

答案:4  悬赏:40  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-10 21:23

这次犯错误,自己想了很多东西,反省了很多的事情,自己也很懊悔,很气自己,去的铁律,也深刻认识到自己所犯错误的严重性,对自己所犯的错误感到了羞愧。一开学就三令五申,一再强调校校纪,提醒学生不要校,可我却没有把和的话放在心上,没有重视说的话,没有重视颁布的重要事项,当成了耳旁风,这些都是不应该的。也是对的不尊重。应该把说的话紧记在心,把颁布的校校纪紧急在心。事后,我冷静的想了很久,我这次犯的错误不仅给自己带来了麻烦,耽误自己的学。而且我这种行为给也造成了及其坏的影响,破坏了的管理制度.在同学们中间也造成了的影响。由于我一个人的犯错误,有可能造成别的同学的效仿,影响班级纪律性,年级纪律性,对的纪律也是一种破坏,而且给对自己抱有很大期望的,家长也是一种伤害,也是对别的同学的父母的一种不负责任。每一个都希望自己的学生做到品学兼优,全面发展,树立良好形象,也使我们的有一个良好形象。每一个同学也都希望给自己一个良好的学环境来学,生活。包括我自己也希望可以有一个良好的学环境,但是一个良好的学环境靠的是大家来共同维护来建立起来的,而我自己这次却犯了错误,去破坏了的良好环境,是很不应该的,若每一个同学都这样犯错,那么是不会有良好的学环境形成,对校的学生给予也是应该的,我在家也待了半个月了,自己想了很多,也意识到自己犯了很严重错误,我知道,造成如此大的损失,我应该为自己的犯的错误付出价,我也愿意要承担尽管是承担不起的责任,尤其是作在重点接受教育的人,在此错误中应负不可推卸的主要责任。我真诚地接受批评,并愿意接受给予的处理。对不起,!我犯的是一个严重的原则性的问题。我知道,对于我的犯校也非常的生气。我也知道,对于学生,不校,不纪律,做好自己的事是一项最基本的责任,也是最基本的义务。但是我却连最基本的都没有做到。如今,犯了大错,我深深懊悔不已。我会以这次作为一面镜子时时检点自己,批评和教育自己,自觉接受。我要知羞而醒,知羞而奋进,亡羊补牢、化羞耻为,努力学。我也要通过这次,提高我的思想认识,强化责任措施。自己还是很想好好学,学对我来是最重要的,对今后的生存,就业都是很重要的,我现在才很小 ,我还有去拼搏的能力。我还想在拼一次,在去努力一次,希望给予我一个做好学生的一个机会,我会好好改过的,认认真去学 ,那样的生活充实,这样在家也很耽误课程,的课程本来就很紧,学起来就很劲,在今后的学生活中,我一定会好好学,各课都努力往上赶记得刚进入时,班和副班对我抱有很大的期望,学还能接受,可在纪律方面却出现了问题,在三令五申的铁律下,在严明校纪校的大环境下,我犯下这么严重的错误,对应该严惩的,我不知多少次大声说,,我错了,我错了。,我错了,我错了。在这半月中,我每天还是按时就起床,想想我在也生活了近两年了。对已有很深的感情,在今后的我,会已新的面貌,出现在,不在给和年级还有我的班摸黑。无论在学还是在别的方面我都会用校来严格要求自己,我会把握这次机会。将它当成我人生的转折点,是希望我们成为社会的栋梁,所以我在今后的学生活中更加的努力,不仅把教我们的知识学好,更要学好如何做人 ,犯了这样的错误,对于家长对于我的期望也是一种巨大的打击,家长辛辛苦苦挣,让我们可以生活的比别人优越一些,好一些,让我们可以全身心的投入到学中去。但是,我犯的错误却违背了家长的心愿,也是对家长心血的一种否定,我对此很惭愧。相信看到我这个态度也可以知道我对这次有很深刻的悔过态度,相信我的悔过之心,我的行为不是向的纪律进行挑战,是自己的一时失足,希望可以原谅我的错误,我也会向你保证此事不会再有第二次发生。对于这一切我还将进一步深入总结,深刻反省,恳请相信我能够记取教训、改正错误,把今后的事情加倍努力干好。同时也真诚地希望能继续关心和支持我,并却对我的问题酌情处理。
The mistakes. He wanted to a lot of things, reflect on a lot of things, oneself also very much regretted, the very air itself to the iron rule, but also a profound understanding of to commit serious the error, the errors committed by their own ashamed. A school on the repeated injunctions, has repeatedly stressed that school discipline, warned the students not to school, but I failed to make and words in mind, there is no attention to the words, did not attach importance to the promulgation of the important matters, fallen on deaf ears, these should not be. Is the lack of respect. Should say that in mind, the promulgation of the school discipline in cardiac emergency. Afterwards, I would like to calm for a long time, I made the mistake of not only bring their own trouble, delay their studies. It also causes bad effects to me this behavior, destruction of the management system. In the middle of the students also caused the. Because of my own mistakes, may cause other students to follow suit, of class discipline, grade discipline, discipline of is also a kind of destruction, and to have great expectations, parents also is a kind of harm to yourself and to other students parents a irresponsible. Every hope that their students achieve high academic achievers, comprehensive development, establish a good image, also make us have a good image. Every one of my classmates also want to give yourself a good learning environment to learn life. I also hope that I can have a good learning environment, but a good learning environment that we have to rely on common maintenance to set up, and I have made a mistake this time, a good environment to destroy, is should not, if every