

答案:2  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-04 21:45
ADM Add-Drop Multiplexer 分插复用器

AI Adapted Information 适配信息

AIS Alarm indication Signal 告警指示信号

AP Access Point 接入点

APId Access Point Identifier 接入点识别符

APS Automatic Protection Switching 自动保护倒换

ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode 异步转移模式

AU Asynchronous Unit 管理单元

AU-n Administrative Unit , level u 管理单元,第n级

AUG Administrative Unit Group 管理单元组

BER Bit Error Ratio 比特误码率

BBER Background Block Error Ratio 背景块误码率

BIP Bit Interleaved Parity 比特间插奇偶校验

C Connection function 连接功能

CI Characteristic Information 特征信息

CK Clock 时钟

CM Connection Matrix 连接矩阵

CMISE Common Management Information Service 公用管理信息服务单元

CP Connection Point 连接点

CSES Consecutive Severely Errored Seconds 连续严重误码秒

D Data 数据

DCC Data Communications Channel 数据通信通路

DS Defect Second 缺陷秒

DEG Degraded 劣化

DEGTHR Degraded Threshold 劣化门限

DXC Digital Cross Connect 数字交叉连接

EI2 Electrical interface signal 2 048 kbit/s 2048kbit/s电接口信号

E31 Electrical inte4ace signal 34 368 kbit/s 34368kbit/s电接口信号

E4 Electrical inte4ace signal 139264kbit/s电接口信号

EBC Errored Block Count 误码块计数

EDC Error Detection Code 误码检测码

EDCV Error Detection Code Violation 误码检测码违倒

EMF Equipment Management Function 设备管理功能

EQ Equipment 设备

ES Electrical Section 电气段,电段

ESl Electrical Section ,levell STM-1电段

ES Errored Second 误码秒

Eq Recommendation G.703 type G.703类型电接口,

electrical signal, q表示比特率等级

bit rate order q

(q = 1l, 12,21,22,31,32,4) q = 1l, 12,21,22, 31,32,4

ExSL Expected Signal label 期望信号标识

ExTT Expected Trace Identifier 期望踪迹识别符

F_B Far-end Block 远端块

F_DS Far-end Defect Second 远端缺陷秒

F_EBC Far-end Errored Block Count 远端误码块计数

FAS Frame Alignment Signal 帧定位信号

FM Fault Management 故障管理

FOP Failure Of Protocol 协议失效

FS Forced Switch 强制倒换

FS Frame Start signal 帧起始信号

HO Higher Order 高阶

HOA Higher Order Assembler 高阶组装器

HOI Higher Order Interface 高阶接口

HOVC Higher Order Virtual Container 高阶虚容器

HP Higher order Path 高阶通道

HPA Higher order Path Adaptation 高阶通道适配

HPC Higher order Path Connection 高阶通道连接

HPOM Higher order Path Overhead Monitor 高阶通道开销监视

HPP Higher order Path Protection 高阶通道保护

HPT Higher order Path Termination 高阶通道终接

HSUT Higher order path Supervisory 高阶通道监视未装载终接

Unequipped Termination

HTCA Higher order path Tandem 高阶通道串联连接适配

Connection Adaptation

HTCT Higher order path Tandem 高阶通道串联连接终接

Connection Termination

HTCM Higher order path Tandem 高阶通道串联连接监视

Connection Monitor

ID Identifier 识别符

IF In Flame state 输入帧状态

LO Lower Order 低阶

LOA Loss Of Alignment ; generic 定位丢失(一般指LOF、LOM、


LOF Loss Of Frame 帧丢失

LOI Lower Older Interface 低阶接口

LOM Loss Of Multi frame 复帧丢失

LOP Loss Of Pointer 指针丢失

LOS Loss of Signal 信号丢失

LOVC Lower Order Virtual Container 低阶虚容器

LP Lower order Path 低阶通道

LPA Lower order Path Adaptation 低阶通道适配

LPC Lower older Path Connection 低阶通道

LPOM Lower order Path Overhead Monitor 低阶通道开销监视

LPP Lower order Path Protection 低阶通道保护

LPT Lower order Path Termination 低阶通道终接

LSUT Lower older path Supervisory 低阶通道监视未装载终接

Unequipped Termination

LTCA lower order path Tandem 低阶通道串联连接适配

Connection Adaptation

LTCT Lower order path Tandem 低阶通道串联连接终接

Connection Termination

LTCM Lower order path Tandem 低阶通道串联连接监视

Connection Monitor

LTI Loss of all incoming Timing references 输入定时基准全丢失

MC Matrix Connection 矩阵连接

MCF Message Communications Function 消息通信功能

MI Management Information 管理信息

MP Management Point 管理点

MRITE Maximum Relative Time Interval Error 最大相对时间间隔误差

MS Manual Switch 人工倒换

MS Multiplex Section 复用段

MSA Multiplex Section Adaptation 复用段适配

MSn Multiplex Section layer , STM-N复用段层,n=1,4,16

sublayer ,level level n ( n = l 、4、 16)

