,伍献文,白国栋等.丹江口水库库区水生生物调查和渔业利用的意见.水生生物学集刊,1959(1):33—56.
24 伍献文.五里湖1951年湖泊学调查,1.一般情况和工作方法.水生生物学集刊,1962(1):63—67.
25 曹文宣,伍献文.四川西部甘孜阿坝地区鱼类生物学及其渔业问题.水生生物学集刊,1962(2):79—110.
26 伍献文,杨干荣,乐佩琦等.中国经济动物志,淡水鱼类.北京:科学出版社,1963:155.
27 伍献文,曹文宣,易伯鲁等.中国鲤科鱼类志,上卷.上海:上海科学技术出版社,1964:1—228.
28 伍献文,钟麟.鲩、青、鲢、鳙人工繁殖在我国的进展和成就.科学通报,1964(10):900—907.
29 Wu Hsien-Wen,Chung Ling.Progress and Achievements in the Artificial Propagation of Four Farm Fishes in China.Contributions at the1964 Peking Symposium.GEN:160,1964:203—218.
30 伍献文,林人端.银鱼的幼态持续及其在天演上的意义.水生生物学集刊,1965,5(2):39—245.
31 伍献文,曹文宣,易伯鲁等.中国鲤科鱼类志,下卷.上海:上海人民出版社,1977:229—598.
32 罗云林,伍献文.中国胭脂鱼的骨骼形态和胭脂鱼科的分类位置.动物分类学报,1979,4(3):195—209.
33 伍献文,罗云林,林人端.双孔鱼科(Gyrinochilidae)鱼类的系统发育和分类位置.动物分类学报,1979,4(4):307—311.
34 伍献文,陈宜瑜,陈湘麟等.鲤亚目鱼类分科的系统和科间系统发育的相互关系.中国科学,1981(3):369—376.
35 Wu Hsien-Wen,Chen Yiyu,Chen Xianglin et al.A taxonomical system and phylogenetic relationship of the families of the Suborder Cyprinoidei(Pisces).Scientia Sinica,1981,24(4):563—572.
2 Wu Hsien-Wen.A new nematode from the stomach of a scylloid shark.Contr Biol Lab Soc China,1927,3(2):1—3.
3 Wu Hsien-Wen.four birds from Fukien.China Jour Sci Arts,1928,9:198—200.
4 Wu Hsien-Wen,Hoeppli R.Free-living nematodes from Fookien andChekiang.Arohivf Schif.und Trop Hyg Patho und Ther ExotKran k,1929,33(1):35—43.
5 Wu Hsien-Wen.Study of the fishes of amoy,part.1.Contr Biol Lab Sci Soc China,1929,5(4):1—99.
6 Wu Hsien-Wen.Description de Poissons nouveux de Cnine.Bull Mus Nat Hist Paris,ser2,1932,2(3):255—259.
7 Wu Hsien-Wen.On some fishes collected from the upper Yangtse valley.Sinensia,1930,1(6):65—86.
8 Wu Hsien-Wen.Notes on the fishes from the coast of Foochow region and Ming River.Contr Biol Lab Sci Soc China,1931,7(1):1—64.
9 Wu Hsien-Wen.Contributiona l’Etude morphologique,biologique etsystematique des poissons heterosomes(pisces heterosomata)de laChine.Theses Univ Paris,SerA,1932(244):1—179.
10 Wu Hsien-Wen,Tang S.F.Notes on the Nematomorpha of china.Sinensia,1933,3(7):173—178.
11 Wu Hsien-wen.Notes on the parasitic nematodes from an Indian elephant.Sinensia,1934,5(5—6):512—533.
12 Wu Hsien-Wen.Enumeration of the river-crabs(potamonidae)of China,with descriptions of thee new species.Sinensia,1934,4(11):338—352.
13 Wu Hsien-Wen.A review of the scorpions and whip-scorpions of China.Sinensia,1936,7(2):113—127.
14 Wu Hsien-Wen,TangS.F.Report on the oceanographical and biologicalsurvey in the gulfof Poh-Hai and along the coast of Shantung Peninsu-la,Pt,111,Chemical conditions of sea water.Sinensia,1937,8(1):51—62.
15 Wu Hsien-Wen.On the fishes of Li-Kiang.Sinensia,1939,10(1—6):92—142.
16 Wu Hsien-Wen,Kung C.C.On the accessory respirat oryorgan ofMonopterus.Sinensia,1940,11(1—2):59—67.
17 Wu Hsien-Wen,LiuC.K.On the structure of the “adhesiveapparatus”of Glyptosternum.Sinensia,1940,11(1—2):69—75.
18 Wu Hsien-Wen.Liu C.K.The bucoo-pharyngeal ephhelium as the principal respiratory organ in Monopterus javanensis.Sinensia,1940,11(3—4):221—239.
19 Wu Hsien-Wen.Chang H.W.On the structures of the intestine in the Chinese pond loach with special reference to its adaptationtoaerial respiration.Sinensia,1945,16(1—6):1—8.
20 伍献文.记殷墟出土之鱼骨.中国考古学报(田野考古报告),1948(4):139—143.
21 Wu Hsien-Wen.Some rilics of fish bonesfrom the Shang Dynasty.Sinensia,1948,19(1—6):1—5.
22 E.B.波鲁茨基,王乾麟,伍献文等.长江三峡水库库区水生生物调查和渔业利用的规划意见.水生生物学集刊,1959(1):1—32.
23 E.B.波鲁茨基,伍献文,白国栋等.丹江口水库库区水生生物调查和渔业利用的意见.水生生物学集刊,1959(1):33—56.
24 伍献文.五里湖1951年湖泊学调查,1.一般情况和工作方法.水生生物学集刊,1962(1):63—67.
25 曹文宣,伍献文.四川西部甘孜阿坝地区鱼类生物学及其渔业问题.水生生物学集刊,1962(2):79—110.
26 伍献文,杨干荣,乐佩琦等.中国经济动物志,淡水鱼类.北京:科学出版社,1963:155.
27 伍献文,曹文宣,易伯鲁等.中国鲤科鱼类志,上卷.上海:上海科学技术出版社,1964:1—228.
28 伍献文,钟麟.鲩、青、鲢、鳙人工繁殖在我国的进展和成就.科学通报,1964(10):900—907.
29 Wu Hsien-Wen,Chung Ling.Progress and Achievements in the Artificial Propagation of Four Farm Fishes in China.Contributions at the1964 Peking Symposium.GEN:160,1964:203—218.
30 伍献文,林人端.银鱼的幼态持续及其在天演上的意义.水生生物学集刊,1965,5(2):39—245.
31 伍献文,曹文宣,易伯鲁等.中国鲤科鱼类志,下卷.上海:上海人民出版社,1977:229—598.
32 罗云林,伍献文.中国胭脂鱼的骨骼形态和胭脂鱼科的分类位置.动物分类学报,1979,4(3):195—209.
33 伍献文,罗云林,林人端.双孔鱼科(Gyrinochilidae)鱼类的系统发育和分类位置.动物分类学报,1979,4(4):307—311.
34 伍献文,陈宜瑜,陈湘麟等.鲤亚目鱼类分科的系统和科间系统发育的相互关系.中国科学,1981(3):369—376.
35 Wu Hsien-Wen,Chen Yiyu,Chen Xianglin et al.A taxonomical system and phylogenetic relationship of the families of the Suborder Cyprinoidei(Pisces).Scientia Sinica,1981,24(4):563—572.