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Mediterranean culture is the different periods of time took place in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Mediterranean coast between three continents, countries and regions around the mode of production and living customs, ethnic composition, religion, language, architecture and other cultural phenomena and ancient cultural patterns of the general.


The Mediterranean, was north of continental Europe, the south east of the African continent and the Asian continent surrounded. A total of about 4000 kilometers East and West, north and south at its widest point is about 1800 km, covering an area (including the Marmara 〔〕 Marmara sea, but does not include the Black Sea) is about 2,512,000 square kilometers (970,000 square miles) is the world&#39;s largest land between the sea. To Apennine Peninsula, Sicily and Tunisia, Tunisia, between the Straits as the boundary points east and west in two parts. An average depth of 1450 meters, 5092 meters the deepest. High salinity, up to 39.5 ‰. Mediterranean, the deepest recorded point is the Greek south of the Ionian basin, to 5,121 meters below sea level (16,800 feet). The Mediterranean is the world&#39;s oldest sea, history even older than the Atlantic Ocean. <br>Western Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean through the Strait of Gibraltar connects the east through the Turkish Straits (Dardanelles and the Bosphorus, the Sea of Marmara), and connected to the Black Sea. West through Gibraltar (Gibraltar) Strait and the Atlantic Ocean to communicate narrowest point is only 13 km (8 miles). Channel is relatively shallow. The Northeast to the Dardanelles - Marmara Sea - Bosporus Strait connecting the Black Sea. The opening of the 19th century when the south-east of the Suez Canal and Red Sea to communicate. The Mediterranean is the world&#39;s oldest sea, one of the subsidiaries of its Atlantic is the young Marine. Mediterranean, Eurasian and African plates at the junction, is one of the world is strong earthquake zone. In the Mediterranean region Vesuvius volcano, Mount Etna. <br>The Mediterranean coast summers are hot and dry, warm and humid in winter, is known as the Mediterranean climate. Vegetation, leaf quality hard, leaves with waxy, deep roots, there are dry and hot summer climate to adapt to drought-resistant characteristics of a subtropical evergreen broad-hard Yelin. Here light and heat sufficient, is Europe&#39;s premier subtropical fruit production areas, rich in citrus, figs and grapes, as well as olive tree oil crops. <br>Jane Jews and the ancient Greeks first called the &quot;sea&quot; or &quot;the sea.&quot; People only know this because of the ancient sea located between three continents, so called &quot;Mediterranean.&quot; English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and other languages from the Latin spelling MareMediterraneum, where &quot;medi&quot; means &quot;in between ... ...