student so mistakes. It is not good for the formation of learning environment, students should also be given, I also spent half a month at home, he would like a lot, but also realize that they committed a very serious mistake, I know, cause so much damage, I should pay a price for their mistakes and I am willing to take even the responsibility can not afford, especially focus on education, should not shirk its primary responsibility in this error. I sincerely accept criticism and accept the offer. I'm sorry, but I have committed a serious problem. I know, I'm very angry with my school. I also know that for students, no school, no discipline, do their own thing is a basic responsibility, but also the most basic obligation. But I don't even have the most basic. Now, a mistake, I deeply regret. I will take this as a mirror always behave themselves, criticize and educate themselves, and consciously accept the. I want to know shame and wake up, know shame and forge ahead, too, for shame, trying to learn. I also want to pass this time, improve my ideological understanding, strengthen the responsibility measure. I still want to learn, learning is the most important to me, the future survival, employment is very important, I am now very small, I have the ability to fight. I want to fight again, to try again, want to give me a good student a chance, I will take it seriously, go to school, so full of life, this course at home is also delayed, the courses have been very tight, it is very strong, in the students live in the future, I will learn the lesson, all efforts to catch just remember to enter, classes and sub classes have great expectations for me to learn, can accept, in discipline but there is a problem, in that iron, in strict school school environment, I made such a serious mistake, should be punished for, I do not know how many times I cried, I was wrong, I was wrong. I was wrong, I was wrong. In this half, I get up on time every day, I think in the life for nearly two years. To have deep feelings, in my future, will have a new look, appear in, not to grade and my class in the dark. No matter in theory or in other ways I will use the school to set strict demands on themselves, I will seize this opportunity. It will be as a turning point in my life, hope we become social pillars of, so I in future students live in more efforts, not only the teach us to learn knowledge, but also to learn how to life, made such a mistake, for parents for my expectation is a huge blow, the parents hard-earned, so that we can live is superior than others and some, some good, so that we can wholeheartedly devoted to studies. However, I made a mistake but contrary to the wishes of parents, but the parents of a negative effort, I am ashamed. I see me in this manner may also know I have very deep repentance attitude to this, I believe my repentance of the heart, my behavior is not to discipline challenges, is a momentary slip his, I hope you can forgive my mistake, I will assure you that the matter will not again for the second time. For all this I will also further in-depth summary of soul searching, I urge that I can remember the lesson, correct mistakes, to redouble their efforts to do things in the future. Also sincerely hope to continue to care for and support me, and my question about discretion.
