

答案:2  悬赏:60  手机版
解决时间 2021-03-01 12:59
我给你做了一遍,21题 我改了。
1. Jim did well in swimming when he wasyoung.
Jim _was___ __good__ __at__ swimming whenhe was young.
2.I often borrow some books from my uncle.
My uncle often __lends__ some books _to____me___.
3.Please give this book to your brother.
Please __give__ _your___ _brother___ thisbook.
4. My grandfather fishes with his friends every Sunday.
My grandfather __goes_____ __fishing______ with his friends everySunday.
5. Millie is a good swimmer.
Millie is good ___at________ _swimming__________.
6. It’s time for school now.
___It’s___ __time______ __to______ ____go______to______ school now.
7. My sister would like to become a doctorin the future.
My sister __wants______ ____to_____ ___become_____a doctor in the future.
8. Tom is ten. Kate is eleven.
Tom is _younger___ _than___ Kate.
9. Li Lei is heavier than the other two.
Li Lei is __the__ __heaviest__ of thethree.
10. Can I help you?
__What__ _can___ I _do___ for you?
11. Mr. Li is the oldest teacher in theschool.
Mr. Li is older than all _the___ __other__teachers in the school.
12. Perhaps she is at school today.
She _may___ _be___ at school today.
13. We can finish the work alone.
We can finish the work _all___ _by___ _ourselves___.
14. She often helps her mother do thehousework.
She often _helps___ her mother __with__the housework.
15. I can look after the baby.
I can _take___ _care___ __of__ the baby.
16. May I borrow your knife, please?
Could you please __lend__ your knife _to___me, please?
17. What is your plan for lunch?
What _do______ you __want______ __to_____eat for lunch?
18. My father likes carrots best.
__Carrots____ are my __father’s______ __favorites______.
19. There are over ten books in my bag.
There are ___more_____ __than______ tenbooks in my bag.
20. Daniel plays computer games very well.
Daniel ____does____ __well______ ___in_____ __playing_______computer games.
21. She doesn’t want to drink milk now.
She doesn’t _____ ____ milk now. 【She wouldn’tlike to drink milk now.】或【She doesn't feel like drinking milk now.】
22. It’s time for our lunch.
It’s time __to__ _have___ __our__ lunch.
23. I’m sure the red blouse is Lily’s .
The red blouse __must______ __be_______ ___Lily’s______
24. I go shopping after I watch a film.
I watch a film ___before______ I goshopping.
25. I don’t know what I will wear today.
I don’t know __what_____ ____to___ __wear_____today.
26. She always has no time.
She __is_____ always ___busy______.
27. I didn’t have a rest. I went onwriting.
I went on writing _without___ a rest.
28. We shouldn’t watch TV for a long time
We shouldn’t watch ___too_____ _much________TV.
29. Lin Tao runs faster than the other twoboys.
Lin Tao runs _fastest___ of the _three___boys.
30. Please e-mail me soon!
Please _write_______ ___an_____ e-mail tome soon!
31. I bought this dictionary for 58 yuan.
I _paid___ 58 yuan _for___ thisdictionary.
32. What’s the matter with him?
What’s wrong____ _with___ _you___?
33. We hope you can enjoy the fashion show.
We hope you can __have_____ ___a____ ____good___ __time_____ at the fashion show.
34. Math is more difficult than physics.
Physics is __less__ difficult than math.
Physics isn’t _as___ _difficult___ _as___math.
35. I can help my father with the farmwork, or my brother can help him with it.
__Either__ my brother _or___ I __can__ __help__my father with the farm work.
36. My father is working here. My uncle isalso working here.
_Both___ my father _and___ my uncle _are____working___ __here__.
37. Jim doesn’t know how he can swim.
Jim doesn’t know __how__ __to__ _swim___.
38. Hangzhouis very famous, because of its beautiful West Lake.
Hangzhou is_famous___ _for___ __its__ beautiful West Lake.
39. Bruce will have to go back to Beijing next week.
Bruce will have to _return___ __to__ __Beijing__next week.
40. He lent me a ruler last week.
I _borrowed___ a ruler __from__ him lastweek.
41. I want to say thanks to you because yousend me so many beautiful cards.
Thank you __for________ ____sending______me so many beautiful cards.
42. Shall we go out for a walk?
What about ___going______ ___out______ fora walk?
43. Mary doesn’t know much about China.
Mary __knows__ _little___ about China.
44. His father took a plane to the USA three daysago.
Three days ago his father _by___ __plane__the USA.
45. Every one of us had a nice time lastnight.
_Each___ of us __had__ __fun__ last night.
46. What do you think of my new school?
__How______ __do_______ ___you______ ___like______your new school?
47. He likes walking to the park with hisfriends at the weekend.
He likes going to the park ___on_____ __foot_______with his friends at the weekend.
48. I need vitamins to stay healthy.
I need vitamins to __keep________ __healthy/fit________.
49. How many hours does Kitty dance everyday?
__How______ _long_______ does Kitty danceevery day?
50. How is the weather in Nanjing?
__What’s__ the weather __like__ in Nanjing?
he likes green best(同义句) his favorite/ favourite color/ colour is green we are going to the shop tomorrow?(对 the shop划线提问) where are you going tomorrow ? he wants to play the piano this afternoon.(对the piano划线提问) what does he want to play this afternoon. 改错题: everyone 【has】 a lot of fun at lily's birthday party. everyone 不定代词作主语动词用单数 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*) 不明白的再问哟,请及时采纳,多谢!
大家好 有没有懂紫砂壶的 给看看这是什么年代
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