

答案:2  悬赏:40  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-11 11:30
一般说起HELLO 后,总会带有一些客套话,如 I miss you ,像这类的用语,多多益善!在此谢了。

Answering the phone
Hello? (informal)
Thank you for calling Boyz Autobody. Jody speaking. How can I help you?
Doctor's office.

Introducing yourself
Hey George. It's Lisa calling. (informal)
Hello, this is Julie Madison calling.
Hi, it's Gerry from the dentist's office here.
This is she.*
*The person answering says this if the caller does not recognize their voice.

Asking to speak with someone
Is Fred in? (informal)
Is Jackson there, please? (informal)
Can I talk to your sister? (informal)
May I speak with Mr. Green, please?
Would the doctor be in/available?

Connecting someone
Just a sec. I'll get him. (informal)
Hang on one second. (informal)
Please hold and I'll put you through to his office.
One moment please.
All of our operators are busy at this time. Please hold for the next available person.

Making special requests
Could you please repeat that?
Would you mind spelling that for me?
Could you speak up a little please?
Can you speak a little slower please. My English isn't very strong.
Can you call me back? I think we have a bad connection.
Can you please hold for a minute? I have another call.

Taking a message for someone
Sammy's not in. Who's this? (informal)
I'm sorry, Lisa's not here at the moment. Can I ask who's calling?
I'm afraid he's stepped out. Would you like to leave a message?
He's on lunch right now.Who's calling please?
He's busy right now. Can you call again later?
I'll let him know you called.
I'll make sure she gets the message.

Leaving a message with someone
Yes, can you tell him his wife called, please.
No, that's okay, I'll call back later.
Yes, it's James from CompInc. here. When do you expect her back in the office?
Thanks, could you ask him to call Brian when he gets in?
Do you have a pen handy. I don't think he has my number.
Thanks. My number is 222-3456, extension 12.

Confirming information
Okay, I've got it all down.
Let me repeat that just to make sure.
Did you say 555 Charles St.?
You said your name was John, right?
I'll make sure he gets the message.

Listening to an answering machine
Hello. You've reached 222-6789. Please leave a detailed message after the beep.Thank you.
Hi, this is Elizabeth. I'm sorry I'm not available to take your call at this time. Leave me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.
Thank you for calling Dr. Mindin's office. Our hours are 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday. Please call back during these hours, or leave a message after the tone. If this is an emergency please call the hospital at 333-7896.

Leaving a message on an answering machine
Hey Mikako. It's Yuka. Call me! (informal)
Hello, this is Ricardo calling for Luke. Could you please return my call as soon as possible. My number is 334-5689. Thank you.
Hello Maxwell. This is Marina from the doctor's office calling. I just wanted to let you know that you're due for a check-up this month. Please give us a ring/buzz whenever it's convenient.

Finishing a conversation
Well, I guess I better get going. Talk to you soon.
Thanks for calling. Bye for now.
I have to let you go now.
I have another call coming through. I better run.
I'm afraid that's my other line.
I'll talk to you again soon. Bye.
1.hello,is this 4474716? 喂,是4474716号吗? 2.id like to speak to mr.wang. 我想和王先生讲话。 3.im sorry.mr.wang is out right now. 对不起,王先生现在不在。 4.may i know when hell be back? 您能告诉我他什么时候回来吗? 5.this is his wife speaking. 我是他的妻子。 6.can i take a message for him? 要我转告吗? 7.may i have your name,please? 请问您是谁? 8.is he available? 他能接电话吗? 9.ill just find out for you. 我给您看看他在不在? 10.hello,are you still there? 喂,您没挂断吧? 11.who is that speaking? 请问您是谁? 12.im so sorry that i made such an early phone call. 对不起我这么早打电话。 13.who do you wish to talk to? 您要找谁呀? 14.is sue james in? 休·詹姆斯在吗? 15.hello!is sue there? 喂!是休吗? 16.yes,speaking. 是的,我就是。 dialogue a a:hello? b:hello.is this 4474716?id like to speak to mr.wang,please? a:im sorry.mr.wang is out right now. b:may i know when hell be back? a:i dont know,but he will certainly be back for lunch.this is his wife speaking.can i take a message for him? b:thank you,mrs.wang.please tell him to be at the airport one hour before tomorrow afternoon. a:very good.ill let him know as soon as he comes back.but,may i have your name,please? b:this is lin ming.thank you.bye. a:good-bye. dialogue b a:good morning. b:good morning.this is li gang here im calling from new york in america. a:how can i help you? b:im trying to get hold of mr.chen.is he available? a:ill just find out for you,sir… hello,are you still there? unfortunately,mr.chen is not available at the moment.would you like me to put you through to mr.li? b:yes,please.thats very kind of you. a:youre welcome. dialogue c (a:jane b:mary c:sue) a:hello! b:hello! good morning.who is that speaking? a:its jane.im so sorry that i made such an early phone call. b:its nothing.who do you wish to talk to? a:is sue james in? b:sue!jane wants you on the phone. a:hello!is sue there? c:yes,speaking. a:oh,sorry,im afraid i wont attend the meeting this morning.last night i had a sore throat and i started getting bot. c:do you have a temperature?have you taken it? a:no,havent yet. c:dont worry about the meeting.youd better go to see a doctor.i wish you will soon be well. a:thank you,sue.bye. b:bye. words and expressions availablea.可得到的,可达到的 airportn.机场,航空站 new yorkn.纽约 unfortunatelyad.不幸地,遗憾地 welcomea.受欢迎的 attendvt.出席,参加 sorea.痛的,疼痛发炎的 throatn.咽喉,喉咙 american.美国 see a doctor 看医生,就诊 put through (电话用语)把……接通
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