&quot;, &quot;terra&quot; means &quot;land&quot;, the full name means &quot;land between the sea&quot; . The name of the beginning of the ancient books found in the 3rd century AD. AD 7th century, the Spanish writer isil for the first time in the Mediterranean as a geographical name. <br>The Mediterranean Sea was considered to be surrounded by the Eastern Hemisphere prior to the Tethys (Tethys) the residual part of the sea. Now know that it is structurally younger basin. Its continental shelf is relatively shallow. The widest continental shelf in the east coast of Tunisia, Gabes (Gabes) Bay, a long 275 kilometers (170 miles). Most of the Adriatic sea-bed is also continental shelf. Mediterranean Harbor is the lime, clay and sand composition of the sediments, the following blue mud. Generally steep rocky coast, into a deep jagged. Long River, the Po and the Nile in the Mediterranean constitute only a few mega-deltas. The continuous injection of the Atlantic Ocean surface water is a major supplementary source of the Mediterranean sea. The water cycle components of the most stable along the North African coast through the Strait of Gibraltar into the currents. Active in the entire Mediterranean basin structure, often earthquake. Is the world&#39;s one of the strong seismic zone. Here underwater broken crust, earthquakes, volcanic frequent, the world-famous Mount Vesuvius volcano, Mount Etna volcano that is located in this area. <br>Sicily and the African continent, there is a ridge between the two parts of the Mediterranean Sea are divided into East and West. There are three western Mediterranean ridge separated from the main basin. From west to east, respectively ︰ Alboran (Alboran) Basin, Algeria basin and Lenient (Tyrrhenian) basin. In the eastern Mediterranean for the Ionian basin (the north-west of the Adriatic Sea) and the Levant (Levantine) basin (the north-west of the Aegean Sea). The largest island in the Mediterranean are Mallorca (Majorca) Island, Corsica, Sardinia, Sicily, Crete Island, Cyprus Island and Rhode Island. Waters in the southern Peninsula and Sicily, the three major islands, Sardinia, Corsica and other islands of the Mediterranean Sea is divided into several small: Li Gu Liya Hai, Tyrrhenian Sea, Adriatic Sea, Ionian Sea, the Aegean Sea and so on. The Mediterranean seabed hilly ridge and basin staggered distribution, in order to Apennine Peninsula, Sicily to Africa and Tunisia as the boundary line into the Mediterranean Sea are divided into east and west in two parts. Much larger than the western Mediterranean Eastern Mediterranean, submarine rugged terrain, the depth of the poor, the most shallow that only tens of meters (such as the northern Adriatic Sea), the depth of up to 4,000 meters above (such as the Ionian Sea) . In some places, with a sailing vessel, between the bow and stern, water depth difference of as much as much as four or five hundred meters. <br>Mediterranean climate with mild rainy winter and hot dry summers. In addition to its other south east of Tunisia, flow through the mountain gap into the Mediterranean Sea. North African coast of the majority of annual rainfall