MSnP Multiplex Section protection STM-N复用段保护子层,

n( n= l、4、16) n( n= l、4、16)

MSOH Multiplex Section Overhead 复用段开销

MSP Multiplex Section protection 复用段保护

MST Multiplex Section Terminatio 复用段终接

MTIE Maximum Time Interval Error 最大时间间隔误差

N_B Near-end Block 近端块

N_BBE Near-end Background Block Error 近端背景块误码

N_DS Near-end Defect Second 近端缺陷秒

N_EBC Near-end Errored Block Count 近端误码块计数

NC Network Connection 网络连接

NDF New Data Flag 新数据标识

NE Network Element 网络单元,网元

NEF Network Element Function 网元功能

NNI Network Node Interface 网络节点接口

NU National Use 国内使用

OAM Operation , Administration 操作、管理与维护

and Maintenance

ODI Outgoing Defect Indication 输出缺陷指示

OEI Outgoing Error Indication 输出误码指示

OFS Out-of-Flame Second 帧失步秒

OHA OverHead Access 开销接入

OOF Out Of Frame 帧失步

OS Optical Section 光段

OSn Optical Section layer, STM-N光段层,n = l,4, 16

level n (n = l,4, 16)

OW Order Wire 公务

PI2s 2048kbit/s PDH path layer 具有G.704的125μs同步帧

with synchronous 125μs 结构的2048kbit/s PDH通道层

frame structure according to G.704

PI2x 2048kbit/s layer (transparent) 2048kbit/s(透明)层

P31e 34368kbit/s PDH path layer 带有4个准同步8448kbit/s

with 4 plesiochronous 8448kbit/s 的34368kbit/sPDH通道层

P31s 34368kbit/s PDH path layer 具有G.832的125μs同步帧

with synchronous 125μs 结构的34368kbit/s PDH通道

frame structure according to G.832 层

P31x 34368kbit/s layer (transparent ) 34368kbit/s(透明)层

with 3 plesiochronous 44736kbit/s

P4e 139 264 kbit/s POH path layer 带有4个准同步34368kbit/s

with 4 plesiochronous 34 368kbit/s 的139264kbit/sPDH通道层

P4s 139264kbit/s PDH path layer 具有G.832的125μs同步帧

with plesiochronous 125μs 结构的139264kbit/s PDH

frame structure according to G.832 通道层

P4x 139264kbit/s layer (transparent) 139264kbit/s(透明)层

PDH Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy 准同步数字体系

PLM Payload Mismatch 净荷失配

PPI PDH Physical Interface PDH物理接口

PJC Pointer Justification Count 指针调整计数

PJE Pointer Justification Event 指针调整事件

PM Performance Monitoring 性能监视

POH Path Over Head 通道开销

Pq PDH path layer, PDH通道层,比特率等级为

bit late order q(q = 1l、12、21、 q q = 1l、12、21、 22、31、32、4) 22、31、32、4

PRC Primary Reference Clock 主基准时钟

PS Protection Switching 保护倒换

PSC protection Switch Clock 保护倒换计数

PSD Protection Switch Duration 保护倒换时间

PSE Protection Switch Event 保护倒换事件

PSS Protection Switch Second 保护倒换秒

PTR Pointer 指针

RDI Remote Defect Indication 远端缺陷指示

REI Remote Error Indication 远端误码指示

RI Remote Information 远端信息

RP Remote Point 远端点

RS Regenerator Section 再生段

RSn Regenerator Section STM-N再生段,

layer ,level n ( n = I、4、16) n = I、4、16

RSOH Regenerator Section OverHead 再生段开销

RST Regenerator Section Termination 再生段终接

RxSL Received Signal Label 接收信号标识

RxTI Received Trace Identl8er 接收踪迹识别符

S12 VC-12 path layer VC-12通道层

S12D VC-12 tandem protection sublayer VC-12串联连接子层

S12P VC-12 path protection sublayer VC-12通道保护子层

S3 VC-3 path layer VC-3通道层

S3D VC-3 tandem connection sublayer 使用G.707附录D(选项2)定

using TCM definition according annex 义的TCM的VC-3串联连接

D/G.707 (option 2) 子层

S3P VC-3 path protection sublayer VC-3通道保护子层

S3T VC-3 tandem connection sublayer 使用G.707附录C(选项1)

