广西省平南县城管办 黄华
广西省容县县政府保卫科 李军
广西全州县汽车总站 容明华
广东省英德市建设局 局长
广州市汽车总站 文军
犯罪嫌疑人之一的刘X从小因父亲服刑,母亲不辞而别、爷爷奶奶管不了,而养成放荡不羁、调皮捣蛋的习惯,在14岁读初二时老师因受不了其多次调皮捣蛋、屡教不改和一身劣迹而将其赶出学校,从此刘X便更加肆无忌惮的去“捞世界”了,由小偷小摸到一次次在夜深人静的时候搬走政府、企事业单位的电脑主机、电视机、录音机 最后被劳动教养2年,出狱后仍不思悔改、直至和任XX等人做下3.14特大抢劫杀人案
Guangxi Wuzhou Building, 6th Floor, Fifth Season cafes Tongtai
Guangxi Province, Huang Ping Nan County Office of Urban Management
Li Jun Rong County, Guangxi Province Security Section
Quanzhou County, Guangxi Rong Ming Wah Bus Terminal
Yingde City, Guangdong Province, the construction bureau
Guangzhou City Bus Terminal Wen-jun
One of the suspects, Liu X from childhood because his father had served, the mother walked out, grandparents to discipline and develop indulgent, mischievous habit of reading two days in the 14-year-old can not stand when a teacher because of its numerous mischievous, incorrigible, and a misdeed but will expel them from school, from Liu X will be more blatant to "fishing for the world", and from petty theft to the first time in the dead of night when the removal of the government, enterprises and institutions of the host computer, televisions, tape recorders last by RTL 2 years after his release not to repent, until it either XX and others to do the next big robbery and murder 3.14
The Guangxi Province Wuchow comfortable building 6 building fifth season Internet bar Guangxi Province Pingnan county seat managed chrysanthemum Guangxi Province Rong Xian county county government department of health service Li Jun Guangxi Quanzhou county central station Rong Minghua the Guangdong Province England Germany municipal construction plays a trick bureau chief the Guangzhou central station article armed forces