Today, I harbored guilt and remorse to you to write this jiantaoshu, to you said me to speak in class. The bad behavior of deep understanding and no class time gossiping determination. This is a very deep inspection, I for the mistake I made this time feel very ashamed, I really should not speak in the early study hall, I should not go against the teacher's rules, we as students should fully listen to the teacher's words, and this time I not good attention to the teacher. I'm sorry, I hope you can forgive my mistake, I this really deep repentance. However, people will always make a mistake, of course, I know that not to use this as an excuse, we still have to try to avoid such errors occur, I hope the teacher can believe my repentance of the heart. 'People have missed, horse stumbles'. My bad behavior is not to challenge the teacher's discipline. Is definitely a mistake, the teacher said is very correct, is to want to make mistakes should not be in front of you make a mistake, I feel really very ashamed, how can this. Believe that the teacher saw me in this manner may also know I of this event had a profound repentance attitude, I so the importance of this event, hope teacher can forgive my mistakes, I can to the teacher to ensure that the future will not be in the early study hall, and any other class of gossip of. Today, I am really very profound realizing my mistake and know what the teacher said we need to listen to the, the teacher said definitely will carry out her pro
1000字旷课检讨书 学生主要任务是学习,就像老师忙着点名一样,本职工作不做好,还有什么理由?旷课是错的。所以我应该检讨!,我向老师检讨如下: 一、积极行动,追究责任,知羞而奋进。 这次发生旷课的事,对我们班,对我个人来讲,都是莫大的羞耻。系领导下发通知惩罚我。我个人认为,这是应该的,我完全赞同系领导的这项决策,从这件事说明我的学习工作还不够扎实,有较大的缺陷。两日来,我一直在扪心自问:“好好学习,天天向上”应是一个学生,不论是大学生,都应该时刻牢记的座右铭。 对于上课,不管我是不想去,还是老师讲课讲得不好,我都应义不容辞的去上他的课。 然而,我没有尽职尽责地去努力,导致了这次不该发生的旷课发生了。 事情发生后,我进行了认真的反思,我个人作了深刻的检讨和自我批评。 二、提高认识,狠抓落实,大力开展批评与自我批评。 当前,全院正值全力以赴创建优秀班风的高峰,我却传出了与之极不和谐的声调-旷课。这件事在我班、我系乃至全院造成了极为恶劣的影响。 这一方面说明了我学习工作不够努力,另一方面,也说明我对此项工作认识不够。 我这次拖了我班优秀班风建设的后腿,对此我深感内疚和痛心。 我承认,为完成作业而抗课的行为,我应负有不可推卸的责任。 这同时也暴露出了我的学习工作不及量、不扎实、不到位,也反映出了我对这项学习工作认识上不够重视。 三、知羞就改,亡羊补牢,狠抓落实。 我要以这次旷课事件作为一面镜子时时检点自己,批评和教育自己,自觉接受监督。当前,全院在开展创建班风活动,做为计003班的一员,我要知羞而警醒,知羞而奋进,亡羊补牢、狠抓落实,化羞耻为动力,努力学习。以实际行动为为我班做出应有的贡献,用自己的努力来弥补我在过去在学习工作中存在的不足和缺憾。我要通过这次事件,提高我的思想认识,强化责任措施。我有决心、有信心使我学得更好! 现在我已经认识到了自己的错误,打算今后改正坏毛病,坚持做到不旷课,不早退,并调整好心态,天天向上! 万丈高楼从地起,水积成洋,沙积成塔,知识是学出来的,学问是上课出来的。我竟然以做作业为借口进行旷课,实在是罪无可恕! 我不应该逃课! 短短1000字,不能表述我对我自己的谴责,更多的责骂,深在我的心理。我错了,我逃课了。我错了,我不该逃的。但是,浪子回头金不换。我希望老师能给我改过重新做人的机会。老师能给我改过的机会,我会化悔恨为力量,努力地上课、上课、再上课
一篇3000字的检讨,要英文 如今,随着经济的发展,马路上的车辆都川流不息的,车水马龙的马路上随时都可能上演一幕幕惨剧,一个个鲜活的生命就消失于轮胎之下。 一阵阵欢声笑语埋没在刺耳的喇叭声中,面对这心惊胆战的场景,你能不感到惋惜吗?导致这悲剧发生的重要原因就是人们缺乏自我保护意识和交 通安全意识。 有一条新闻报道,人们穿行在人山人海的街头,急促的喇鸣声震耳欲聋,这时,一辆轿车狂奔而来,只见有一个背着书包的小学生蹦蹦跳跳地走回 家的路上,“啊!!”地一声尖叫,看见一辆疾速的汽车撞上了那个学生,刚才还那么活泼的孩子现在就被撞飞了,人们也纷纷停下脚步来,看着 这惨不忍睹的画面,多么的悲惨
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