using TCM definition according annex 定义的TCM的VC-3串联连

C/G. 707 (option l) 接子层

S4 VC-4 path layer VC-4通道层

S4D VC-4 tandem connection sublayer 使用G.707附录C(选项2)

using TCM definition according annex 定义的TCM的VC-4串联连

D/G. 7G7 (option 2) 接子层

S4P VC-4 path protection sublayer VC-4通道保护子层

S4T VC-4 tandem connection sublayer 使用G.707附录C(选项1)

using TCM de8nition according annex 定义的TCM的VC-4串联连

C/G.707 (option l) 接子层

SD Signal 信号劣化

SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy 同步数字体系

SDXC Synchronous Digital 同步数字体系交叉连接

hierarchy Cross-Connect

SEC SDH Equipment Clock SDH设备时钟

SEMF Synchronous Equipment 同步设备管理功能

SES Severely Errored Second 严重误码秒

SETG Synchronous Equipment Timing Generator 同步设备定时发生器

Timing Physical Interface

SEIPI Synchronous Equipment 同步设备定时物理接口

SETS Synchronous Equipment Timing Source 同步设备定时源

SF Signal Fail 信号失效

Sk Sink (信息、信号)宿

Sm lower order VC-m layer 低阶VC-m层(m = 11, 12,2,3)

(m = 11, 12,2,3)

SmD D VC-m (m=11,12,2,3)tandem connection VC-m串联连接子层

Sublayer (m = 11, 12,2,3)

SmDm Lower Older Tandem Connection 低阶串联连接非插入监视

Non-Intrusive Monitor

Smm VC-m (m=11,12,2,3)path layer VC-m通道层非插入监视

non-intrusive monitor (m =11, 12,2,3)

SmP VC-m (m=11,12,2,3)path VC-m通道保护子层

protection sublayer (m = 11, 12,2,3)

Sms VC-m(m=11,12,2,3)path layer VC-m通道层监视未装载

supervisory-unequipped (m = 11, 12,2,3)

Sn higher order VC-n layer (n=3,4) 高阶VC-n(n=3,4)

