
求英语翻译 急急急!

答案:3  悬赏:30  手机版
解决时间 2021-04-04 05:44
而说到三星,可以说是苹果造就了三星。有个广告称“苹果和三星既有竞争又有合作”在强大的市场压力下,三星打破了苹果独占半壁江山的局面。在短短不到三年的时间内,研发和生产了Galaxy S系列智能手机,从一众品牌中脱颖而出,但仍有不少网友称三星操作复杂困难,笑称iPhone三年的咨询电话都没三星一个月的多!在我看来三星在系统上仍有不足,操作起来迟缓无比。但为什么三星有这么高的购买率呢?当然是价格上便宜啦,拿我来说吧我的手机是家里装宽带送的,我的好朋友也是如此,由于这个原因我们很巧合的用上了“情侣机”。

A joke, Newton because of the apple and make a great contribution to science, is it right? That apple is Samsung better? Now, apple and Samsung has, in my opinion they each has its own merits. I am now using mobile phone is Samsung, so of course I tend to apple, I've had enough of the Samsung very slow very system.
A few years ago, Apple sold, almost everyone has a mobile, but the price is expensive, many workers to save for a few months salary to buy an iPhone, many students in order not to lag behind and begged their parents acquire an apple mobile phone, which in my opinion is the comparison. Although I also envy others Apple mobile phone, but also do not want to ask their parents to be, I think it is not necessary, but Apple elegant appearance and strong kernel as it can be so "rampant" capital. The first Apple's appearance, it is beyond doubt, natural let a person feel very comfortable. Secondly, feel good. Furthermore, the IOS operating system is the internal drive of overall coordination.
When it comes to Samsung, can be said to be Apple created samsung. There is an advertisement called "apple and Samsung both competition and cooperation" in the strong market pressures, Samsung has broken the monopoly situation of Apple's half of the country. In a short span of less than three years, research and development and production of the Galaxy S series intelligent mobile phone, talent showing itself from the brand, but there are still many netizens said Samsung is complicated, that iPhone three years advisory telephone no Samsung more months! In my opinion, Samsung in the system are still inadequate, the operation very slow. But why Samsung purchase rate so high? Of course, is the price expensive, for me my mobile phone is home outfit broadband to send, so is my good friend, for this reason we are coincidence with the "love machine".
While I support apple, however, this field of electronic products a century of war not by my own words and give everything, each brand has its advantages and loyal followers, as a spectator, also can see this smoke. Buy a mobile phone and not to show off, only for their own is the best.

what he thinks of is his wife when he catches sheep. no matter what he does, he thinks of his wife firstly. every woman do want to own such a "灰太狼" to care them.灰太狼不知道怎么翻,要么就汉语,要么就拼音。如果楼主觉得翻的还行的话麻烦采纳给好评,谢谢!

A joke, Newton because of the apple and make a great contribution to science, is it right? That apple is Samsung better? 当下,苹果与三星风靡,在我看来它们各有千秋。我现在用的手机是三星,因此我当然偏向苹果啦,我已经受够了三星的极慢无比的系统了。 Now, apple and Samsung has, in my opinion they each has its own merits. I am now using mobile phone is Samsung, so of course I tend to apple, I've had enough of the Samsung very slow very system. 前几年,苹果畅销,几乎是人手一部,可价格实在昂贵,不少上班族攒了几个月工资就为买一部iPhone,不少学生为了不落后而求着父母为他们添置一部苹果手机,在我看来这是攀比。我虽然也眼红别人的苹果手机,但也不想向父母去要,我觉得其实完全没有这个必要,但苹果高雅的外观与强大的内核实为它可以如此“猖獗”的资本。首先苹果的外观,这是毋庸置疑的,自然流畅让人觉得非常舒服。其次,触感极好。再者,ios操作系统是内部开起来整体协调。 A few years ago, Apple sold, almost everyone has a mobile, but the price is expensive, many workers to save for a few months salary to buy an iPhone, many students in order not to lag behind and begged their parents acquire an apple mobile phone, which in my opinion is the comparison. Although I also envy others Apple mobile phone, but also do not want to ask their parents to be, I think it is not necessary, but Apple elegant appearance and strong kernel as it can be so "rampant" capital. The first Apple's appearance, it is beyond doubt, natural let a person feel very comfortable. Secondly, feel good. Furthermore, the IOS operating system is the internal drive of overall coordination. 而说到三星,可以说是苹果造就了三星。有个广告称“苹果和三星既有竞争又有合作”在强大的市场压力下,三星打破了苹果独占半壁江山的局面。在短短不到三年的时间内,研发和生产了Galaxy S系列智能手机,从一众品牌中脱颖而出,但仍有不少网友称三星操作复杂困难,笑称iPhone三年的咨询电话都没三星一个月的多!在我看来三星在系统上仍有不足,操作起来迟缓无比。但为什么三星有这么高的购买率呢?当然是价格上便宜啦,拿我来说吧我的手机是家里装宽带送的,我的好朋友也是如此,由于这个原因我们很巧合的用上了“情侣机”。 When it comes to Samsung, can be said to be Apple created samsung. There is an advertisement called "apple and Samsung both competition and cooperation" in the strong market pressures, Samsung has broken the monopoly situation of Apple's half of the country. In a short span of less than three years, research and development and production of the Galaxy S series intelligent mobile phone, talent showing itself from the brand, but there are still many netizens said Samsung is complicated, that iPhone three years advisory telephone no Samsung more months! In my opinion, Samsung in the system are still inadequate, the operation very slow. But why Samsung purchase rate so high? Of course, is the price expensive, for me my mobile phone is home outfit broadband to send, so is my good friend, for this reason we are coincidence with the "love machine". 虽然我支持苹果,但是,这一场电子产品的世纪大战不能凭我的一己之言而分出个高下,每个品牌都有它的优劣以及忠实的追随者,作为旁观者,也只能静观这场硝烟。买手机并不是为了炫耀,只有适合自己的才是最好的。 While I support apple, however, this field of electronic products a century of war not by my own words and give everything, each brand has its advantages and loyal followers, as a spectator, also can see this smoke. Buy a mobile phone and not to show off, only for their own is the best.
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