是一间外国基金公司的信,里面有一些金融方面的专有名词 麻烦尽量翻译到位,谢谢。
Genius is not affected since we utilize all money-making methods available in the financial markets.
It includes short trading, or in other words, we can take advantage of the falling markets. This allows
us to make a substantially higher profit which can be passed on to our investors.
Genius Funds is a real investment firm in business since late 2006 and can't be really compared
to most other companies found online. I believe what makes us different is our expertise in financial
markets, unrivaled customer support service, attractive investment products and the last, but not least,
the fact that our investments are made in real securities that yield real profits. Rest assured we do
our best not to attach any risks to customer's capital at all times. Also there is a Reserve Fund in place.
Nonetheless we actually have a lot of customers asking about 3rd party guarantees such as insurance or
bank guarantee. Unfortunately, we cannot provide these. We operate with risky financial instruments
in developing markets like that of BRICS countries and countries of the former Soviet Union and so
on. Bank or insurance guarantees, especially in the current financial situation in the world are
out of the question.
According to rules of our governing body, as a security measure we must issue share certificates to
all investors that hold more then 500 shares in one of our funds. We distribute electronic share
certificates, identifiable by a watermark and distributed in secure PDF format. The share certificate
can be used as a legal tender against assets of our firm in case of financial difficulties. We also
guarantee fund share prices to be the same upon the redemption of fund shares ($1.00).
Customer Assistance:
We are legal and registered investment company.
Customer Assistance:
You will be issued a share certificate signed and sealed by our company.
Share certificates act as legal tender against assets of our investment firm in case of any financial trouble.
Customer Assistance:
Most investments are made in countries with S&P Rating BB+ or higher.
Customer Assistance:
Stock investments are diversified across many industries, with a high focus on the country's leading industry (producing 20 or more % GDP in some cases).
Customer Assistance:
The fund's assets are mainly placed in high yield bonds, providing you access to a bond market that is usually available only to institutional investors.
Customer Assistance:
Our Fund managers quickly adjust fund strategies to take advantage of the falling equity markets.
We can also profit from the declining market. If the trend is stable, the profits can be quite high.