void *myThread1(void)
printf("This is the 1st pthread,created by zieckey.\n");
void *myThread2(void)
printf("This is the 2st pthread,created by zieckey.\n");
int main()
int i=0, ret=0;
pthread_t id1,id2;
ret = pthread_create(&id1, NULL, (void*)myThread1, NULL);
if (ret)
printf("Create pthread error!\n");
return 1;
ret = pthread_create(&id2, NULL, (void*)myThread2, NULL);
if (ret)
printf("Create pthread error!\n");
return 1;
pthread_join(id1, NULL);
pthread_join(id2, NULL);
return 0;
This is the 2st pthread,created by zieckey.
This is the 1st pthread,created by zieckey.
This is the 2st pthread,created by zieckey.
This is the 3st pthread,created by zieckey.
This is the 4st pthread,created by zieckey.
This is the 1st pthread,created by zieckey.
为什么??线程创建与执行关系是如何的?大神们快过来啊(T T)、!!