rarely exceeds 250 mm (10 inches), while the rugged Dalmatian Croatia (Dalmatia) coast, in some areas annual rainfall of 2,500 millimeters (100 inches). <br>Despite the many rivers into the Mediterranean Sea, such as the Nile, the Rhone, Ebro River, but because it is in a sub-tropical, evaporation is too big, far exceeding the supply of river water and rain, so that the water revenue fell short of expenditure of the Mediterranean more, due to the role of water temperature and salinity and the Atlantic Ocean seawater contained in the different waters of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean could have a regular exchange. The Atlantic Ocean salt water were lower, from the surface of the Strait of Gibraltar into the Mediterranean Sea, has been added to the evaporation of water, salty water sinking in the Mediterranean were high, from the lower Strait of Gibraltar into the Atlantic Ocean, forming a circulation of seawater per second over up to 7000 cubic meters. Without the steady flow of Atlantic water, about 300 years later, the Mediterranean will be dry, salt into a large pit.

地中海,被北面的欧洲大陆,南面的非洲大陆和东面的亚洲大陆包围着。东西共长约4000千米,南北最宽处大约为1800千米,面积(包括马尔马拉海,但不包括黑海)约为2,512,000平方公里(970,000平方哩),是世界最大的陆间海。以亚平宁半岛、西西里岛和突尼斯之间突尼斯海峡为界,分东、西两部分。平均深度1450米,最深处5092米。盐度较高,最高达39.5‰。地中海有记录的最深点是希腊南面的爱奥尼亚海盆,为海平面下5,121公尺(16,800呎)。地中海是世界上最古老的海,历史比大西洋还要古老。    地中海西部通过直布罗陀海峡与大西洋相接,东部通过土耳其海峡(达达尼尔海峡和博斯普鲁斯海峡、马尔马拉海)和黑海相连。西端通过直布罗陀(Gibraltar)海峡与大西洋沟通,最窄处仅13公里(8哩)。航道相对较浅。东北部以达达尼尔海峡-马尔马拉海-博斯普鲁斯海峡连接黑海。东南部经19世纪时开通的苏伊士运河与红海沟通。 地中海是世界上最古老的海之一,而附属其的大西洋却是年轻的海洋。地中海处在欧亚板块和非洲板块交界处,是世界是强地震带之一。地中海地区有维苏威火山、埃特纳火山。   地中海的沿岸夏季炎热干燥,冬季温暖湿润,被称作地中海性气候。植被,叶质坚硬,叶面有蜡质,根系深,有适应夏季干热气候的耐旱特征,属亚热带常绿硬叶林。这里光热充足,是欧洲主要的亚热带水果产区,盛产柑橘、无花果和葡萄等,还有木本油料作物油橄榄。   最早犹太人和古希腊人简称之为“海”或“大海”。因古代人们仅知此海位于三大洲之间,故称之为“地中海”。英、法、西、葡、意等语拼写来自拉丁MareMediterraneum,其中“medi”意为“在……之间”,“terra”意为“陆地”,全名意为“陆地中间之海”。该名称始见于公元3世纪的古籍。公元7世纪时,西班牙作家伊西尔首次将地中海作为地理名称。   地中海曾被认为是以前环绕东半球的特提斯(Tethys)海的残留部分。现在知道它是在结构上较为年轻的盆地。其大陆棚相对较浅。最宽的大陆棚位于突尼斯东海岸加贝斯(Gabes)湾,长275公里(170哩)。亚得里亚海海床的大部分亦为大陆棚。地中海海底是石灰、泥和沙构成的沉积物,以下为蓝泥。海岸一般陡峭多岩,成很深的锯齿状。隆河、波河和尼罗河构成了地中海中仅有的几个大三角洲。大西洋表层水的不断注入是地中海海水的主要补充来源。其海水循环的最稳定组成部分为沿北非海岸经直布罗陀海峡注入的海流。整个地中海海盆构造活跃,常有地震发生。是世界上强地震带之一。这里水下地壳破碎,地震、火山频繁,世界著名的维苏威火山、埃特纳火山即分布在本区。   西西里岛与非洲大陆之间有一海岭将地中海分为东西两个部分。西地中海中有3个由海岭隔开的主要海盆。由西向东分别为︰阿尔沃兰(Alboran)海盆、阿尔及利亚海盆和第勒尼安(Tyrrhenian)海盆。地中海东部为爱奥尼亚海盆(其西北为亚得里亚海)和勒旺(Levantine)海盆(其西北为爱琴海)。地中海中的大岛屿有马略卡(Majorca)岛、科西嘉岛、萨丁尼亚岛、西西里岛、克里特岛、塞浦路斯岛和罗得岛。海域中的南欧三大半岛及西西里岛、撒丁岛、科西嘉岛等岛屿,将地中海分成若干个小海区:利古利亚海、第勒尼安海、亚得里亚海、伊奥尼亚海、爱琴海等。地中海海底起伏不平,海岭和海盆交错分布,以亚平宁半岛、西西里岛到非洲突尼斯一线为界,把地中海分为东、西两部分。东地中海要比西地中海大得多,海底地形崎岖不平,深浅悬殊,最浅处只有几十米(如亚得里亚海北部),最深处可达4000米以上(如爱奥尼亚海)。有的地方,一条航行着的船只,船头与船尾之间,水深相差竟有四五百米之多。   地中海气候冬季温和多雨,夏季干燥炎热。除其南岸的突尼斯东部以外,气流经过山脉间隙进入地中海。北非沿岸大部分年降雨量很少超过250公釐(10吋),而在克罗埃西亚崎岖的达尔马提亚(Dalmatia)海岸,有些地区年降雨量为2,500毫米(100吋)。   尽管有诸多的河流注入地中海,如尼罗河、罗纳河、埃布罗河等,但由于它处在副热带,蒸发量太大,远远超过了河水和雨水的补给,使地中海的水收入不如支出多,由于海水温差的作用和与大西洋海水所含盐度的不同,使地中海和大西洋的海水可发生有规律的交换。含盐份较低的大西洋海水,从直布罗陀海峡表层流入地中海,增补被蒸发去的水源,含盐份高的地中海海水下沉,从直布罗陀海峡下层流入大西洋,形成了海水的环流,每秒钟多达7000立方米。要是没有大西洋源源不断地供水,大约在300年后,地中海就会干枯,变成一个巨大的咸凹坑。

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