

答案:2  悬赏:80  手机版
解决时间 2021-05-09 15:13

The Swine Flu virus detected in Mexico is the H1N1 Swine Flu virus strain that has killed more than 152 people in Mexico , a Mexico government advised , citing results from tests done in report. The Swiss government advised its citizens to avoid non-essential travel to Mexico on Tuesday.A man admitted that all of the suspected patients, having recently been to Mexico, were already quarantined and received necessary medication, but a series of tests are needed to confirm whether they are really infected with swine flu virus. We can overcome it.We has been urging citizens with symptoms of the flu -- a sharp increase in body temperature, headaches, muscular pains and breathing problems -- to visit their nearest medical center as soon as possible.

The city has been giving out face masks on public transport. .We has been urging citizens with symptoms of the flu -- a sharp increase in body temperature, headaches, muscular pains and breathing problems -- to visit their nearest medical center as soon as possible.it is known that after the human infects the Type A H1N1 flu's symptom and cold is similar, the patient will appear has a fever, the cough, wearily, to have a poor appetite and so on. In the prevention aspect, Xu Ruiheng thought that the present stage necessity has not huddled together vaccinates the person influenza vaccine, because prevents the seasonal influenza vaccine to prevent the Type A H1N1 flu and not to have the effect. Correct makes the law forms the good personal hygiene habit, sufficient sleep, attendance in exercise, reduced pressure, enough nutrition; The attendance washes the hands, after particularly has contacted the public goods, must wash the hands first touches own eye, the nose and the mouth again; Sneezes and cough time should use the paper goods to cover the oronasal; The indoor maintains ventilates and so on.Prevention 1, to avoid contact with influenza-like symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose, etc.) or pneumonia and other respiratory tract of patients. 2, to observe good personal hygiene, frequent hand-washing with soap and water, especially after coughing or sneezing. 3, to avoid contact with pigs or pig to have a place. 4, to avoid going to crowded places. 5, when coughing or sneezing, cover mouth and nose with tissue paper, tissue paper and then thrown into the trash. 6, such as outside the influenza-like symptoms (fever, cough, runny nose, etc.), should immediately seek medical treatment (medical treatment should be wearing masks), to the local public health agencies and description of inspection and quarantine departments. it is known that after the human infects the Type A H1N1 flu's symptom and cold is similar, the patient will appear has a fever, the cough, wearily, to have a poor appetite and so on. In the prevention aspect, Xu Ruiheng thought that the present stage necessity has not huddled together vaccinates the person influenza vaccine, because prevents the seasonal influenza vaccine to prevent the Type A H1N1 flu and not to have the effect. Correct makes the law forms the good personal hygiene habit, sufficient sleep, attendance in exercise, reduced pressure, enough nutrition; The attendance washes the hands, after particularly has contacted the public goods, must wash the hands first touches own eye, the nose and the mouth again; Sneezes and cough time should use the paper goods to cover the oronasal; The indoor maintains ventilates and so on.According to the World Health Organization circular, US and Mexico has the human to infect A/H1N1 the Type A H1N1 flu epidemic situation. Up to April 24, Mexico has 3 epidemic situations successively, altogether reported that the case 882 examples, die 62 examples, the case fatality rate 7%, majority of cases for young *****s crowd. At the same time, the US reported that 7 example diagnosis case and 9 example suspected cases, the case symptom is light, does not have the death. According to the laboratory examination's preliminary result, formerly not examined in the pig or the humanity causes this epidemic situation Type A H1N1 flu A/H1N1 virus.it is known that after the human infects the Type A H1N1 flu's symptom and cold is similar, the patient will appear has a fever, the cough, wearily, to have a poor appetite and so on. In the prevention aspect, Xu Ruiheng thought that the present stage necessity has not huddled together vaccinates the person influenza vaccine, because prevents the seasonal influenza vaccine to prevent the Type A H1N1 flu and not to have the effect. Correct makes the law forms the good personal hygiene habit, sufficient sleep, attendance in exercise, reduced pressure, enough nutrition; The attendance washes the hands, after particularly has contacted the public goods, must wash the hands first touches own eye, the nose and the mouth again; Sneezes and cough time should use the paper goods to cover the oronasal; The indoor maintains ventilates and so on.

What is swine flu?It is a contagious respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses. Pigs are hit by regular outbreaks. There are many different types of swine flu and the current cases involve the H1N1 strain of type A influenza virus.How do humans catch it?While people do not normally catch it, humans can contract the virus, usually if they have been in close contact with pigs. It is also possible for the constantly changing infection to spread from person to person, which has happened in the latest outbreak. Experts believe it spreads in the same way as seasonal flu - through coughing and sneezing.What are the symptoms?

The symptoms of swine influenza in people are similar to the symptoms of regular human seasonal influenza infection and include fever, fatigue, lack of appetite, coughing and sore throat. Some people with swine flu have also reported vomiting and diarrhoea.What is the difference between swine flu, avian flu and the flu commonly seen in the UK during the winter?

How long should the national holiday be?It goes without saying that some people prefer long vacations because they can haveenough time to do things that cannot be finished within a short time. During a longvacation, they may make a complicated experiment, carry out an involved investigation orgo to a faraway place for some necessary field work. Taking a full time job to earn moneyfor one or two months is another benefit the long vacation provides and sometimes a goodacademic thesis with a considerable length needs a long vacation. What is more, those who favor short vacations also have understandable reasons. For twoor three weeks' rest is adequate for students to refresh themselves without forgetting thelessons that are to be continued next semester. Short vacations also mean to rest threetimes a school year and short semesters. To study in this way is easier than to study for along exhausting time with many courses and lessons crammed together.As has been noted, either long or shortvacation has its advantages and disadvantagesWhat matters is how to make use of it.


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