Naruto Mugen PC Game FAQ
The controls
Directions are as followed it’s like your number pad on your keyboard all Moves are from P1 controls
Ok people are still having trouble with the direction so here’s a picture to help
This is your num pad!
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
4 = backwards
6 = forwards
8 = up
2 = down
9(8+6) = up/forward
7(8+4) = up/backward
1(2+4) =down/backwards
3(2+6) = down/forward
+ = Something and something at the same time ex. D+C means hit D and C at the same time.
_ = mean something or something Ex. A_Z you can hit A or Z to do this
, = that mean something then something Ex 2,6,A means for you to hit 2 then 6 then A for it to work
Bold = Anything In Bold Means To Hold The Button Ex. A means Hold A
The Buttons
A = hard punch
S = high kick4682
D = Dash
Z = fast punch
X = low kick
C = combo punch/kick
E = enter button
The Fighters
Ok Time for my first character its not in any order its just what I got to first I will go through all of them in time and if I missed and move or anything let me know thank you.