SnD VC-n(n=3,4) tandem connection 使用G.707附录D(选项2)定

sublayer using TCM de8nition 义的TCM的VC-n(n=3,4)串

according annex D/G. 707(option 2) 联连接子层

SnDm Higher Older Tandem Connection 高阶串联连接非插入监视

Non-Intrusive Monitor

Snm VC-n(n=3,4)path layer VC-n(n=3,4)通道层非插入监视

non-intrusive monitor

SnP VC-n(n=3,4) path protection sublayer VC-n(n=3,4)通道保护子层

Sns VC-n (n=3,4) path layer VC-n(n=3,4)通道层监视未装载


SnT VC-n (n=3,4) tandem connection 使用G.707附录C(选项1)定

sublayer using TCM definition 义的TCM的VC-n(n=3,4)串

according annex C/G. 707(option l) 联连接子层

SnTm Higher Order Tandem Connection 高阶串联连接非插入监视

Non-Intrusive Monitor

SNC Sub-Network Connection 子网连接

SNC/I inherently monitored Sub-Network 固有监视子网连接保护

Connection protection

SNC/N Non-intrusively monitored Sub-Network 非插入监视子网连接保护

Connection protection

SNC/S Sublayer (tandem connection ) monitored 子层(串联连接)监视子

Sub-Network Connection protection 网连接保护

So Source (信息、信号)源

SOH Section Overhead 段开销

SPI SDH Physical Interface SDH物理接口

SPRING Shared Protection Ring 共享保护环

SSD Sewer Signal Degrade 严重信号劣化

SSF Server Signal Fail 严重信号失效

SSM Synchronization Status Message 同步状态消息

SSU Synchronization Supply Unit 同步供给单元

STM Synchronous Transport Module 同步传送模块

TCM Tandem Connection Monitor 串联连接监视

TCP Termination Connection Point 终接连接点

TD Transmit Degrade 发送劣化

TF Transmit Fall 发送失效

TFAS trail Trace identifier 路径踪迹识别符帧定位信号

Frame Alignment Signal

TI Timing Information 定时信息

TTM Trace Identi8er Mismatch 踪迹识别符失配

IMN Telecommunications Management Network 电信管理网

IP Timing Point 定时点

TF Transmit Termination Point mode 终接点模式

IS Time Slot 时隙

TSD Trail Signal Degrade 路径信号劣化

TSF Trail Signal Fail 路径信号失效

TSL Trail Signal label 路径信号标识

TT Trail Termination function 路径终接功能

TTF Transport Termination Function 传送终接功能

TTs Trail Termination supervisory function 路径终接监视功能

TTI Trail Trace Identifier 路径踪迹识别符

TTP Trail Termination Point 路径终接点

TU Tributary Unit 支路单元

TU-m Tributary Unit , level m 支路单元,m等级

TUG Tributary Unit Group 支路单元组

TUG-m Tributary Unit Group , level m 支路单元组,m等级

TxSL Transmitted Signal Label 发送信号标识

TxTI Transmitted Trace Identifier 发送踪迹识别符

UNEQ UNE quipped 未装载

UNI User Network Interface 用户网络接口

USR User channels 用户通路

VC Virtual Container 虚容器

VC-n Virtual Container , level n 虚容器,n等级

VP Virtual Path 虚通道

W Working 主用,工作

A2 原子功能符号缩略语

EI2_TT 2048kbit/s Electrical hlte4ace 电接口信号终接

2048kbit/s Signal Trail Termination

E12/P12x_A 2048 kbit/s Electrical Interface 2048kbit/s电接口信号/

Signal to 2048 kbit/s Adaptation 2048kbit/s适配

E31_TT 34 368 kbit/s Electrical 34 368 kbit/s 电接口

Interface Signal Trail Termination 信号终接

E31/P31x_A 34368 kbit/s Electrical 34 368 kbit/s 电接口

interface Signal to 34 368 信号/34368kbit/s适配

kbit/a Adaptation

E4_TT 139 264 kbit/s Electrical 139 264 kbit/s电接口信号终

Interface Signal Trail Termination 接

E4/P4x_A 139 264 kbit/s Electrical 139 264 kbit/s电接口信号终

Inte4ace Signal to 139 接/139264kbit/s适配

264kbit/s Adaptation

ES1/RS1_A STM-l Electrical Section to STM-l电段/STM-1再生

Regeneratoe Section Adaptation 段适配

ES1_TT STM-1Electrical Section Trail Termination STM-l电段终接

MS1_TT STM-l Multiplex Section Trail Termination STM-l复用段终接

MS1/S4_A STM-1 Multiplex Section to VC-4 higher STM-l复用段/VC-4通

order path Adaptation 道适配

MS1/SD_A STM-1 Multiplex Section to Signal STM-l复用段/信号劣

Degrade Adaptation 化适配

MSI/OW_A STM-1 Multiplex Section to STM-l复用段/公务通信适配

Older-wire Adaptation

MS1/DCC_A STM-1 Multiplex Section to Data STM-l复用段/DCC通道适配

Communications Channel Adaptation

MSn_TT STM-N Multiplex Section STM-N复用段终接

Trail Termination

MSn/MSnP_A Multiplex Section to Multiplex STM-N复用段/STM-N复用

Section Protection Adaptation 段保护适配

