对父母的爱是一种特殊的爱。像其他真诚的爱一样,这种有必须是诚实的并且是父母与子女双方分享的。子女与自己的父母分享快乐和悲伤。父母之爱在子女的生活中起着巨大的支撑作用。她伴随着他们并帮助他们克服所有的困难,让他们感到安全,而子女对父母的爱是对父母最好的报答。 The love of friends is always important to us. There is hardly anyone who can live without friends. When we grow up and leave home, friends take the place of parents. The love of friends may also endure for all of our lives. Even though we may not have the opportunity to visit each other, it may be kept alive many years by correspondence.朋友的爱对我们很重要。几乎没人生活中没有朋友。当我们长大后离开家,朋友就代替了父母的位置。朋友的爱在我们的一生中也能长存。即使我们没有机会互相走访,但我们可以通信,而使这种爱保持多年。