

答案:2  悬赏:0  手机版
解决时间 2021-01-03 21:42
【新目标英语九年级 Unit 1单元要点检测题参考答案】   1~5 BCBAC   6~10 CABCA   11~15 CBCCA   16~20 ABABC   21~25 BABBC   26~30 FFTFT   31~35 CBCAB   36. listening to songs   37. Why do you listen to English songs before sleep?   38. What kind of music do you like best?   39. What have you learnt from your pen friend?   40. Do you learn English by watching movies?   41. He was only fifteen years old.   42. I knew he was a clever/ smart boy, but he didn’t like English at all.   43. 你确定你将送他去伦敦吗?   44. He said in it/ his letter that his spoken English was improving fast.   45. 当我听到这个消息时,我为他感到骄傲!   One possible version:   Dear Mrs. Wong,   I am very excited to write a letter to you. I’m lucky to study at your school as an exchange student. My name is Du Li. I am fifteen years old. I like singing and dancing. Teachers will give us lessons all in English, won’t they? I am afraid that I won’t catch up with the class, because I’m not sure my English is good enough for studying at your school. So, I study English crazily these days.   I also know it is a new challenge for me to study in Hong Kong, because it’s fresh for me to go there. This is the first time for me to leave my parents far beyond my hometown. But I’m sure I can make new friends and love local culture and school life as soon as possible. What I expect is to open and widen my horizon to learn more. It’s important for me to improve my ability to study and live without parents’ care, isn’t it?   Wow, I’m so happy that the day will be coming!   Yours sincerely,   Du Li   【新目标英语九年级 Unit 2单元要点检测题参考答案】   1~5 BBACC   6~10 ABCBC   11~15 CCABA   16~20 BACAB   21~25 ACBAB   26~30 CACCA   31. Where did you go for your vacation   32. Is there anything interesting you have met   33. Did you buy anything special   34. Is the food delicious there   35. How long have you been there   36. It started to rain at 10:20.   37. They were watching the game near the river.   38. Yes, they were.   39. They went on foot.   40. He / She can eat dumplings.   One possible version:   We have discussed the ways to go on vacation. Li Ming says we should follow the agency for travel, because the guide will arrange the route. We won’t worry about the room and board. We will follow the agency to come back home, so we won’t get lost.   Zhang Fang advises that we should arrange the travel by ourselves. Independent travel is a new way to spend a holiday. We have free time for the vacation and we can help each other here and there because the three families are so familiar with every member.   For me, I don’t agree with Li Ming. I think it’s too expensive to follow the agency to travel. I agree with Zhang Fang. I think it’s better to go for self-driving travel, because our parents can drive and we just follow the GPS. It saves a lot. We will go camping and have a picnic. How interesting it will be!   Later, Li Ming and Zhang Fang agree with me. We will drive for travel. It’s an exciting thing, isn’t it?   【新目标英语九年级 Unit 3单元要点检测题参考答案】   1~5 ABCCB   6~10 CABAB   11~15 CBBAC   16~20 BCBCA   21~25 ACABC   26. parents   27. September   28. draw pictures   29. Liverpool   30. returning love to / taking good care of   31. tell me your name   32. have you been a volunteer   33. It sounds great   34. No.18 Bus will not go to the Agriculture Museum   35. your English is excellent   36. 他在QQ上结交朋友,而且有的人现在成了他最好的朋友。   37. Because he wanted to save money.   38. Chen Lin’s school is near the Huanglong Cave.   39. 作为回报,八月份吴军邀请陈林游访衡阳市。   40. some people are dangerous for us to make friends with   One possible version:   We can understand that parents love their children very much. If parents always pick up their children to go home by car, it will make children more rely on parents. A student likes to go home by car because of his vanity. If he often does this, it’s not good for him to grow up.   Parents should give children more chances to develop their independent abilities. They can go home on foot, by bike or by bus. It’s good for their health, isn’t it? Some students are too weak because they are lack of exercise. They will get weaker and weaker, won’t they?   I call on our students to learn to be independent. When school is over, we need to pay attention to traffic safety. Also it’s necessary to reduce running the family cars to protect environment. Let’s start our independent life from now on, shall we?
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