MSnP_C STM-N Multiplex Section STM-N复用段保护连接

Protection Connection

MSnP-TT STM-N Multiplex Section Protection STM-N复用段保护终接

Trail Termination

MSn/S4_A STM-N Multiplex Section to VC-4 STM-N复用段/VC-4通道适

higher order path Adaptation 配

MSn/SD_A STM-N Multiplex Section to STM-N复用段/信号劣化适配

Signal Degrade Adaptation

MSn/OW_A STM-N Multiplex Section to STM-N复用段/公务通信适配

Order-wire Adaptation

MSn/DCC_A STM-N Multiplex Section to Data STM-N复用段/DCC通道适配

Communications Channel Adaptation

OSn_TT STM-N( Optical Section Trail Termination STM-N光段终接

OSn/RSn_A Optical Section to Regenerator STM-N光段/STM-N再

Adaptation 生段适配

P4x-n 139 264 kbit/s Signal Trail Termination 139 264 kbit/s 终接

P4x/P12x_A 139 264 kbit/s Signal to 139 264 kbit/s

2 048 kbit/s Signal Adaptation /2048kbit/s适配

RS1_TT STM_1 Regeneration Section Termination STM-1再生段终接

RSn_TT STM-N Regeneration Section Termination STM-N再生段终接

RSn/MSn_A Regeneration Section to STM-N再生段/STM-N复

Multiplex Section Adaptation 用段适配

BSn/User_A Regeneration Section to User STM-N再生段/用户

Channel Adaptation 通道适配

RSn/OW_A Regeneration Section to STM-N再生段/公务通信适配

Order-wile Adaptation

RSn/DCC_A Regeneration Section to Data STM-N再生段/DCC通道

Communications Channel Adaptation 适配

SI2_ TT VC-12 lower order path Trail Termination VC-12通道终接

SI2/PI2x_A VC-12 lower order path to VC-12通道/2048kbit/s

2 048 kbit/s signal Adaptation 信号适配

SI2/S 12P_A VC-12 lower order path to VC-12通道/VC-12

VC-12 path Protection Adaptation 通道保护适配

SI2P-C VC-12 path Protection Connection VC-12通道 保护连接

SI2P_TT VC-12 path Protection Trail Termination VC-12通道保护终接

S3_TT VC-3 path Trail Termination VC-3通道终接

S3/S3P_A VC-3 path to VC-3 path . VC-3通道/VC-3

Protection Adaptation 通道保护适配

S3/P3Ix_A VC-3 path to 34 368kbit/s VC-3通道/34368

signal Adaptation kbit/s适配

S3P_C VC-3 path Protection Connection VC-3通道保护连接

S3P_TT VC-3 path Protection Trail Termination VC-3通道保护终接

S4_C VC-4 path connection VC-4通道连接

S4_TT VC-4 path Trail Termination VC-4通道终接

S4P_TT VC-4 path Protection Trail Termination VC-4通道保护终接

S4/S12_A VC-4 path to VC-4 path Adaptation VC-4通道/VC-12通道适配

S4/S3_A VC-4 path to VC-3 path Adaptation VC-4通道/VC-3通道适配

S4/S4P_A VC-4 path to VC-4 path VC-4通道/VC4

protection Adaptation 通道保护适配

S4P_C VC-4 path Protection Connection VC-4通道保护连接

S4D_TT VC-4 path Tandem Connection VC-4串联连接终接

Trail Termination

S4Dm_TT VC-4 path Tandem Connection VC-4串联连接非插入监视

Non-Intrusive Monitor

S4D/S4_A VC-4 path Tandem Connection VC-4串联连接/VC-4

Adaptation 通道适配

S4m_T VC-A path Non-Intrusive Monitor VC-4通道非插入监视

S4s_TT VC-4 path Supervisory-Unequipped VC-4通道监视未装载终接


S4Tm_TT VC-4 path Tandem Connection VC-4串联连接非插入监视

Non-Intrusive Monitor

S4T_TT VC-4 path Tandem Connection VC-4串联连接监视终接

Trail Termination

S4T/S4_A VC-4 path Tandem Connection VC-4串联连接适配


S4/User_A VC-4 path to User path Adaptation VC-4通道/用户通道适配

Sm_C VC-m lower order path Connection 低阶通道连接

SmD_TT VC-m low order path Tandem Connection 低阶通道串联连接终接

Trail Termination

SmD/Sm_A VC-m lower order path Tandem Connection 低阶通道串联连接/

Adaptation 低阶通道适配

SmDm_TT VC-m lower order path Tandem Connection 低阶通道串联连接

Non-Intrusive Monitor 非插入监视

Smm_TT VC-m lower older path Non- 低阶通道非插入监视

Intrusive Monitor

Sms_TT VC-m lower order path Supervisory- 低阶通道监视未装载终接

Unequipped Termination
some of us get dipped in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. but every once in a while you find someone who's iridescent, and when you do, nothing will ever compare. 有些人沦为平庸浅薄,金玉其外,而败絮其中。可不经意间,有一天你会遇到一个彩虹般绚丽的人,从此以后,其他人就不过是匆匆浮云。 电影《怦然心动》(flipped)中的一句有关爱情的句子,我非常喜欢!推荐一下~~
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i5-6402p 8g gtx1050ti能开我的世界直播加128
请问,花卉 万年红养护,绿叶变黄脱落
阴历怎么看 ?